[Owncloud] OwnCloud update instructions

Howard Mann howardm at xmission.com
Sun Feb 24 06:42:21 UTC 2013


I'm trying to understand the following instructions which are somewhat perfunctory:

Update is to bring an ownCloud instance to its latest point release, e.g. ownCloud 4.0.6 → 4.0.7.To update an ownCloud installation manually, follow those steps:

	• Do a backup.

Question: Backup of what, exactly?

	• Unpack the release tarball in the owncloud directory, i.e. copy all new files into the ownCloud installation.

	• Make sure that the file permissions are correct.

Question: What permissions? What files ? How do I do this ? How do I know that they are "correct" ?

	• With the next page request the update procedures will run.

Question: What does "page request" refer to ? What "procedures" are being referred to?



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