[Owncloud] ldap groups in an addressbook

Arthur Schiwon blizzz at owncloud.com
Wed Apr 3 13:26:05 UTC 2013

On 04/03/2013 02:28 PM, Thomas Tanghus wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 April 2013 14:12 Arthur Schiwon wrote:
>> I've also seen that you provide methods to create adressbooks. As of
>> ownCloud 5, there is only one of it, but devided into sections or so.
>> Georg could elaborate there.
> Maybe I can elaborate on that, Georg is busy enough with the Calendar ;)
> For ownCloud 6 I have rewritten the backend (long overdue) to add support for
> multiple backends from different sources. Nicolas is working on an LDAP
> backend, and have already successfully populated the Contacts app with LDAP
> contacts. Kudos for that :)

To repeat my other point, it would make most sense to make use of 
user_ldap for this pruprose instead of writing everything new. I can 
offer to extend user_ldap with necessary access methods.

> Besides that there is OCP\Contacts which defines an interface for easy access
> to address books for other apps. Thomas Müller has experimented with it in the
> Mail app - I'm not quite sure what the status is on that, and we may have to
> adjust the interface.

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