[Owncloud] Nightly Builds of ownCloud Sync Client

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Sat Apr 6 19:45:32 UTC 2013


we started to do nightly builds of the sync client in order to improve 
the quality ensurance process. The software is currently built 
automatically for Windows and Mac and can be downloaded from directory
We are still in progress to set up Linux builds.

The number prefix of the build packages reflect the day on which they 
were built.

Nightly builds are software which is not released for any production 
usage but pure development and testing builds. NEVER use it with 
important data or in your production environment. However you can very 
much help to improve ownCloud if you set up test environments and 
install nightly builds and test.

If you filed bug reports against the client, we sometimes point you to 
nightly builds to verify a fix we had done.

Please, whenever you refer to a nightly build in a bug report, remember 
to note down the version you were using very carefully.



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