[Owncloud] Development suggestion for ownCloud clients

Pierre Malard plm at teledetection.fr
Thu Dec 13 08:46:47 UTC 2012


It could be fine to see when the synchronization's files is stable. So, is it possible to change the ownCloud icon color when the csync process doesn't see any modification between local folders and "cloud" one?
A green dot in the middle of icon will be fine (or gray-green as the ownCloud icon is mostly grayy).

It'll be very usefull to know when we can logout without looze modifications of our shared folder.


   «le système d'individualisme à outrance, d'âpre concurrence,
   de lutte sans merci qui régit aujourd'hui la production, fait
   presque autant de mal à la classe bourgeoise dans son ensemble
   qu'à la classe ouvrière. [...]
  Ils vivent dans un monde de lutte où la solidarité est inconnue.»
           Jean Jaures - "L'idéal de justice" - 1889
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