100% CPU usage with SVN trunk

David R. Litwin presently42 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 18 04:30:47 UTC 2006

On 17/06/06, Dan Meltzer <hydrogen at notyetimplemented.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 17 June 2006 6:15 am, Mark Kretschmann wrote:
> Possibly related to inotify? I know that it currently can spike to 100% if
> one
> edits files, not sure if this user did it, but it seems possible.

Greetings. I am the user whos problem this is.

I certainly wo't rule out inotify. However, in the backtrace, there
was no mention of inotify. What seems to trigger the QObject: #
timers now exist message is amarok: [ThreadWeaver] Threads in pool:
3 . This preceeds the QObject mayhem. But, let's try to completely
chuck or confirm the inotify: What files are you refering to that
I may have edited? The sound files? If so, do you mean the tags, or
the music itself.? Perhaps you mean another type of file.
I'll be happy to tell you all that I can to get this situation rectified.

Cheers, and thanks.

My appologies. It says right below that the ThreadWeaver forcibly terminated
INotify. I suppose now it depends on which files you refer to. Exellent: A
possible lead!

Cheers yet again.

[ThreadWeaver] Forcibly terminating INotify thread...

—A watched bread-crumb never boils.
—My hover-craft is full of eels.
—[...]and that's the he and the she of it.
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