[Owncloud] New file search view

Tim Hinkes timmeey at timmeey.de
Fri Jan 18 15:36:40 UTC 2013


first of all GREAT work :-)

But i have a suggestion.

I uploaded a lot of conflict files(produced by the owncloud sync
client)  to my owncloud. Now i want them deleted. So i mounted the root
of my owncloud into some folder on my laptop. No i tried a find ./ -name
"*conflict-2013*" -delete. This is working, but it is really slow and
needs much ressources on the webserver, coz it has to handly all there
calls by the sabre dav php stuff.

i thought... what about deleting it on the server side without all these
webdav calls.

I used the search field for searching for these conflict files and found
(not suprisingly) a lot of them.
I hoped i could get some kind of "folder" view of these
search-term-matching files, to just click "select-all" and delete, like
in normal folders, but it just gives me a "list"

So. What about building a folder view for the search results? coz
folders in OC are no physical folders but virtual folders, it should be
not that complicated to build a new temporary virtual folder for search
results. This folder could use the normal folder view and methods, so i
could just select-all and delete them


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