Interface for other editors (was: vi-mode possible?)

Serge Robyns serge.robyns at
Thu Dec 23 13:41:24 GMT 1999


I couldn't resist to reply (sorry for the waste of the bandwith :( )

Your attidute just shows total ignorance of eigther vi and/or emacs.
I'm a vi rot, but recently switched over to emacs for it's richer set's of
functions (richer than vi).
What I like about a programmers editor is that I can work without having to
loose my time on
grabbing the mouse between my typing.
And on top of that both editors have for example fowerfull search & replace
with can use regular expressions.
If you ever tried to learn one of the two editors (don't stick to your own way
of doing things)
and code a huge lot of code you would start to appricaite powerful editors.
Because it is totally not ergonomical to have to switch constantly between
your mouse and
your keyboard, unless you just type with one hand, and then, well learn to
type.... :)

And besides this, try to respect people whom may (have for sure) more
experience than
yours and whatch your language.

So think first act then and learn from others!

Damien House wrote:

> WHY!!!!
> VI is stupid!
> EMACS is stupid!
> Get with the program!
> (sorry for the attitude, i just think people that want to stick to the old
> way of doing things are old farts that have to much time to memorize stupid
> key strokes and need to learn how to use the mouse)
> damien
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