[Owncloud] Any alternative for the csync engine

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Mon Apr 15 14:00:03 UTC 2013

On 15.04.2013 15:45, Ibrahim MAATKI wrote:
Hi Ibrahim,

> The  way that you use csync in owncloud mirall is not "portable" in
> other types of projects or let's say it's not too clear !?

It's as easy to use ocsync (in this case) as it is easy to use a library 
from one project in another project. You have to figure how that works, 
but its a common thing: Compile csync, as its the library, and use it in 
your client project.

If you have a concrete problem, we're happy to help you out. Until now, 
you haven't answered the questions people were asking nor have you asked 
about a concrete problem. That way it will be a tough task.


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