December 2012 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Dec 1 06:45:56 UTC 2012
Ending: Mon Dec 31 14:49:04 UTC 2012
Messages: 331
- [Owncloud] Problem after upgrade to 4.5.3
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Problem after upgrade to 4.5.3
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Updated translations
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Problem after upgrade to 4.5.3
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Updated translations
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Coding Guidelines ported
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] linux client 1.1.3
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] linux client 1.1.3
Vince D. Kimball
- [Owncloud] PDO exception 4.5.3
Jan Giebels - German RepRap GmbH
- [Owncloud] PDO exception 4.5.3
Jan Giebels - German RepRap GmbH
- [Owncloud] PDO exception 4.5.3
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] Updated translations
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Coding Guidelines ported
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Coding Guidelines ported
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] linux client 1.1.3
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] Coding Guidelines ported
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Coding Guidelines ported
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Updated translations
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Coding Guidelines ported
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Documentation Repo Howto
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Documentation Repo Howto
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] Warnings on write/modify/remove files
George Ruinelli
- [Owncloud] endless 4.5.3 setup loop (was:upgrade from 4.0.7 to 4.5.3 without config files?)
Ditmar Unger
- [Owncloud] Adding another cloud to Owncloud
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] Owncloud on apache servers
Brijesh Kothari
- [Owncloud] Owncloud on apache servers
Jan Giebels - German RepRap GmbH
- [Owncloud] Adding another cloud to Owncloud
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Coding Guidelines ported
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Owncloud windows client portable
Stephan Gsell
- [Owncloud] Owncloud windows client portable
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Missing (deleted) files on win machine
Franjo Posavec
- [Owncloud] Missing (deleted) files on win machine
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Owncloud windows client portable
George Ruinelli
- [Owncloud] zentyal 3.x & owncloud with ldap
- [Owncloud] zentyal 3.x & owncloud with ldap
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Outdated link on theming page
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Outdated link on theming page
Tom Needham
- [Owncloud] excel and word dump into OwnCloud
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
- [Owncloud] Updater version number
Patrik Marschalik
- [Owncloud] Updater version number
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Updater breaks installation
Christopher Kunz
- [Owncloud] Updater breaks installation
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] Updater breaks installation
Christopher Kunz
- [Owncloud] Updater breaks installation
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] zentyal 3.x & owncloud with ldap
- [Owncloud] Updater - to extensive backup
Jan Brenner
- [Owncloud] zentyal 3.x & owncloud with ldap
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Updater - to extensive backup
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] zentyal 3.x & owncloud with ldap
- [Owncloud] Updater - to extensive backup
Jan Brenner
- [Owncloud] Heavy LDAP user search
- [Owncloud] Fwd: Re: Files_Sharing Update
- [Owncloud] Automating what Frank means when he says "Please give it a really good hard test." Help build the test suite!
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 4.5 beta 4
- [Owncloud] Login impossible since update from 4.0.6 to 4.5beta2
- [Owncloud] website doesn't show clients 1.1.3
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] troubles with 4.5.4 and "personal info" (personal.php)
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] website doesn't show clients 1.1.3
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Automating what Frank means when he says "Please give it a really good hard test." Help build the test suite!
MJ Ray
- [Owncloud] Automating what Frank means when he says "Please give it a really good hard test." Help build the test suite!
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] ORM
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Connection break after offline mode
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] ORM
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] ORM
Jörn Friedrich Dreyer
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Christopher Kunz
- [Owncloud] ORM
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Drew Hornbein
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Steffen Lindner
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Mark - Syminet
- [Owncloud] CSS: use px, not em
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Nathan Anderson
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Mockup (4 - Sign In page)
- [Owncloud] iOS sheduled sync ?
- [Owncloud] External (git) code repositories
- [Owncloud] troubles with 4.5.4 and "personal info" (personal.php)
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] Core.js
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] Mails from ?
Jan Brenner
- [Owncloud] ORM
Bart Visscher
- [Owncloud] Mails from ?
Christopher Kunz
- [Owncloud] Core.js
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Core.js
Bart Visscher
- [Owncloud] Core.js
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] troubles with 4.5.4 and "personal info" (personal.php)
Christopher Kunz
- [Owncloud] Need feedback for apptemplate_advanced and app tutorial
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Internal_messages app
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] troubles with 4.5.4 and "personal info" (personal.php)
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Mockup (4 - Sign In page)
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Mails from ?
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Mails from ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
MJ Ray
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] troubles with 4.5.4 and "personal info" (personal.php)
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] troubles with 4.5.4 and "personal info" (personal.php)
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] Sharing files/calendar, … with LDAP Users
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] iOS sheduled sync ?
Simon Brereton
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Michael Göhler
- [Owncloud] Error when listing space used after upgrading to 4.5.4
Axel Caspard
- [Owncloud] bug
Bruno Cantante
- [Owncloud] Is this weakness in OC?
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
- [Owncloud] Problem with template.php
Alexander Gessner
- [Owncloud] Problem with template.php
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Problem with template.php
Alexander Gessner
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Is this weakness in OC?
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] Sharing files, calendar, … with LDAP Users
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] bug
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Internal_messages app
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] bug
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Internal_messages app
Bart Visscher
- [Owncloud] Permissions to read a value from the appconfig table
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Sharing files, calendar, … with LDAP Users
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
MJ Ray
- [Owncloud] Is this weakness in OC?
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] Upload Button on 4.5.4 is broken again?:)
Simon Brereton
- [Owncloud] Undefined index: mimetype
Polonevich Ivan
- [Owncloud] Undefined index: mimetype
Bjoern Schiessle
- [Owncloud] The endless github privacy policy war
Marcel Waldvogel
- [Owncloud] ownCloud issues
Michael Göhler
- [Owncloud] ownCloud issues
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] ownCloud issues
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] I can respond
Danielle Loya
- [Owncloud] The endless github privacy policy war
MJ Ray
- [Owncloud] The endless github privacy policy war
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] External (git) code repositories
Bart Visscher
- [Owncloud] [Solved] Sharing files, calendar, … with LDAP Users
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] Documentation Repo Howto
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Documentation Repo Howto
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Documentation Repo Howto
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Dulicate and conflict..
Karl-Arne Gjersøyen
- [Owncloud] Dulicate and conflict..
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] CCS to give rightcontent a vertical scrollbar
George Ruinelli
- [Owncloud] CCS to give rightcontent a vertical scrollbar
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] CCS to give rightcontent a vertical scrollbar
George Ruinelli
- [Owncloud] Setting up reminders
- [Owncloud] Problem with OC_Filestorage_FTP
Jussi Hirvi
- [Owncloud] Setting up reminders
- [Owncloud] Setting up reminders
Georg Ehrke
- [Owncloud] Moving dropbox to ownCloud
Luis Azevedo
- [Owncloud] Moving dropbox to ownCloud
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Moving dropbox to ownCloud
Christopher Kunz
- [Owncloud] Problem with OC_Filestorage_FTP
Jussi Hirvi
- [Owncloud] Moving dropbox to ownCloud
Jussi Hirvi
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Colin Bookman
- [Owncloud] Documentation Repo Howto
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Moving dropbox to ownCloud
Bradley D. Thornton
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Github labels
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Marcel Waldvogel
- [Owncloud] Fwd: RE: Moving dropbox to ownCloud
Bradley D. Thornton
- [Owncloud] Share contact update
thomas at
- [Owncloud] Github labels
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Share contact update
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] oczpush and owncloud on nokia e71
Daniel MALIK
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] Why Max Upload size is set to 0b with my LDAP acount?
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] max file size problem
Polonevich Ivan
- [Owncloud] max file size problem
Ivan Polonevich
- [Owncloud] Finding who deleted a folder
Luis Azevedo
- [Owncloud] Mail Notification
Jascha Burmeister
- [Owncloud] Mail Notification
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] max file size problem
Ivan Polonevich
- [Owncloud] max file size problem
Marcel Waldvogel
- [Owncloud] CalDAV an Nokia N9 - showing strange behaviour.
- [Owncloud] CalDAV an Nokia N9 - showing strange behaviour.
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] CalDAV an Nokia N9 - showing strange behaviour.
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] CalDAV an Nokia N9 - showing strange behaviour.
- [Owncloud] max file size problem
Polonevich Ivan
- [Owncloud] max file size problem
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] CalDAV an Nokia N9 - showing strange behaviour.
fjacob at
- [Owncloud] Mail Notification
Jascha Burmeister
- [Owncloud] birthday in calendar-app
stefan at
- [Owncloud] birthday in calendar-app
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Mail Notification
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] CalDAV an Nokia N9 - showing strange behaviour.
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Possible to extend OwnCloud to sync Zotero databases?
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] Development suggestion for ownCloud clients
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] Improving features in ownCloud internal message application
Sampath Basnagoda
- [Owncloud] Development suggestion for ownCloud clients
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Improving features in ownCloud internal message application
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] External (git) code repositories
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Improving features in ownCloud internal message application
Sampath Basnagoda
- [Owncloud] System file folder missing from owncloud web interface
Luis Azevedo
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 bugfixing and polishing meeting
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] let's change a little detail (service-providers page)
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 bugfixing and polishing meeting
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 bugfixing and polishing meeting
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] External (git) code repositories
Bart Visscher
- [Owncloud] CalDAV an Nokia N9 - showing strange behaviour.
Mark - Syminet
- [Owncloud] [apps] Photo sharing not available although it is in the feature list (oc-2007) (#61)
Mark - Syminet
- [Owncloud] Synchronize Tasks
Christian Hügel
- [Owncloud] Synchronize Tasks
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] External (git) code repositories
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] SSO - CAS Jasig Authentication
Cédrick Béler
- [Owncloud] SSO - CAS Jasig Authentication
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] SSO - CAS Jasig Authentication
Cédrick Béler
- [Owncloud] SSO - CAS Jasig Authentication
Sixto Martin
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] CalDAV an Nokia N9 - showing strange behaviour.
George Ruinelli
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] CalDAV an Nokia N9 - showing strange behaviour.
Thomas Tanghus Olsen
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Any publicity is good publicity..?
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] using PhoneGap for ownCloud mobile
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] using PhoneGap for ownCloud mobile
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] using PhoneGap for ownCloud mobile
- [Owncloud] using PhoneGap for ownCloud mobile
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] WHMCS/HostBill Plugin
David Venter
- [Owncloud] Getting owncloud-client in Debian
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] Dropbox question
Antonello Carlomagno
- [Owncloud] ownCloud wordpress theme
toji at
- [Owncloud] oczpush and owncloud on nokia e71
Guillaume ZITTA
- [Owncloud] ownCloud wordpress theme
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud wordpress theme
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Ayudh Das
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Read/write sharing with external users
Patryk Ściborek
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Ayudh Das
- [Owncloud] Dropbox question
Antonello Carlomagno
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] ask
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Dropbox question
Sergi Almacellas Abellana
- [Owncloud] ask
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Ayudh Das
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 bugfixing and polishing meeting
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Client sync running but nothing changes
Luis Azevedo
- [Owncloud] Client sync running but nothing changes
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Announcement of client 1.1.4
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.1.4 released
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Announcement of client 1.1.4
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] new version problems
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 4.5.5 & 4.0.10 released
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.1.4 released
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] new version problems
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.1.4 released
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.1.4 released
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Problem with installing owncloud
Nikolai Huckle
- [Owncloud] Problem with installing owncloud
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Translating the Navigation entry of an app
George Ruinelli
- [Owncloud] Translating the Navigation entry of an app
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] 0 byte files
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] Translating the Navigation entry of an app
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] owncloud sqlite3 error and csync_journal empty
Luis Azevedo
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] New App - OC as blogging-engine
Martin Schröter
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Jean-Francois Couture
- [Owncloud] New App - OC as blogging-engine
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
André Schild
- [Owncloud] upload file error
Antonello Carlomagno
- [Owncloud] upload file error
Antonello Carlomagno
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] ownCloud packaging
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
André Schild
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] Google Code-in is still on! (propose more tasks!)
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2.0 beta1
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] Lot of _conflict-Files after Update
- [Owncloud] Lot of _conflict-Files after Update
- [Owncloud] Lot of _conflict-Files after Update
Axel Caspard
- [Owncloud] Lot of _conflict-Files after Update
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] New App - OC as blogging-engine
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Lot of _conflict-Files after Update
- [Owncloud] Lot of _conflict-Files after Update
Vince D. Kimball
- [Owncloud] Lot of _conflict-Files after Update
Jean-Nicolas Mastin
- [Owncloud] Problem using ownloud
Timo Brandt
- [Owncloud] Problem using ownloud
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] [core] upload >100k not finished (#1006)
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Problem using ownloud
Timo Brandt
- [Owncloud] FOSDEM booth
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Contribute
Chandra Patel
- [Owncloud] Contribute
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] [Events] FOSDEM booth
- [Owncloud] [Events] FOSDEM booth
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] FOSDEM booth
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Problem using ownloud
Pierre Malard
- [Owncloud] Contribute
Chandra Patel
- [Owncloud] Contribute
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] FOSDEM booth
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Troubles with FTP user authentication backend
peter at
- [Owncloud] "what r the features of the upcoming ownCloud release?"
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] "what r the features of the upcoming ownCloud release?"
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] "what r the features of the upcoming ownCloud release?"
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] "what r the features of the upcoming ownCloud release?"
- [Owncloud] "what r the features of the upcoming ownCloud release?"
- [Owncloud] "what r the features of the upcoming ownCloud release?"
Michael Grosser
Last message date:
Mon Dec 31 14:49:04 UTC 2012
Archived on: Thu Jan 19 08:44:10 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).