memory leak detection

Richard Apodaca apodaca at
Thu Dec 30 19:06:39 GMT 1999


I was wondering how KDevelop supports memory leak detection, either
by itself or with the aid of a helper-app.  I'm very new to KDE development, so
any insight would be helpful.

I've tried using LeakTracer with KDevelop, but with no success.  I followed the
instructions given at:

What I tried:
1) run make in the LeakTracer directory.
2) move both and LeakTracer.o to the source directory of my
3) set compiler options to -g.
4) set linker options->additional libraries to LinkTracer.o

When I try to rebuild my project, i get the following error:

gmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `LinkTracer.o', needed by `test'.  Stop.

In my source directory LinkTracer.o was gone.


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