[Owncloud] owncloud alpha 1 and LDAP entryUUID

Tornóci László tornoci.laszlo at med.semmelweis-univ.hu
Tue Feb 19 16:09:54 UTC 2013

On 02/19/2013 04:38 PM, Andreas Ergenzinger wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 15:09 CET, Frank Karlitschek
> <frank at owncloud.com> wrote:
>> An admin can disable the option for users to change the display
>> name. I depends on the user scenario if this is useful and save or

Very good. I agree that editable display names can be a source of all 
kinds of problems.

>> not. In case you use a directory like LDAP then we rely on a
>> properly configured useraccounts in it including unique and
>> understandable display names.
>> The scenario of different LDAP servers is interesting but I'm not
>> sure if it is in the scope of ownCloud to resolve naming collisions
>> in his case. This can and should be solved in the LDAP
>> configuration.
>> Frank
> I completely agree with you there. In such an environment naming
> collisions can only be prevented by a prudent configuration. However,
> I still don't see the point of non-unique display names. Due to the
> potential for confusion, we need a different way to distinguish users
> on the screen. Unfortunately the only standardized option available
> at the moment is the login name which may be "pop55307",
> "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", or something equally opaque. I
> think we need a better alternative and requiring display names to be
> unique is the most simple solution I can think of.

If I understand correctly, you can set any attribute in LDAP as display 
name. So you can set it up any way you like. E.g. I plan to create a new 
LDAP attribute like this: LDAP display name + LDAP department name. You 
only have a problem, if you don't have write access to LDAP.

						Yours: Laszlo

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