December 1999 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Dec 1 06:21:37 GMT 1999
Ending: Fri Dec 31 12:52:05 GMT 1999
Messages: 382
- Linux and Threads
Ray A. Akey
- Linux and Threads
Ray A. Akey
Dawit Alemayehu
- Support for subdirectories
Roberto Alsina
- Extern exec.
Roberto Alsina
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Roberto Alsina
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Jon Anderson
- still buggy
Joachim Ansorg
- debugger patch
Joachim Ansorg
- kdevelop can't load kdevelop.kdevprj ;-)
Joachim Ansorg
- new FAQ entry: several Qt versions(was: Re: Ghost points in small app & question about using qt 2.0.1 libs.)
Joachim Ansorg
- memory leak detection
Richard Apodaca
- wish item
Matthew E. Baker
- remove
Bill Barnes
- bugs
Joshua Bauguss
- SUGGESTION: Bookmarks are all wrong! Gone horribly wrong. (long rant)
Daniel Beckham
- What is this: Only Six Days Left
Daniel Beckham
- SUGGESTION: Bookmarks are all wrong! Gone horribly wrong.(long rant)
Daniel Beckham
- SUGGESTION: Bookmarks are all wrong! Gone horribly wrong.(long rant)
Daniel Beckham
- white noise
Daniel Beckham
- What is going on ?
Daniel Beckham
- Linux and Threads
Daniel Beckham
- Wish list
Douglas C. Beethe
- KDevelop web site DOWN
Jim W. Bennett
- c++reference
Jim W. Bennett
- compiling kdk
Jelle Boomstra
- white noise
Ken Brakey
- white noise
Ken Brakey
- Qt-1.4 (libraries) not found
Ken Brakey
- What is going on ? and RPM question
Ken Brakey
- Qt-1.4 (libraries) not found
Ken Brakey
- installation diappointment
Ken Brakey
- new FAQ entry: several Qt versions(was: Re: Ghost points in small app & question about using qt 2.0.1 libs.)
Ken Brakey
- installation diappointment
Ken Brakey
- QT Problems.....
Ken Brakey
- CPPFLAGS and Compiler options
J. 'FIK' Brand
- What is this: Only Six Days Left
Falk Brettschneider
- white noise
Falk Brettschneider
- Support for subdirectories
Falk Brettschneider
- KDevelop without mouse
Falk Brettschneider
- white noise
Falk Brettschneider
- A-N-N-O-U-N-C-E: QextMDI-0.4 out now!
Falk Brettschneider
- What is going on ?
Falk Brettschneider
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Falk Brettschneider
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Falk Brettschneider
- Compiling
Falk Brettschneider
- KDevelop2 base?
Falk Brettschneider
- new FAQ entry: several Qt versions(was: Re: Ghost points in small app & question about using qt 2.0.1 libs.)
Falk Brettschneider
- A-N-N-O-U-N-C-E: QextMDI-1.0beta1 out now!
Falk Brettschneider
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Falk Brettschneider
- QT Problems.....
Chris Cable
- Compiler-Errors
Henric Carlsson
- Large delay in HP-UX
Helio Chissini de Castro
- Patch for a Project>New Class
Benoit Cerrina
- Linker and doc problems
Benoit Cerrina
- Slots in derived classes
Benoit Cerrina
- Ansi-C++-Errors
Benoit Cerrina
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Benoit Cerrina
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Benoit Cerrina
- Opening files
Benoit Cerrina
- File open patch
Benoit Cerrina
- vi-mode possible? or planned?
Benoit Cerrina
- [Fwd: KDevelop 1.0]
Benoit Cerrina
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Benoit Cerrina
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Benoit Cerrina
- Patch for KDevelop to allow using of Ht://Dig as search engine
Benoit Cerrina
- Wish: xemacs als Editor einbinden
Benoit Cerrina
- ANNOUNCE: KDevelop 1.0
Christian Couder
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Christian Couder
- FAQ/Known/Status issues page
Christian Couder
- KDE web pages
Christian Couder
- Proposals for the planned FAQ
Christian Couder
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Christian Couder
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Christian Couder
- Patch for KDevelop to allow using of Ht://Dig as search engine
Christian Couder
- Patch for KDevelop to allow using of Ht://Dig as search engine
Christian Couder
- MoveWidget
Christian Couder
- need help with getting kdevelop to recognize qt and kde libs
Stefan Heidrich - DI
- How to step into a running project under cvs?
Thomas Fromm - DI
- script for ugly patching
Richard Dale
- KDevelop with Qt2.x and Qt1.44
Mr. Data
- Linker and doc problems
Mr. Data
- somehow OT
Mr. Data
- new FAQ entry: several Qt versions
Mr. Data
- cannot compile kdevelop
Bhola N De
- What is going on ?
Dusan Djordjevic
- Nice Bug in KDK 1.0
Dusan Djordjevic
- remove
Lasha Dolidze
- QT Documentation Crashes
Kenny G. Dubuisson
- Version 1.0 quite buggy
Matthias Duesterhoeft
- Swallowing a console in the tools section
Core Dump
- OFF TOPIC: libc, glibc, etc.
Core Dump
- Debugger Patch Bug
Oliver Eichler
- Debugger Patch Bug
Oliver Eichler
- memory leak detection
Oliver Eichler
- QT-2.0?
- Solved Bug - Namespaces - Manual Patch in this Mailtext!
Tobias Erbsland
- Sorry, namespaced bug is already fixed!
Tobias Erbsland
- Classparser: Class in Namespace?
Tobias Erbsland
- More Bug's in the classparser...
Tobias Erbsland
- Bug report.
Pau Estalella
- QT document
- How to get the animation affect like Kpanel?
Tian Feng
- Resouce setting (size, color, etc)
Tian Feng
- Distance between menu items
Tian Feng
- New Wishlist Item : Adding of multiple new files to a project
Rick Flower
- New Wishlist Item : Adding of multiple new files to a project
Rick Flower
- Compile-errors after adding a new dialog to project
Matto Fransen
- Proposals for the planned FAQ
Thomas Fromm
- KDE web pages
Thomas Fromm
- KDE web pages
Thomas Fromm
- Proposals for the planned FAQ
Thomas Fromm
- Proposals for the planned FAQ
Thomas Fromm
- What is going on ?
Bernd Gehrmann
- Compiling
Bernd Gehrmann
- problem : kdevelop on FreeBSD
Bernd Gehrmann
- Wish item
Bernd Gehrmann
- Compiling
Klaus Gillarek
- Compiling
Klaus Gillarek
- Compiling
Klaus Gillarek
- Once again.
Klaus Gillarek
- Once again.
Klaus Gillarek
- Builing KDK 1.0 on HPUX
Klaus Gillarek
- Qt-1.4 (libraries) not found
Andy Gimblett
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Marko Gronroos
- giflib30 problem with kdevelop 1.0 Beta4
Marcus Gruendler
- What will happen with the both 1.x and 2.x trees in the future when KDE 2.0 final is released?
Markus Gustavsson
- problem : kdevelop on FreeBSD
Ilmar S. Habibulin
- BUG ? : kdevelop on FreeBSd 3.3
Ilmar S. Habibulin
- Makefile errors
Ilmar S. Habibulin
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Damien House
- snapshot 11-30-1999: crash adding file
Axel Howind
- Problem on making kdevelop 1.0beta4.1
R. Imura
- Problem on making kdevelop 1.0beta4.1
R. Imura
- QImage::color: Index out of range
Dave Jacobs
- Qt-1.4 (libraries) not found
Anders Finn J�rgensen
- Qt-1.4 (libraries) not found
Anders Finn J�rgensen
- Sorting Files in the Logical File View
Bertram Kaup
- giflib30 problem with kdevelop 1.0 Beta4
Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr.
- Renaming a Class
Martin Kew
- kdesdk with RH6.1
Martin Kew
- vi-mode possible? or planned?
Matthias Kleine
- vi-mode possible? or planned
Matthias Kleine
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Matthias Kleine
- c++reference
Matthias Kleine
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Matthias Kleine
- OFF TOPIC: libc, glibc, etc.
Roland Knall
- What is going on ?
Roland Knall
- c++reference
Roland P. Knall
- Hello!
Roland P. Knall
- Proposals for the planned FAQ
Roland P. Knall
- What is going on ?
Roland Paul Knall
- KDevelop cores when files are added to a project
Holger Knust
- Kdevelop 1.0 crash
Jaakko H Kyro
- KDE und HP-UX
- Opening files
Jack Lloyd
- Don't modify Makefiles and
Lubos Lunak
- wish
Martin Lundström
- Kaudio
Serge Lussier
- Kdevelop 1.0 crash
Janne L�hteenm�ki
- Builing KDK 1.0 on HPUX
Thomas Matelich
- ./configure error
Jason McCormick
- Kdevelop 1.0 and FreeBSD
Mike McLean
- What is this: Only Six Days Left
Sandy Meier
- ANNOUNCE: KDevelop 1.0
Sandy Meier
- kdesdk with RH6.1
Sandy Meier
- Configure Error
Sandy Meier
- Version 1.0 quite buggy
Sandy Meier
- Slots in derived classes
Sandy Meier
- icons
Sandy Meier
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Sandy Meier
- FAQ was:Re: Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Sandy Meier
- FAQ/Known/Status issues page
Sandy Meier
- Bug or feature?
Sandy Meier
- No subject
Sandy Meier
- No "Connections" in dialog editor?
Sandy Meier
- FAQ/Known/Status issues page
Sandy Meier
- Vacation
Sandy Meier
- remove
Benjamin Meyer
- Compiler-Errors
Marc Michalewicz
- Compiler-Errors, next one
Marc Michalewicz
- Ansi-C++-Errors
Marc Michalewicz
- Patch for KDevelop to allow using of Ht://Dig as search engine
Alexis Mikhailov
- Patch for KDevelop to allow using of Ht://Dig as search engine
Alexis Mikhailov
- Patch for KDevelop to allow using of Ht://Dig as search engine
Alexis Mikhailov
- Damien is a troll (was: VI/EMACS is stupid!)
Rick Miller
- Help for KProcess
Jean-Paul Miniscloux
- How to step into a running project under cvs?
Werner Modenbach
- Support for subdirectories
Werner Modenbach
- No subject
Werner Modenbach
- Frage zu KDevelop
Christopher Molnar
- KDE web pages
Christopher Molnar
- Kdenetwork
Christopher Molnar
- KDE web pages
Christopher Molnar
- KDE web pages
Christopher Molnar
- Mirror site available (CVS, WEB, FTP, CVSWEB)
Christopher Molnar
- Off Topic ---> Happy new year!
Christopher Molnar
- Appologies
Christopher Molnar
- QT-2.0?
Richard Moore
- KDevelop without mouse
Richard Moore
- Slots in derived classes
Richard Moore
- Configure says it can't find Qt libraries
Neil Murray
- snapshot 11-30-1999: crash adding file
Rene M�rten
- KDevelop & SuSe 6.3
Rene M�rten
- New Wishlist Item : Adding of multiple new files to a project
Rene M�rten
- Configure Error
Rene M�rten
- Nice Bug in KDK 1.0
Rene M�rten
- Qt-1.4 (libraries) not found
Rene M�rten
- ResizeButton-Event
Rene M�rten
- kdk 1.0
Rene M�rten
- Opening files
Rene M�rten
- KCommander 0.60
Rene M�rten
- MoveWidget
Rene M�rten
- kdoc2
Rene M�rten
- flex
Heiko Nardmann
- Slots in derived classes
Thomas Nesges
- Slots in derived classes
Thomas Nesges
- Slots in derived classes
Thomas Nesges
- KDE web pages
Chris Nettleton
- KDE web pages
Chris Nettleton
- KDevelop & SuSe 6.3
Robert Newton
- giflib30 problem with kdevelop 1.0 Beta4
Robert Newton
- [Fwd: KDevelop 1.0]
Ralf Nolden
- [Fwd: Kdevelop]
Ralf Nolden
- Fw: help
Ralf Nolden
- Compiler Options
Thimo Nuehs
- white noise
- Problems with namespaces support
- not able to compile kdesdk
- compile errors on FreeBSD
- problem : kdevelop on FreeBSD
- problem : kdevelop on FreeBSD
- BUG ? : kdevelop on FreeBSd 3.3
- Makefile errors
- flex
Dave Orzechowski
- Problems with Compiling generated Projekt
Florian Paetz
- snapshot 11-30-1999: crash adding file
Martin Piskernig
- file properties dialog
Martin Piskernig
- New Wishlist Item : Adding of multiple new files to a project
Martin Piskernig
Martin Piskernig
- Making Distributions
Martin Piskernig
- Nice Bug in KDK 1.0
Martin Piskernig
- No subject
Martin Piskernig
- not able to compile kdesdk
Martin Piskernig
- somehow OT
Martin Piskernig
- Vacation
Martin Piskernig
- not able to compile kdesdk
J. Preiß
- KDE 2.0, KConfig
J. Preiß
- KDE Libs docs not found
Milos Prudek
- installation diappointment
Milos Prudek
- installation diappointment
Milos Prudek
- installation diappointment
Milos Prudek
- installation diappointment
Milos Prudek
- What is going on ?
Mathias Puetz
- What is going on ? and RPM question
Mathias Puetz
- What is going on ?
Mathias Puetz
- Linux and Threads
Mathias Puetz
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Mathias Puetz
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Mathias Puetz
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Mathias Puetz
- Opening files and DOC treeview
Mathias Puetz
- FAQ/Known/Status issues page
Mathias Puetz
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Mathias Puetz
- FAQ/Known/Status issues page
Mathias Puetz
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Mathias Puetz
- Proposals for the planned FAQ
Mathias Puetz
- Once again.
Thomas Regner
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
- Wish: xemacs als Editor einbinden
Ingo Renner
- KDevelop2 base?
Tilo Riemer
- QT Documentation Crashes
- KDevelop & SuSe 6.3
- QT Documentation Crashes
- Compile-errors after adding a new dialog to project
- Compile-errors after adding a new dialog to project
- installation diappointment
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
Serge Robyns
- KDevelop V1.0 Bugs
Micko Roland
- AW: KDevelop V1.0 Bugs
Micko Roland
- AW: Slots in derived classes
Micko Roland
- Lame question :)
Andrzej Roszkowski
- icons
George Russell
- icons
George Russell
- Wish item
Nigel Sale
- Cration of a new project
Oreste Salerno
- Hello!
Michele Santucci
- flex
Andrea Scaggiante
- The same problem
Andrea Scaggiante
- The same problem
Andrea Scaggiante
- The same problem :llornkcor solution
Andrea Scaggiante
- AW: Damien is a troll (was: VI/EMACS is stupid!)
Andreas Schulz
- AW: QT document
Enrico Schulz
- kdoc2
Enrico Schulz
- No subject
Wolfgang Schulz
- Excuse
Roland Schäfer
Roland Schäfer
- script for ugly patching
Roland Schäfer
- Test
Roland Schäfer
- Bug or feature?
Dmitry Semenov
- Namespace
Dmitry Semenov
- Bug or feature?
Dmitry Semenov
- here
Dmitry Semenov
- Namespace
Dmitry Semenov
- Namespaces again. Sorry guys.
Dmitry Semenov
- Kdevelop & HP-UX
Showgan, Haroon
- cannot compile kdevelop
Luke SkyWalker
- Dynamic loading of dialogs ?
Alex Somesan
- KDevelop web site DOWN
Alex Somesan
- Version 1.0 quite buggy
Alex Somesan
- Problems, Questions: classes in namespaces
Achim Spangler
- po and another thing.
Gregor Stipicic
- Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage
Gregor Stipicic
- FAQ/Known/Status issues page
Gregor Stipicic
- Proposals for the planned FAQ
Gregor Stipicic
- KDE web pages
Gregor Stipicic
- Nice Bug in KDK 1.0
W. Tasin
- Adding applications to the KDK
W. Tasin
- Don't know what to download for upgrade
Cherith Tse
- compiling kdk
Cherith Tse
- KDevelop V1.0 Bugs
Gordon Tyler
- need help with getting kdevelop to recognize qt and kde libs
Jeremy Webster
- Ghost points in small app & question about using qt 2.0.1 libs.
Jeremy Webster
- A bug in kdevelop1.0 classview
Lingchong You
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
José Luis Zabalza
- AW: QT document
mchicoix at
- Wish: xemacs als Editor einbinden
mchicoix at
- Problem on making kdevelop 1.0beta4.1
will andrews
- Kdevelop 1.0 and FreeBSD
will andrews
- (FreeBSD) FW: cvs commit: ports/devel/kdevelop-i18n - Imported sources
will andrews
- c++reference
patrick buyze
- install problems
benjamin j collar
- install went better
benjamin j collar
- More problems
benjamin j collar
- new FAQ entry: several Qt versions(was: Re: Ghost points in small app & question about using qt 2.0.1 libs.)
benjamin j collar
- No subject
- What is going on ?
- What is going on ?
- Ghost points in small app & question about using qt 2.0.1 libs.
- No "Connections" in dialog editor?
jiva at
- Compiler-Errors
- giflib30 problem with kdevelop 1.0 Beta4
pierre.monlong at
- Frage zu KDevelop
Oliver.Kowalke at
- Adding applications to the KDK
ian reinhart geiser
- Don't know what to download for upgrade
- debugger patch
- Nice Bug in KDK 1.0
- Nice Bug in KDK 1.0
- not able to compile kdesdk
- Debugging sessions (was Re: Source subdirectories dependency problem at link stage)
- Debugger Patch Bug
- Debugger Patch Bug
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
- Once again.
- What will happen with the both 1.x and 2.x trees in the future when KDE 2.0 final is released?
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
- installation diappointment
- The same problem
- kdevelop doc entries
- po and another thing.
- Problems with Compiling generated Projekt
- po and another thing.
- v 1.0
- Making Distributions
- icons
- icons
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
- Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)
- scripts/macros?
llornkcor at
- cannot compile kdevelop
- CVS Mirror available
molnarc at
- Test
molnarc at
- FAQ/Known/Status issues page
- Proposals for the planned FAQ
- Making Distributions
nicklara at
- Making Distributions
nicklara at
- Making Distributions
nicklara at
- Tools ?
Jean-Baptiste.Cazier at
- Extern exec.
Jean-Baptiste.Cazier at
- Compile error
lusis at
Last message date:
Fri Dec 31 12:52:05 GMT 1999
Archived on: Fri Nov 29 17:06:28 GMT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).