January 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jan 2 14:47:30 UTC 2013
Ending: Thu Jan 31 23:48:11 UTC 2013
Messages: 270
- [Owncloud] Integrating Gtalk
Sergi Almacellas Abellana
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Tobias Aichele
- [Owncloud] External Calendar Import in Calendar App on the Road Map?
Tobias Aichele
- [Owncloud] External Calendar Import in Calendar App on the Road Map?
Tobias Aichele
- [Owncloud] External Calendar Import in Calendar App on the Road Map?
Tobias Aichele
- [Owncloud] Build environment for Android client
Aksakal, M.
- [Owncloud] Build environment for Android client
Aksakal, M.
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
- [Owncloud] AD : How to restrict access to someuser
Holger Angenent
- [Owncloud] Introduction of display names, please take care of it in your Apps!
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Porting your apps to the new filesystem API's
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Introduction of display names, please take care of it in your Apps!
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Introduction of display names, please take care of it in your Apps!
Robin Appelman
- [Owncloud] Improving Calender Feature of Owncloud
Visitha Baddegama
- [Owncloud] Download limit implementation
Sampath Basnagoda
- [Owncloud] Owncloud calendar not showing some events in the web interface
Sagar Behere
- [Owncloud] ownCloud accessibility
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] global default: language
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Download limit implementation
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Publicly share a folder
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Publicly share a folder
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Some suggestions about notifying the user
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Regarding SYNC of SHARED files..
Jan-Christoph Borchardt
- [Owncloud] Call for documentation
Simon Brereton
- [Owncloud] Call for documentation
Simon Brereton
- [Owncloud] Call for documentation
Simon Brereton
- [Owncloud] Call for documentation
Simon Brereton
- [Owncloud] smbclient error
Antonello Carlomagno
- [Owncloud] smbclient error
Antonello Carlomagno
- [Owncloud] Following owncloud installation instructions results in failed installation on fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Randolph Carter
- [Owncloud] Owncloud calendar not showing some events in the web interface
Randolph Carter
- [Owncloud] ownCloud News app API
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] User primary key questions
Daniel Danger
- [Owncloud] Help needed in getting started
Ayudh Das
- [Owncloud] Integrating Gtalk
Manuel Delgado
- [Owncloud] Following owncloud installation instructions results in failed installation on fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Documentation suggestion
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Any way to submit a single contribution as MIT license
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Unit Testing an App -- app can't find appframework
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] My OwnCloud Library Application
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Fwd: Re: Application inclusion in next release ?
Antoine Diamant-Berger
- [Owncloud] Notifications at Security-Releases
- [Owncloud] Permission to translate your page at http://owncloud.org/
Vera Djuraskovic
- [Owncloud] Who can test IE8?
Jörn Friedrich Dreyer
- [Owncloud] Improving Calender Feature of Owncloud
Georg Ehrke
- [Owncloud] External Calendar Import in Calendar App on the Road Map?
Georg Ehrke
- [Owncloud] ownCloud accessibility
Simon Eigeldinger
- [Owncloud] Accessing php page in app directory
Andreas Ergenzinger
- [Owncloud] Accessing php page in app directory
Andreas Ergenzinger
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] OC-Sync-Problem identified?!
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] OC-Sync-Problem identified?!
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] mirall cmake parameters changed
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] mirall cmake parameters changed
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2 released
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Server fails on PROPFIND
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Integrating Gtalk
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] Integrating Gtalk
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] Integrating Gtalk
Tharindu Dhananjaya Galappaththi
- [Owncloud] Owncloud not working reliably
Jonathan Gazeley
- [Owncloud] Owncloud not working reliably
Jonathan Gazeley
- [Owncloud] What is clientsync?
Jonathan Gazeley
- [Owncloud] What is clientsync?
Jonathan Gazeley
- [Owncloud] New file search view
Karim Geiger
- [Owncloud] Migration Postgres -> MySQL
Jan Giebels - German RepRap GmbH
- [Owncloud] Migration Postgres -> MySQL
Jan Giebels - German RepRap GmbH
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2 released
Jan Giebels - German RepRap GmbH
- [Owncloud] Group Quota possible?
Angus Griffin
- [Owncloud] Mixed translations
Duarte Velez Grilo
- [Owncloud] Download limit implementation
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Michael Göhler
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Diederik de Haas
- [Owncloud] global default: language
Tobias Hachmer
- [Owncloud] New file search view
Tim Hinkes
- [Owncloud] propfind - why always two requests?
Tim Hinkes
- [Owncloud] Internal Server Error 500
Christian Hügel
- [Owncloud] Writing documentation about one-time passwords
Roman Inflianskas
- [Owncloud] Writing documentation about one-time passwords
Roman Inflianskas
- [Owncloud] Windows Client Customisiation Support
Hassan Iqbal
- [Owncloud] user_external documentation and error
Christoph Jaehnigen
- [Owncloud] deb's for owncloud-client for Debian 6.0 & powerpc
Diab Jerius
- [Owncloud] Unit Testing instructions out of date?
Sarah Jones
- [Owncloud] User primary key questions
Sarah Jones
- [Owncloud] User primary key questions
Sarah Jones
- [Owncloud] User primary key questions
Sarah Jones
- [Owncloud] Limit Sharing (share api?)
Sarah Jones
- [Owncloud] Unit Testing an App -- app can't find appframework
Sarah Jones
- [Owncloud] Unit Testing an App -- app can't find appframework
Sarah Jones
- [Owncloud] Group Quota possible?
Patrik Karisch
- [Owncloud] polishing/bugfixing meeting
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Review Process
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Following owncloud installation instructions results in failed installation on fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5 release schedule
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] User primary key questions
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Notifications at Security-Releases
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud client 1.2.0 beta2
Vince D. Kimball
- [Owncloud] ownCloud client 1.2.0 beta2
Vince D. Kimball
- [Owncloud] ownCloud client 1.2.0 beta2
Vince D. Kimball
- [Owncloud] Patch for /././. paths in isValidPath (lib/filesystem.php)
Martin Kluge
- [Owncloud] Publicly share a folder
Guido Kölsch
- [Owncloud] Feature Request: Choosing Which Folder to Sync
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] Help needed in building mirall
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] KDE ownCloud client
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] mirall cmake parameters changed
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] KDE ownCloud client
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2 released
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2 released
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] Events appear twice in the Calendar cause of two groups
- [Owncloud] New App - OC as blogging-engine
Ben Lobaugh
- [Owncloud] Partition users using LDAP
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Partition users using LDAP
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Group Quota possible?
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Accessing php page in app directory
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Accessing php page in app directory
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] External Calendar Import in Calendar App on the Road Map?
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Introduction of display names, please take care of it in your Apps!
Tornóci László
- [Owncloud] Following owncloud installation instructions results in failed installation on fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Bjorn Madsen
- [Owncloud] Following owncloud installation instructions results in failed installation on fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Bjorn Madsen
- [Owncloud] chat service
Anastasios Mag
- [Owncloud] Usage of system cron
- [Owncloud] Ldap address book
Fiorenza Meini
- [Owncloud] Ldap address book
Fiorenza Meini
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2 released
Sebastian Meßmer
- [Owncloud] Memory Issue
- [Owncloud] Memory Issue
- [Owncloud] Mirall Pull Request
- [Owncloud] user_external documentation and error
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Writing documentation about one-time passwords
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Following owncloud installation instructions results in failed installation on fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Following owncloud installation instructions results in failed installation on fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud client 1.2.0 beta2
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Unit Testing instructions out of date?
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Call for documentation
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2 released
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2 released
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2 released
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] What is clientsync?
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Permission to translate your page at http://owncloud.org/
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Managing the SYNC TIME in OwnCloud..
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] propfind - why always two requests?
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] propfind - why always two requests?
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Windows client problem after upgrading from v1.1.2 to v1.1.4
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] smbclient error
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Review Process
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] AppFramework app
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Integrating Gtalk
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Unit Testing instructions out of date?
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Any way to submit a single contribution as MIT license
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Fwd: Re: Application inclusion in next release ?
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Integrating Gtalk
Raghu Nayyar
- [Owncloud] Migration Postgres -> MySQL
Tom Needham
- [Owncloud] Events appear twice in the Calendar cause of two groups
Tom Needham
- [Owncloud] OC-Sync-Problem identified?!
- [Owncloud] OC-Sync-Problem identified?!
- [Owncloud] Some suggestions about notifying the user
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] Password variable for smb share
Rino Muhamad Nur
- [Owncloud] Disabling fs-cache
Rino Muhamad Nur
- [Owncloud] "user not found" error in apache log when using windows/mac client
Jesper Holm Olsen
- [Owncloud] ownCloud News app API
Frank Osterfeld
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Christian Pfarr
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Christian Pfarr
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Christian Pfarr
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Christian Pfarr
- [Owncloud] ownCloud News app API
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] ownCloud accessibility
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Writing documentation about one-time passwords
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] AppFramework app
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] AppFramework app
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Documentation suggestion
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Documentation suggestion
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Build environment for Android client
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Call for documentation
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Unit Testing an App -- app can't find appframework
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Unit Testing an App -- app can't find appframework
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Unit Testing an App -- app can't find appframework
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] Help needed in getting started
Bernhard Posselt
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes (Nokia N9 double encodes @ in caldav urls)
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Evert Pot
- [Owncloud] AD : How to restrict access to someuser
- [Owncloud] AD : How to restrict access to someuser
- [Owncloud] New themes ?
- [Owncloud] New App - OC as blogging-engine
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Download limit implementation
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Download limit implementation
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] Inline JS is going to be disabled - Important notice to all developers
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] Inline JS is going to be disabled - Important notice to all developers
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] Inline JS is going to be disabled - Important notice to all developers
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] dev/unstable download
Lukas Reschke
- [Owncloud] Usage of system cron
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] ownCloud client 1.2.0 beta2
Norman Rieß
- [Owncloud] ERROR - External Storage issue
Carsten Ringe
- [Owncloud] Publicly share a folder
Carsten Ringe
- [Owncloud] Publicly share a folder
Carsten Ringe
- [Owncloud] Publicly share a folder
Carsten Ringe
- [Owncloud] Build environment for Android client
Carsten Ringe
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
George Ruinelli
- [Owncloud] Regarding SYNC of SHARED files..
Vimit Saxena
- [Owncloud] Managing the SYNC TIME in OwnCloud..
Vimit Saxena
- [Owncloud] Integrating Gtalk
Bjoern Schiessle
- [Owncloud] Introduction of display names, please take care of it in your Apps!
Bjoern Schiessle
- [Owncloud] Introduction of display names, please take care of it in your Apps!
Bjoern Schiessle
- [Owncloud] Introduction of display names, please take care of it in your Apps!
Bjoern Schiessle
- [Owncloud] Introduction of display names, please take care of it in your Apps!
Bjoern Schiessle
- [Owncloud] Documentation suggestion
André Schild
- [Owncloud] Partition users using LDAP
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Ldap address book
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] AD : How to restrict access to someuser
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Introduction of display names, please take care of it in your Apps!
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Help needed: Big files over WebDAV
Aren Shank
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Mark - Syminet
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Mark - Syminet
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
Mark - Syminet
- [Owncloud] External Calendar Import in Calendar App on the Road Map?
Mark - Syminet
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] Ldap address book
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] CalDAV client and shared calendar
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] CalDAV client and shared calendar
Thomas Tanghus
- [Owncloud] dev/unstable download
Sam Tuke
- [Owncloud] ownCloud News app API
Gregor Tätzner
- [Owncloud] memory cache mismatch using APC
Marco Dalla Vecchia
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes
Ed W
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes
Ed W
- [Owncloud] webdav fixes (Nokia N9 double encodes @ in caldav urls)
Ed W
- [Owncloud] Call for documentation
Marcel Waldvogel
- [Owncloud] Accessing php page in app directory
Marcel Waldvogel
- [Owncloud] Call for documentation
Marcel Waldvogel
- [Owncloud] External Calendar Import in Calendar App on the Road Map?
Marcel Waldvogel
- [Owncloud] sqlite to mysql - Was:Re: Migration Postgres -> MySQL
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Windows client problem after upgrading from v1.1.2 to v1.1.4
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] Notifications at Security-Releases
Mark Ziegler
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.2 released
shenom.net | sascha dinter
- [Owncloud] discussion app wanted
stefan at du-weisst-schon-wo.de
- [Owncloud] Application inclusion in next release ?
- [Owncloud] Owncloud not working reliably
- [Owncloud] propfind - why always two requests?
- [Owncloud] wedav client sync with a twist
hard islander
- [Owncloud] dev/unstable download
lnx at lnx.sk
- [Owncloud] Owncloud Digest, Vol 35, Issue 49
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
- [Owncloud] CalDAV / CardDAV with IPhone 5
- [Owncloud] ERROR - External Storage issue
"Tóth Ádám"
- [Owncloud] ERROR - External Storage issue
"Tóth Ádám"
- [Owncloud] ERROR - External Storage issue
"Tóth Ádám"
- [Owncloud] CalDAV client and shared calendar
Успенский Игорь
Last message date:
Thu Jan 31 23:48:11 UTC 2013
Archived on: Thu Jan 19 08:44:10 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).