Qt-1.4 (libraries) not found

Rene M�rten delta_x at linuxcoding.de
Thu Dec 9 23:08:36 GMT 1999

Am Thu, 09 Dec 1999 schrieben Sie:
> I got this error messages every time I try to generate a new projet (KDE
> and qt) in the app. wizard. 
> I have the correct qt libraries installed (qt-1.44 not qt 2.0.), I use Suse
> 6.2,  KDeveloper 1.0 ( I got the same problem in the beta version)
> I have looked in the mailing list, but to no use.
> Can some body help and explain what's wrong and how to solve the problem?
Kind Regards

Rene Maerten
E-Mail: Delta_X at LinuxCoding.de
Home:   http://www.LinuxCoding.de
Telephone: +49-3328-305200
Don't buy Windows Beta 2000, just try Linux !

please install the qtdevel-package on your system, than you will be happy !

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