[Owncloud] User data folder names in OC 5

Arthur Schiwon blizzz at owncloud.com
Mon Apr 29 16:57:44 UTC 2013

On 04/24/2013 05:00 PM, Drew Gibson wrote:
> Thanks to all for your input.
> So the UUID is normal and not an artifact of my setup, that helps a lot.
> My main concern is not the actual names of the folders, more that the
> UUID shows up as the username in a number of apps.
> Antivirus uses it for the greeting in notification emails:-
>      "Greetings D066D453-D96D-4D96-B0A5-6EFAA2611F92,"
> User Photo displays the UUID in the dialogue box to change your photo.
> User Account Migation uses it as part of the zip filename.
> Perhaps any app developers reading this might like to do a search and
> replace for "OC_User::getUser()" to OC_User::getDisplayName() in their
> output?
> I have a patch ready for submission to Antivirus and will see what I can
> do with others as I find them.

Yes, the return of getUser() should only be used internally – to 
uniquely identify users. Everywhere where a username is to be displayed 
(either in the web interface, email or whereever) 
OC_User::getDisplayName() must be used.

Pull Requests are welcome :)


> regards,
> Drew
> Philipp Kosar wrote:
>> Hello Drew,
>> i had a similiar problem with the user data directories, but i fixed
>> it with this setting (Using OC 5.0.5)
>> User Login-Filter
>> uid=%uid
>> User Home Folder naming Rule (LDAP Settings ->  Advanced ->  Special
>> Settings)
>> uid
>> In your case it should look like this:
>> User Login-Filter
>> sAMAccountName=%uid
>> User Home Folder Naming Rule
>> sAMAccountName
>> Hopefully it works for you!
>> Am 24.04.13 schrieb Pierre Malard
>> :
>>> Le 23 avr. 2013 à 22:40, Drew Gibson<aggibson at cogeco.ca>  a écrit :
>>>> After deleting OC 4.5 and installing OC 5, the user data directories
>>>> are now named with hex UIDs rather than the user login name that was
>>>> there before.
>>>> Is this expected behaviour?
>>>> This string is also returned by OC_User::getUser() resulting in some
>>>> strange greetings in notification emails and other places.
>>>> e.g.
>>>> data/83C6A05A-EF02-4911-AAAA-48EF868C1167
>>>> data/9CB311DB-D74B-4926-BC7E-94B3B3FE9323
>>>> data/admin
>>>> data/AF4680DB-CF4A-400A-983F-FCF28BD47964
>>>> data/D066D453-D96D-4D96-B0A5-6EFAA2611F92
>>>> I am using the "LDAP user and group backend" app for authentication
>>>> against a Microsoft Active Directory database.
>>>> LDAP settings:
>>>> User Login Filter
>>>> sAMAccountName=%uid
>>>> User List Filter
>>>> objectClass=person
>>>> User Display Name Field
>>>> cn
>>> I had a similar problem when I try to update with our owncloud. Their
>>> is a lot of modifications between 4.5 and 5. OC want to have an UUID
>>> and, if their is not in your LDAP db, it create one. Normaly, you can
>>> force to use a specific field with "User Display Name Field" in
>>> "Advanced/Directory Settings" tab. Is it the case of your "cn"?
>>> regards
>>> ----
>>> Pierre Malard
>>> «- Il n'y a que trois éléments indispensables à la vie.
>>> Et il n'y a que les scientifiques pour penser que
>>> c'est l'oxygène, l'hydrogène et le carbone...
>>> - Quoi alors ? L'eau, l'air et le feu ?
>>> - Non ! Le désir, le désordre et le danger...»
>>> Manon Briand ; La turbulence des fluides
>>> (film québécois de 2001)
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>>> 22PLM::#;y#:#\n#;s#(\D)(\d+)#$1x$2#ge;print'
>>> - -->  Ce message n’engage que son auteur<--
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