[Owncloud] Theming improvements: AngularJS integration for core?

Stefan Nagtegaal development at standoutdesign.nl
Wed Apr 3 09:30:05 UTC 2013

Hey everybody,

I've seen some discussions in the past on the mailing list about using AngularJS for at least the ownCloud-core.
While I am willing to work on anything that speeds up the separation between design vs function (improving themability of ownCloud), this would be a great chance for me to kick in.

However, after reading the AngularJS documentation (1) and the angularJS page on ownCloud's handbook, I have no clue where to begin.
The page in the handbook suggests (to my idea) that AngularJS-script is already present somewhere in the 3rdparty directory (2, 3). Unfortunatly I can not find it there, so perhaps this is a mistake in the docs.

Now, what is the direction ownCloud is going to take in this? AngularJS core integration? Is there any work that has already been done, which could be used as an example?

(1) - http://www.angularjs.org/
(2) - http://doc.owncloud.org/server/5.0/developer_manual/app/general/angular.html
(3) - http://doc.owncloud.org/server/5.0/developer_manual/app/appframework/angular.html

Kind regards,



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