IRC Channel (Was: Usability Expert inquiry)

Alf B Lervaag alfborge at
Fri Jun 9 20:55:07 UTC 2006

Harald Sitter wrote:
> Anyway, I'd like to invite you to join #amarok at - we 
> usually hang around there 24/7, so if you have questions just come join 
> us :-)

Now if only the channel had less off topic spam like the quizes and
people playing with the bots and what not.

As it is now, I honestly don't see the point in hanging in the channel
when I'm not active myself since it's too hard to separate the on topic
from the off topic.  

I know I'm not the only one with this impression of the channel, and I
know most of you don't care.  But I felt like complaining anyway.

Alf Lervag

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