[Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.1 RC 1

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Thu Feb 21 18:56:44 UTC 2013


we are happy to announce the first release candidate for ownCloud Client 
1.2.1, based on ocsync 0.70.4. Please give it a good test.

If you have reported a bug, please check if this release solves your 
issue, especially if it is covered by a changelog entry. Otherwise, 
please focus on reporting regressions over 1.2.0. Given that this is not 
a final release, please be careful (backup!) when using it in a 
production environment.


- Windows: 
- Mac OS: 
- Linux: 

- http://download.owncloud.com/download/testing/mirall-1.2.1RC1.tar.bz2
- http://download.owncloud.com/download/testing/ocsync-0.70.4.tar.bz2


ocsync version 0.70.4
  * [Win32] Ship with up-to-date openssl version to fix SSL problems we saw
  * [Fixes] Fix crash during mkdir
  * [Fixes] Added workaround for problem that server sometimes does not 
respond properly to PROPFIND (mirall#285)
  * [Fixes] Fix handling of deletion of non empty or locked directories.
  * [Fixes] Fixed some potential memory leaks
  * [Fixes] Files with filenames with unix extensions are ignored now.

mirall 1.2.1RC1
  * [Fixes] Leave configured folders on configuration changes.
  * [Fixes] Do not allow to finish the setup dialog if connection can't 
be established.
  * [Fixes] Better handling of credentials in setup dialog.
  * [Fixes] Do not leak fd's to /dev/null when using gnutls
  * [Fixes] Stop sync scheduling when configuration wizard starts.
  * [Fixes] Clear pending network requests when stepping back in config 
  * [Fixes] User password dialog asynchronous issues.
  * [Fixes] Make folderman starting and stoping the scheduling.
  * [Fixes] Various minor fixes and cleanups.
  * [Fixes] Crash on pausing sync
  * [Fixes] Stale lock file after pausing sync
  * [App] Load translations from app dir or bundle as well.
  * [Platform] Build fixes and simplifications, ie. build only one lib.
  * [Platform] Added some getter/setters for configuration values.
  * [Platform] Added man pages.
  * [Platform] Simplified/fixed credential store usage and custom configs.
  * [Platform] Added soname version to libowncloudsync.
  * [Platform] Pull in Qt translations
  * [Gui]  Make sync result popups less annoyingq
  * [Gui] Fix for result popup

   Klaas & Daniel

www.owncloud.com - Your Data, Your Cloud, Your Way!

ownCloud GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, Holger Dyroff
Schloßäckerstrasse 26a, 90443 Nürnberg, HRB 28050 (AG Nürnberg)

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