Large delay in HP-UX

Helio Chissini de Castro heliocastro at
Wed Dec 8 13:40:52 GMT 1999


I finally compiled KDevelop 1.0 in HP-UX ( almost all KDK, just can't
compile KTranslator ) and all works well.
But my project is a bit huge ( with almost 40 headers ), and this made
the refreshing of class browser painfull. Every time i change e save
some .h file, it took abou 3 minutes to make the parse and rebuild class
browser. Every Time!
I'm was looking for a way to bypass automatic refresh or such similar,
but i can't find..

A second annoyance ( not a bug really ), is that my project has some
files that are in another directory not same of the main project, and
KDevelop not allw me to use the files in thei original location. I had a
small problem until i discover that files are copied to my project
folder and i trying compile with the original besides i was modifying
the copy... No to say that my modifications never works.... :( After
that, i decide took away this files from the project, just using the
editor to edit the files.

By the way, i'm not tested all function, but KDevelop is a wonderfull
tool. Even i use him to compila with HP compiler aCC and works well..

Thanks in advance

Helio Castro

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