[Owncloud] File Version'ing help

CJ Keist cj.keist at colostate.edu
Thu Apr 25 18:47:08 UTC 2013

Running OC 5.0.5 on CentOS 6.4

I am not having any luck getting file version'ing to work.  It is 
enabled, and I can see the files being created on the server in the 
files_versions folder.  But from the web gui there is no "History" tab 
and when you hover your mouse over the file you see the "version" icon 
it does nothing.  What am I missing?

C. J. Keist                     Email: cj.keist at colostate.edu
Systems Group Manager           Solaris 10 OS (SAI)
Engineering Network Services    Phone: 970-491-0630
College of Engineering, CSU     Fax:   970-491-5569
Ft. Collins, CO 80523-1301

All I want is a chance to prove 'Money can't buy happiness'

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