April 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Apr 1 05:17:14 UTC 2013
Ending: Tue Apr 30 23:07:59 UTC 2013
Messages: 361
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5.0.3 and 1.2.3 Desktop Clients
Sergi Almacellas Abellana
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5.0.3 and 1.2.3 Desktop Clients
Sergi Almacellas Abellana
- [Owncloud] Integrating libosync/libowncloudsync.so in a Qt windows client
Sverre Aleksandersen
- [Owncloud] Integrating libosync/libowncloudsync.so in a Qt windows client
Sverre Aleksandersen
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Holger Angenent
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Holger Angenent
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] filescache concept for large sites
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Disk useage
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Is it possible for a file's parent storage to be different from its own storage?
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Is it possible for a file's parent storage to be different from its own storage?
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Filesize > 2 Go download
Benjamin Arntzen
- [Owncloud] Renaming Folders via Sync-Client
Luis Azevedo
- [Owncloud] Improved calendar app to give email sending capability when calendar event is shared
Visitha Baddegama
- [Owncloud] Use ownCloud news app API to sync news app with a mobile application
Visitha Baddegama
- [Owncloud] Integrating libosync/libowncloudsync.so in a Qt windows client
Soap Black
- [Owncloud] How is csync used in owncloud
Soap Black
- [Owncloud] registration
Pedro Maldonado Blasco
- [Owncloud] Update 5.0.0 --> 5.0.3
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Demo database issues
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Bookmark import and sync
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] registration
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Windows Phone 8 App
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] ownCloud/openSUSE collaboration for GSoC 2013
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Delete groups
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Delete groups
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Delete groups
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] [core] Converting styling of all internal apps, Settings and core ownCloud from em to px. (#2143)
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] [core] Converting styling of all internal apps, Settings and core ownCloud from em to px. (#2143)
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Branding OC
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Branding OC
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] quality control / user forums
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Vote for ownCloud!
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Tasks App to Thunderbird
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Timo Brandt
- [Owncloud] Redirect www.owncloud.org-> https://owncloud.com
Randolph Carter
- [Owncloud] OC5 REST API
Randolph Carter
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Randolph Carter
- [Owncloud] ubuntu apt-get upgrade
- [Owncloud] ubuntu apt-get upgrade
- [Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] OC5 REST API
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] path of images in css not resolved correctly
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] path of images in css not resolved correctly
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] ownCloud/openSUSE collaboration for GSoC 2013
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] owncloud 5.0.0 search [closed]
Jörn Friedrich Dreyer
- [Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] [calendar] entries are misaligned after upgrade to 5.0 (#10)
Georg Ehrke
- [Owncloud] group admins and user creation privilege
Andreas Ergenzinger
- [Owncloud] https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/2291#issuecomment-14900368
Markus Freischlad
- [Owncloud] Nightly Builds of ownCloud Sync Client
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Crashes on Windows - please test nightly builds.
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.4
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] How is csync used in owncloud
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Nightlies: Start your day with a fresh....
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Any alternative for the csync engine
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Announcement: The "ownCloud Test Pilots"
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Announcement: The "ownCloud Test Pilots"
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.5
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Issue tracker for 3rdparty repository?
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] How to brand OC
Cevin Gauthier
- [Owncloud] Branding OC
Cevin Gauthier
- [Owncloud] guest account(s)...
Karim Geiger
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Karim Geiger
- [Owncloud] Upload limit set to 513Mb
Andre Gemuend
- [Owncloud] Redirect www.owncloud.org-> https://owncloud.com
Drew Gibson
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Drew Gibson
- [Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5
Drew Gibson
- [Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5
Drew Gibson
- [Owncloud] Folders with active directory mapping
Drew Gibson
- [Owncloud] My owncloud seems to be stuck in maintenance mode
Chris Green
- [Owncloud] My owncloud seems to be stuck in maintenance mode
Chris Green
- [Owncloud] Public folder
Gunnar Groetschel
- [Owncloud] log file says: "source not found for:" and produces 5GB in 2h
Gunnar Groetschel
- [Owncloud] Demo database issues
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] Demo database issues
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] Demo database issues
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] demo is not working
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] own cloud win shares mapping
Torsten Grote
- [Owncloud] How much data.
Michael Göhler
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.5
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] What is with the encryption for OC5???
Nico nch. Haslberger
- [Owncloud] Delete groups
Andreas Hechenberger
- [Owncloud] apache reverse proxy with ssl offload not possible (possible security problem)
Stefan Herbrechtsmeier
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Jürgen Herrmann
- [Owncloud] How is csync used in owncloud
Qingping Hou
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Qingping Hou
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Qingping Hou
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Qingping Hou
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Qingping Hou
- [Owncloud] Update 5.0.0 --> 5.0.3
Christian Hügel
- [Owncloud] Updater app
Christian Hügel
- [Owncloud] Updater app
Christian Hügel
- [Owncloud] Delete groups
Christian Hügel
- [Owncloud] Delete groups
Christian Hügel
- [Owncloud] Folders with active directory mapping
- [Owncloud] OC5 REST API
Morris Jobke
- [Owncloud] Issue handling
Morris Jobke
- [Owncloud] Filesize > 2 Go download
Morris Jobke
- [Owncloud] Upload limit set to 513Mb
Morris Jobke
- [Owncloud] Versioning problem
Morris Jobke
- [Owncloud] Translations Team
Mathias Johansson
- [Owncloud] Announcement: The "ownCloud Test Pilots"
Mathias Johansson
- [Owncloud] Is it possible for a file's parent storage to be different from its own storage?
Sarah Jones
- [Owncloud] Is it possible for a file's parent storage to be different from its own storage?
Sarah Jones
- [Owncloud] Issue tracker for 3rdparty repository?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Enhancing WebDAV
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] 5.0.3 RC1
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5.0.3 and 1.2.3 Desktop Clients
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Owncloud Version Policy
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] OC5 REST API
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4, 4.5.9 and 4.0.14
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Windows Phone 8 App
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Any alternative for the csync engine
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] quality control / user forums
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 and 4.5.10
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] What is with the encryption for OC5???
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] News app Beta 1 released
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Dirk Kastens
- [Owncloud] Upload limit set to 513Mb
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] Upload limit set to 513Mb
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] Versioning problem
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] Disk useage
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] Disk useage
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] File Version'ing help
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] Demo database issues
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] Demo database issues
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] How much data.
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] updating 5.0.4 to 5.0.5 with Updater
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Vince D. Kimball
- [Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5
Philipp Kosar
- [Owncloud] guest account(s)...
Christopher Kreitz
- [Owncloud] filescache concept for large sites
Andrzej Kwiatkowski
- [Owncloud] How much data.
Thibaut Lapierre
- [Owncloud] Owncloud Version Policy
Doc Long
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Gwenael Luneau
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5.0.3 and 1.2.3 Desktop Clients
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Branding OC
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Branding OC
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Filesystem cache update
Christophe M
- [Owncloud] Filesize > 2 Go download
Christophe M
- [Owncloud] Filesize > 2 Go download
Christophe M
- [Owncloud] How to include csync in a Qt project
Ibrahim MAATKI
- [Owncloud] How to include csync in a Qt project
Ibrahim MAATKI
- [Owncloud] Any alternative for the csync engine
Ibrahim MAATKI
- [Owncloud] Any alternative for the csync engine
Ibrahim MAATKI
- [Owncloud] Synchronization class
Ibrahim MAATKI
- [Owncloud] Synchronization process in mirall
Ibrahim MAATKI
- [Owncloud] How is csync used in owncloud
Ibrahim Maatki
- [Owncloud] How is csync used in owncloud
Ibrahim Maatki
- [Owncloud] Update 5.0.0 --> 5.0.3
Bjorn Madsen
- [Owncloud] ubuntu apt-get upgrade
Bjorn Madsen
- [Owncloud] ubuntu apt-get upgrade
Bjorn Madsen
- [Owncloud] ubuntu apt-get upgrade
Bjorn Madsen
- [Owncloud] owncloud 5.x update kills data
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Joseph Marrero
- [Owncloud] Update 5.0.0 --> 5.0.3
Jean-François Mauguit
- [Owncloud] Owncloud Version Policy
- [Owncloud] can't mount Gdrive and Dropbox on Godaddy host
- [Owncloud] group admins and user creation privilege
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
- [Owncloud] Bookmark import and sync
Lau Mig
- [Owncloud] release info of desktop client is not aligned to download page
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.3
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.4
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.4
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Any alternative for the csync engine
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] owncloud Client Update notification
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Nicolas Mora
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Nicolas Mora
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Nicolas Mora
- [Owncloud] Questions about the ldap access
Nicolas Mora
- [Owncloud] Sip/ internet call field in contacts
Nicolas Mora
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] owncloud-client RPM for RHEL
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.4
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] Fwd: owncloud 5.x update kills data
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud Impress.js App Problems
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Improved calendar app to give email sending capability when calendar event is shared
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?
Stefan Nagtegaal
- [Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?
Stefan Nagtegaal
- [Owncloud] [core] Converting styling of all internal apps, Settings and core ownCloud from em to px. (#2143)
Stefan Nagtegaal
- [Owncloud] [core] Converting styling of all internal apps, Settings and core ownCloud from em to px. (#2143)
Stefan Nagtegaal
- [Owncloud] Branding OC
Stefan Nagtegaal
- [Owncloud] ownCloud/openSUSE collaboration for GSoC 2013
Raghu Nayyar
- [Owncloud] Branding OC
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] Announcement: The "ownCloud Test Pilots"
- [Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] log file says: "source not found for:" and produces 5GB in 2h
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] registration
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Upload limit set to 513Mb
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] quality control / user forums
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] quality control / user forums
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] [Unofficial Announcement] News app hits beta milestone
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] News app beta delayed
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Any benefit of php v5.4 instead of 5.3?
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] News app Beta 1 released
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] News app Beta 1 released
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Enhancing WebDAV
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] Enhancing WebDAV
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] Any benefit of php v5.4 instead of 5.3?
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] some notes about GSoC
- [Owncloud] Update 5.0.0 --> 5.0.3
Sven Radde
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Question about IDNs
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Again and again: Version control when installing an app
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Question: register app script in guest view
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] [calendar] entries are misaligned after upgrade to 5.0 (#10)
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] News app Beta 1 released
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] News app Beta 1 released
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] quality control / user forums
Erwin Rennert
- [Owncloud] group admins and user creation privilege
Erwin Rennert
- [Owncloud] Owncloud Version Policy
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] Updater app
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] Security: Change your PostgreSQL database password
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Security Advisories (2013-017, 2013-018)
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Carsten Ringe
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Carsten Ringe
- [Owncloud] Automatically do a daily import of ics file
George Ruinelli
- [Owncloud] SSL handshake error for Mac client
Ilyas Sapiyan
- [Owncloud] SSL handshake error for Mac client
Ilyas Sapiyan
- [Owncloud] pyowncloud and owncloudClient
Craig Sawyer
- [Owncloud] How is csync used in owncloud
Craig Sawyer
- [Owncloud] filescache concept for large sites
Craig Sawyer
- [Owncloud] How to include csync in a Qt project
Craig Sawyer
- [Owncloud] 0.3 release of pyOwncloud (python owncloud client).
Craig Sawyer
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.5
Craig Sawyer
- [Owncloud] Issue tracker for 3rdparty repository?
Benjamin Schieder
- [Owncloud] Issue tracker for 3rdparty repository?
Benjamin Schieder
- [Owncloud] Versioning problem
Bjoern Schiessle
- [Owncloud] quality control / user forums
Andre Schild
- [Owncloud] 5.0.5 RC1
Andre Schild
- [Owncloud] automatically access of local users and storage in $HOME
André Schild
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 RC1
André Schild
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] 5.0.0 -> 5.0.3 failed "getetag does not exist"
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ubuntu apt-get upgrade
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] How to include csync in a Qt project
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] own cloud win shares mapping
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] What is the function that returns the groups that a user is in?
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] apache reverse proxy with ssl offload not possible (possible security problem)
Phillip Sengel
- [Owncloud] automatically access of local users and storage in $HOME
Adrian Sevcenco
- [Owncloud] Migrate 4.5.5 to 5.0.4
Aren Shank
- [Owncloud] pyowncloud and owncloudClient
- [Owncloud] IMAP was: upgrade from 4.5 to 5.0 lost all files
Mark Symonds
- [Owncloud] Issue tracker for 3rdparty repository?
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Issue tracker for 3rdparty repository?
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Enhancing WebDAV
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Enhancing WebDAV
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Enhancing WebDAV
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] log file says: "source not found for:" and produces 5GB in 2h
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Questions about the ldap access
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] path of images in css not resolved correctly
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Sip/ internet call field in contacts
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Sip/ internet call field in contacts
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Sip/ internet call field in contacts
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Sip/ internet call field in contacts
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.5
Guillaume Turri
- [Owncloud] Enhancing WebDAV
Thomas Uhl
- [Owncloud] Enhancing WebDAV
Thomas Uhl
- [Owncloud] Enhancing WebDAV
Thomas Uhl
- [Owncloud] Public folder
Marco Dalla Vecchia
- [Owncloud] Update 5.0.0 --> 5.0.3
Julius Vekony
- [Owncloud] News app ready to test, we've gone alpha :)
Romain Vrignaud
- [Owncloud] 5.0.0 -> 5.0.3 failed "getetag does not exist"
Martin Walter
- [Owncloud] My owncloud seems to be stuck in maintenance mode
Markus Westerhausen
- [Owncloud] Tasks App to Thunderbird
Daniel Wunderlich
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud Impress.js App Problems
Joseph Yaworski
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud Impress.js App Problems
Jy Yaworski
- [Owncloud] What is the function that returns the groups that a user is in?
Joe Young
- [Owncloud] What is the function that returns the groups that a user is in?
Joe Young
- [Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5
Joe Young
- [Owncloud] release info of desktop client is not aligned to download page
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud desktop installer on Mac OS X
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] updating 5.0.4 to 5.0.5 with Updater
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] demo is not working
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Any benefit of php v5.4 instead of 5.3?
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud Mapping SMB shares
- [Owncloud] own cloud win shares mapping
- [Owncloud] some notes about GSoC
- [Owncloud] Sip/ internet call field in contacts
bert at bertenselena.net
- [Owncloud] Sip/ internet call field in contacts
bert at bertenselena.net
- [Owncloud] Sip/ internet call field in contacts
bert at bertenselena.net
- [Owncloud] Fwd: Re: Sip/ internet call field in contacts
bert at bertenselena.net
- [Owncloud] pyowncloud and owncloudClient
jiun bookworm
- [Owncloud] filesversions: nothing wrote to database
lebowski at corvus.uberspace.de
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.4
- [Owncloud] Bookmark import and sync
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client Release 1.2.4
cloakable at fennec.org.uk
- [Owncloud] Total Failure update 5.0 --> 5.0.3
kadafax at gmail.com
- [Owncloud] Total Failure update 5.0 --> 5.0.3
kadafax at gmail.com
- [Owncloud] guest account(s)...
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
- [Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .
- [Owncloud] can't mount Gdrive and Dropbox on Godaddy host
- [Owncloud] Bookmark import and sync
mail at timo-brandt.de
- [Owncloud] Problem: ownCloud 5 Beta 2 and IIS on Win 7 and Win2008
- [Owncloud] update suggestion not as expected
- [Owncloud] Upload limit set to 513Mb
martijn sas
- [Owncloud] Upload limit set to 513Mb
martijn sas
- [Owncloud] Upload limit set to 513Mb
martijn sas
- [Owncloud] Upload limit set to 513Mb
scroogie at scroogie.de
- [Owncloud] 5.0.4 duplicated folders ?
田邊 英樹
Last message date:
Tue Apr 30 23:07:59 UTC 2013
Archived on: Thu Jan 19 08:44:12 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).