February 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Feb 1 02:24:43 UTC 2013
Ending: Thu Feb 28 23:50:28 UTC 2013
Messages: 327
- [Owncloud] Upgrading from packages
Sergi Almacellas Abellana
- [Owncloud] Upgrading from packages
Sergi Almacellas Abellana
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Sergi Almacellas Abellana
- [Owncloud] Including Owncloud in a commercial product
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Mark Alan
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Mark Alan
- [Owncloud] Migrating 3rd party apps into ownclouds github, repository
- [Owncloud] Problem with conflicts
Holger Angenent
- [Owncloud] Problem with conflicts
Holger Angenent
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Holger Angenent
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Holger Angenent
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Holger Angenent
- [Owncloud] How to empty the trashbin ? and API changes question
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Files Path/Storage use ?
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] KDE ownCloud client asks me to create 'kdewallet' wallet
Pavel Baranchikov
- [Owncloud] Up-streaming changes
Sampath Basnagoda
- [Owncloud] How to cleanly re-install an app?
Sampath Basnagoda
- [Owncloud] How to cleanly re-install an app?
Sampath Basnagoda
- [Owncloud] subscribing to remote caldav calendars
Sagar Behere
- [Owncloud] raspi owncloud
Lucas Van Beneden
- [Owncloud] Guess what I just did....
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Overriding CSS/JS/Templates of core apps in custom theme
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Overriding CSS/JS/Templates of core apps in custom theme
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] default reply to owncloud at kde.org header
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Updating theme from owncloud 4 to 5
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] group calendar in owncloud
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] demo.owncloud.org down
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Contacts in oc 5 beta1
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Design specs, feedback welcome!
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Startup configuration for windows owncloud client?
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 showstoppers
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] How to empty the trashbin ? and API changes question
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Migrating 3rd party apps into ownclouds github repository
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud update instructions
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Migrating 3rd party apps into ownclouds github repository
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Migrating 3rd party apps into ownclouds github, repository
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Nginx configuration
- [Owncloud] Authenticating users
Simon Brereton
- [Owncloud] Sync to OC instances
Tobias Brunner
- [Owncloud] Reverse Proxy with Apache
Tobias Brunner
- [Owncloud] Review Request 102492: Fix bug: filenames in filelisting are not shown for files without extension
Albert Astals Cid
- [Owncloud] ideas for GSoC 2013
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] ideas for GSoC 2013
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] Introducing device tracking feature to ownCloud was: ideas for GSoC 2013
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] Migrating 3rd party apps into ownclouds github repository
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Daniel Danger
- [Owncloud] [owncloud] class OC_Config not found
Ayudh Das
- [Owncloud] [owncloud] need help in getting started
Ayudh Das
- [Owncloud] [owncloud] need help in getting started
Ayudh Das
- [Owncloud] How to empty the trashbin ? and API changes question
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] How to empty the trashbin ? and API changes question
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Files Path/Storage use ?
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] How to create a new app.
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Overriding CSS/JS/Templates of core apps in custom theme
Jörn Friedrich Dreyer
- [Owncloud] Nginx configuration
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] Some strings in calendar 5beta2 not translated
Georg Ehrke
- [Owncloud] questions concerning ldap - SOLVED
Andreas Ergenzinger
- [Owncloud] Are display names unique? and related questions
Andreas Ergenzinger
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Andreas Ergenzinger
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Andreas Ergenzinger
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Andreas Ergenzinger
- [Owncloud] Guess what I just did....
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] KDE ownCloud client asks me to create 'kdewallet' wallet
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Connection closed by server problem
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.1 RC 1
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] How to create a new app.
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] mass upload
Nikola Garafolic
- [Owncloud] metadata support?
Nikola Garafolic
- [Owncloud] Enabling authentication/authorization delegation on social identity providers.
Sixto Martin García
- [Owncloud] Problem with conflicts
Jonathan Gazeley
- [Owncloud] Problem with conflicts
Jonathan Gazeley
- [Owncloud] sync shared folders on my file system
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] OC version detection on the client side
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] default reply to owncloud at kde.org header
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] default reply to owncloud at kde.org header
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] demo.owncloud.org down
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
Torsten Grote
- [Owncloud] default reply to owncloud at kde.org header
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1 Installation Issue.
Patrick Heller
- [Owncloud] [owncloud] class OC_Config not found
Stefan Herbrechtsmeier
- [Owncloud] Problem: ownCloud 5 Beta 2 and IIS on Win 7 and Win2008
Dr. Hirn
- [Owncloud] ideas for GSoC 2013
Qingping Hou
- [Owncloud] ideas for GSoC 2013
Qingping Hou
- [Owncloud] Introducing device tracking feature to ownCloud was: ideas for GSoC 2013
Qingping Hou
- [Owncloud] Introducing device tracking feature to ownCloud was: ideas for GSoC 2013
Qingping Hou
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
Nikolai Huckle
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Christian Hügel
- [Owncloud] Details in versions ?
- [Owncloud] Sync to OC instances
Polonevich Ivan
- [Owncloud] Startup configuration for windows owncloud client?
- [Owncloud] Startup configuration for windows owncloud client?
- [Owncloud] refresh calendar by uploading ics-file every night?
Marcel Kaber
- [Owncloud] External filestorage support for RapidShare
Philipp Kapfer
- [Owncloud] Hire Dev - Customize Owncloud Share Feature
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] How to empty the trashbin ? and API changes question
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 Showstopper Bugs
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] features
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] new mailinglists
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 release schedule
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Who is responsible for apps.owncoud.com ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] webinstaller installs old 4.0.12
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 4.5.7 and 4.0.12
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5.0 beta 1
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Meeting in Nürnberg
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] [owncloud] need help in getting started
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] how long oc 4.5.x will be supported?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 showstoppers
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Dirk Kastens
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Dirk Kastens
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5.0 beta 1 LDAP
Dirk Kastens
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Dirk Kastens
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Dirk Kastens
- [Owncloud] OC on apache with hardened security?
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] OC on apache with hardened security?
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] How to contribute to Admin Documentation?
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] How to contribute to Admin Documentation?
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] how long oc 4.5.x will be supported?
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] how long oc 4.5.x will be supported?
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] Problem with conflicts
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] KDE ownCloud client asks me to create 'kdewallet' wallet
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Marcel Kühlhorn
- [Owncloud] questions concerning ldap
Lentes, Bernd
- [Owncloud] questions concerning ldap - SOLVED
Lentes, Bernd
- [Owncloud] wait for release 5 ?
Lentes, Bernd
- [Owncloud] wait for release 5 ?
Lentes, Bernd
- [Owncloud] can't upload files using the web interface
Lentes, Bernd
- [Owncloud] can't upload files using the web interface
Lentes, Bernd
- [Owncloud] Migrating 3rd party apps into ownclouds github repository
Steffen Lindner
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Jimmy Liranzo
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud update instructions
Jimmy Liranzo
- [Owncloud] Problem: ownCloud 5 Beta 2 and IIS on Win 7 and Win2008
Jimmy Liranzo
- [Owncloud] Owncloud 5.x: Trustwothy encryption system??
Doc Long
- [Owncloud] Roadmap 5.0
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Partition users using LDAP
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] External Storage :: not working
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Contacts in oc 5 beta1
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Contacts in oc 5 beta1
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Some strings in calendar 5beta2 not translated
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Connexion code
Ibrahim Maatki
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud update instructions
Howard Mann
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud update instructions
Howard Mann
- [Owncloud] Guess what I just did....
Martin Mazur
- [Owncloud] raspi owncloud
Martin Mazur
- [Owncloud] Microsoft SQL-Server Tester needed ....
Martin Mazur
- [Owncloud] ampache and invalid login
Martin Mazur
- [Owncloud] Upgrading from packages
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
- [Owncloud] client error: can not load the owncloud plugin for csync
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] mirall static libs
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Quotas and sharing
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] How to contribute to Admin Documentation?
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] How to contribute to Admin Documentation?
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] [owncloud] need help in getting started
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Blackberry Z10 apps
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Up-streaming changes
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] mass upload
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] OC version detection on the client side
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Microsoft SQL-Server Tester needed ....
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Fwd: Re: ownCloud 5 release schedule
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Who is responsible for apps.owncoud.com ?
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Proposal: Change Default Calendar and Contact DB names
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Introducing device tracking feature to ownCloud was: ideas for GSoC 2013
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Stefan Nagtegaal
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Stefan Nagtegaal
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Stefan Nagtegaal
- [Owncloud] Overriding CSS/JS/Templates of core apps in custom theme
Stefan Nagtegaal
- [Owncloud] Roadmap 5.0
Tiago Soares - Netmaker
- [Owncloud] Theming
Masaki Kawabata Neto
- [Owncloud] Sync to OC instances
Masaki Kawabata Neto
- [Owncloud] Syncing Files over 10MB fails
- [Owncloud] netdrive
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] new mailinglists
Rino Muhamad Nur
- [Owncloud] Roadmap 5.0
Guillaume Paumier
- [Owncloud] sync shared folders on my file system
Michele Petito
- [Owncloud] Documentation deadline: filesystem, vcategories, share api
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] wait for release 5 ?
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] How to contribute to Admin Documentation?
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud update instructions
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] OwnCloud update instructions
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] MDB2 Database Schema migrations fail with primary keys
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] MDB2 Database Schema migrations fail with primary keys
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Abbas Qaizar
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
Abbas Qaizar
- [Owncloud] Blackberry Z10 apps
Abbas Qaizar
- [Owncloud] 4.5.3 to 4.5.7 upgrade path
Erik R
- [Owncloud] default reply to owncloud at kde.org header
MJ Ray
- [Owncloud] default reply to owncloud at kde.org header
MJ Ray
- [Owncloud] default reply to owncloud at kde.org header
MJ Ray
- [Owncloud] Style guru required...
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Update: Style guru required...
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] OC version detection on the client side
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] OC version detection on the client side
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] OC version detection on the client side
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Multiple Instances on one server
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] How to cleanly re-install an app?
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] wait for release 5 ?
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Migrating 3rd party apps into ownclouds github repository
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] And suddenly it was four apps...
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Migrating 3rd party apps into ownclouds github repository
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Roadmap 5.0
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] Writing documentation about one-time passwords
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] Who is responsible for apps.owncoud.com ?
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] Change sync point
Jim Robinson
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Jakob Sack
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
Jakob Sack
- [Owncloud] can not load owncloud plugin for csysnc
Ilyas Sapiyan
- [Owncloud] How to empty the trashbin ? and API changes question
Bjoern Schiessle
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 beta 2
André Schild
- [Owncloud] Partition users using LDAP
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Any application there (apart from Media) using the user's password ?
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 release schedule
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] can't upload files using the web interface
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Are display names unique? and related questions
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] 4.5.3 to 4.5.7 upgrade path
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5.0 beta 1 LDAP
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] MDB2 Database Schema migrations fail with primary keys
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Foreigners on the same Instance?
Henning Schuster
- [Owncloud] External Storage :: not working
Adrian Sevcenco
- [Owncloud] External Storage :: not working
Adrian Sevcenco
- [Owncloud] shared folder available in clientsync
Aren Shank
- [Owncloud] Question SMB
Diogo Lima Silva
- [Owncloud] group calendar in owncloud
Cyryl Sochacki
- [Owncloud] user_external and imap - remotely auth not working
Cyryl Sochacki
- [Owncloud] Embed shared folder into website
Samuel Stein
- [Owncloud] OC ignores UID in ICS
Marcel Kaber | FHPolBB - Dez. SuM
- [Owncloud] Update: Style guru required...
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1 Installation Issue.
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] ownCloud alpha 1
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Contacts in oc 5 beta1
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Exclude list
Michel Thielen
- [Owncloud] share items missed
Andres Vargas
- [Owncloud] MDB2 Database Schema migrations fail with primary keys
Bart Visscher
- [Owncloud] Nginx configuration
Ed W
- [Owncloud] Nginx configuration
Ed W
- [Owncloud] Proposal: Change Default Calendar and Contact DB names
Ed W
- [Owncloud] Nginx configuration
Ed W
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 showstoppers
Ed W
- [Owncloud] refresh calendar by uploading ics-file every night?
Marcel Waldvogel
- [Owncloud] Hire Dev - Customize Owncloud Share Feature
Wendell Wilson
- [Owncloud] Sync Client Quota-Warning
Daniel Wunderlich
- [Owncloud] Sync Client Quota-Warning
Daniel Wunderlich
- [Owncloud] Who is responsible for apps.owncoud.com ?
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] How to cleanly re-install an app?
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Sync Client Quota-Warning
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Who is responsible for apps.owncoud.com ?
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Who is responsible for apps.owncoud.com ?
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] webinstaller installs old 4.0.12
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] 4.5.3 to 4.5.7 upgrade path
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Meeting in Nürnberg
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Syncing Files over 10MB fails
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Partition users using LDAP
- [Owncloud] Question SMB
- [Owncloud] how to run owncloud in ecilpse
- [Owncloud] connexion code
faten belhadj
- [Owncloud] client error: can not load the owncloud plugin for csync
jiun bookworm
- [Owncloud] can not load owncloud plugin for csysnc
jiun bookworm
- [Owncloud] can not load owncloud plugin for csysnc
jiun bookworm
- [Owncloud] mirall static libs
jiun bookworm
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
peter at chubb.wattle.id.au
- [Owncloud] demo.owncloud.org down
Pascal d'Hermilly
- [Owncloud] Possibility to disable stylesheets and javascript
- [Owncloud] Updating theme from owncloud 4 to 5
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
- [Owncloud] community chef script for owncloud
- [Owncloud] propfind - why always two requests?
- [Owncloud] kde wallet defaults to 'kdewallet'
- [Owncloud] OC version detection on the client side
- [Owncloud] KDE ownCloud client asks me to create 'kdewallet' wallet
- [Owncloud] KDE ownCloud client asks me to create 'kdewallet' wallet
- [Owncloud] Problem with conflicts
- [Owncloud] Authenticating users
- [Owncloud] can't upload files using the web interface
- [Owncloud] Reverse Proxy with Apache
- [Owncloud] Problem: ownCloud 5 Beta 2 and IIS on Win 7 and Win2008
g4 at novadsp.com
- [Owncloud] Problem: ownCloud 5 Beta 2 and IIS on Win 7 and Win2008
g4 at novadsp.com
- [Owncloud] IIS/Win7/OC5b2 'Cannot write into the apps directory' Part 2
g4 at novadsp.com
Last message date:
Thu Feb 28 23:50:28 UTC 2013
Archived on: Thu Jan 19 08:44:10 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).