Builing KDK 1.0 on HPUX

Klaus Gillarek klgill at gmx.de
Sun Dec 26 21:46:21 GMT 1999

Thomas Matelich schrieb in einer persoenlichen Nachricht ueber "Builing KDK
1.0 on HPUX":
> I am quite perplexed.  I don't know what changes were made between beta
> 2 and the final release of KDevelop, but there is no moc-ing going on in
> any of the code.  I ran configure and detected no errors.  There were no
> errors during my build until link time when I got the familiar
> unsatisfied symbol: class XXX virtual table.  There are no .moc.cpp
> files anywhere.  Advice?

A little off topic.
What did you do mit glibc depencies on your machine or had you build

  ith best regards

  Klaus Gillarek                 klgill at gmx.de
                                 Klaus.Gillarek at gfk.de

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