[Owncloud] Hate to say it but . . .

hemathor hemathor at gmx.de
Fri Apr 26 09:57:15 UTC 2013

i have the exact same experience with the exact same use case almost every time i update either the owncloud client or the owncloud server. 
it is extremely annoying to delete all the conflict files again and again, sometimes thousands of them, one each minute or so.

until now, i circumvented that problem by creating new sync folders with each update and copy all relevant files to the new folder and delete the old one.
but since this sucks big time, costs a lot of time and nerves and i alraedy have a working sync alternative with dropbox+encfs and unison, i decided to end my sync experience with owncloud at least for a while before i try again...

and then there is the issue of deleting a file on the client, and with the next sync the deleted file appears again at the client instead of being deleted on the server... wtf? eternal files? nice idea, but that's not what i wanted...

i had so much hope for owncloud as a sync alternative, but i don't see it being reliable any time soon.

maybe syncinc shouldn't be done with webdav and php, but with real software written in a real programming language... ;)

greetings... and thanks for trying real hard! i can imagine you do!

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