[Owncloud] Use ownCloud news app API to sync news app with a mobile application

Visitha Baddegama visithauom at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 04:17:11 UTC 2013

Hi Bernhard/ Alessandro,

I went through the ownCloud news app API [1] again thoroughly, got the idea
behind it. Without reading the rss feeds of news app from the mobile
application and process those rss feeds to extract data at the client side,
this API exposes very convenient and well organized interface to read rss
feeds and return news items of the ownCloud news app.

According to my understanding, all news items have been divided into news
feeds and all news feeds again have been divided into folders. Therefore
mobile application users can see a categorized view of all folder sections
currently have with the API at the main screen of the mobile app. Then user
can select one of folder and he will see all the feeds related to that
folder. And then he can view all  items of that feed.

In my proposal I have explained how I am going to use this API features
with the mobile app in more detail and additional functionality which I can
give to this mobile application. If you can find some time for me, please
review it and give your suggestions to make it more stronger.

This API gives several specifications to the mobile application like get/
create/ delete/ update folders and feeds from the app, and mark items of
feeds as "read" and "starred". And we can also use this to get specific
number of items up to newest item, get updated news and get starred news
count. Please correct me if I am wrong.

And here are my pull requests [2][3] related to the new functionality I am
going to merge to ownCloud. That is to send emails to all recipients when a
calendar event is shared with people within same ownCloud instance and
outside of it too. Please review it and give your feed backs about them too.

Thanks in Advance..!

[1].  https://github.com/owncloud/news/wiki/API
[2].  https://github.com/owncloud/calendar/pull/13
[3].  https://github.com/owncloud/core/pull/2996

Visitha Warna Baddegama
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka
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