[Owncloud] OC ignores UID in ICS

Marcel Kaber | FHPolBB - Dez. SuM marcel.kaber at fhpolbb.de
Sun Feb 17 08:57:39 UTC 2013

This this Ticket:


i´ve experimented with UID in my generated *.ics. now i can "narrow" the problem.
there seems to be a bug in oc.

if the event exactly the same as before (including UID, DTSTART, DTEND….) everything is fine while re-import the ics.
if i change only DTSTART and/or DTEND there will be created a new event in oc-calendar. the old one with exactly the same UID keeps allive :-(

I tested it also in iCal and outlook. no problems. the event "moves" in calendar as expected.

Marcel Kaber | FHPolBB - Dez. SuM

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