
Roland P. Knall Roland.Knall at gmx.net
Tue Dec 21 22:26:26 GMT 1999

Am Tue, 21 Dec 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Hi there,
> Does anyone know where to put the c++reference files on a redhat 6.1 system.
> I tried to put it in /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/kdevelop/reference 
> also tried /opt/kde/share/etc etc etc.
> Dit not work either.
> Thank You
> Ciao Pat

I just "fixed" a funny bug on my RH6.1 system. Seems to be similair to yours.
It appears to me, although KDK1.0a installs all Manual Files of KDevelop under
/usr/share/doc/"language"/kdevelop, the programm itself is earching for them
under /usr/doc/kde/"language"/kdevelop. I have made some symlinks for German
and English to fix it, but if this is a bug, someone should fix it, although it
is not aweful. To get your problem, /usr/doc/kde/en/kdevelop or
/usr/doc/kde/default/kdevelop seems to be the place you want it.

CU Roland

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