Magnatune Integration

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at
Tue Jun 13 17:44:21 UTC 2006

I have tried my hand at creating a patch of my magnatune preview browser
prototype against revision 551052.

To use this it is nessecary to download this file to /tmp :

It is a binary patch as it includes an image, but should work. The
functionalyty is basically what you see in the screenshot in my original

The code is not very well integrated at the moment but I am talking to the
masterminds of the "Dynamic Collections" stuff about how this could be made
a plugin to that. Also I am using a rather slow DOM parser at the moment,
but I am working on a SAX2 one.

Please let me know what you think.

- Nikolaj

On 6/6/06, Nikolaj Hald Nielsen <nhnfreespirit at> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm new here, so go easy! :-)
> Just wanted some feedback on a little something I have been working on. I
> started thinking that it would be really cool to integrate previewing and
> purchasing of tracks from magnatune into this software to create a nice
> integrated experience, and, hopefully, attract more people to magnatune.
> the following shows the results of my work so far. all preview tracks from
> magnatune can be added to any playlist, and artist info is shown.
> note, this is not a mockup....
> I posted something simmilar on the Magnatune forums (actually, someone
> there claimed to have forwarded it here, but could not find it) and got a
> reply from John at magnatune that encouraged me to continue workig on this.
> I have also psted to the amaroK development forum, but it sems like not many
> people read that.
> Please let me know what you think.
> Nikolaj
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