August 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Aug 1 01:04:07 BST 2007
Ending: Fri Aug 31 16:05:45 BST 2007
Messages: 213
- [Kde-pim] Where is ldapkio addressbook?
Rashid N. Achilov
- [Kde-pim] Disabling signing after saving a draft
Till Adam
- [Kde-pim] Disabling signing after saving a draft
Till Adam
- [Kde-pim] kmail 1.9.6 scans all IMAP folders on folder change
Till Adam
- [Kde-pim] kabc/distributionlist: Entry class returns references
Till Adam
- [Kde-pim] KResourceWCAP doesn't work anymore
Frédéric Aime
- [Kde-pim] kmail
Tom Albers
- [Kde-pim] kmail
Tom Albers
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Change two methods in KPimIdentities
Tom Albers
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Tom Albers
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Tom Albers
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Change two methods in KPimIdentities
Tom Albers
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Mike Arthur
- [Kde-pim] Sync'ing Treo 700 w. KPilot
Charles Berg
- [Kde-pim] Sync'ing Treo 700 w. KPilot
Charles Berg
- [Kde-pim] Sync'ing Treo 700 w. KPilot
Charlie Berg
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] kioslaves/sieve: fix small managesieve protocol violations
Stephan Bosch
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] kioslaves/sieve: fix small managesieve protocol violations
Stephan Bosch
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] kioslaves/sieve: fix small managesieve protocol violations
Stephan Bosch
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] kioslaves/sieve: fix small managesieve protocol violations
Stephan Bosch
- [Kde-pim] Linker error in kdepimlibs while linking libgpgme
Manish Chakravarty
- [Kde-pim] Linker Error while compliling kdepimlibs... Unable to find "-lpth"
Manish Chakravarty
- [Kde-pim] Akregator
Benjamin Dieckmann
- [Kde-pim] kde pim 1.9.7 of suse won't go online
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] kde pim 1.9.7 of suse won't go online
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] kontact - ubuntu - PGP
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] kontact - ubuntu - PGP
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue - SOLVED
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] Kontact and Groupware - features
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] The Future of Kontact (Was: kpinterfaces)
Vic Fryzel
- [Kde-pim] expiring of "watched" threads
Robert Gerlach
- [Kde-pim] RS IM in Kopete -> Interacting with KMail -> Offer both to OOo and/or Koffice
Olivier Goffart
- [Kde-pim] Idea, KOrganizer Combined Search/Create bar
Bas Grolleman
- [Kde-pim] Idea, KOrganizer Combined Search/Create bar
Bas Grolleman
- [Kde-pim] Sync'ing Treo 700 w. KPilot
Adriaan de Groot
- [Kde-pim] problems with Strigi to compile
Adriaan de Groot
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Andreas Hartmetz
- [Kde-pim] [kde-linux] Programming a key to disable touchpad
Sascha Hlusiak
- [Kde-pim] [announce] KCall version 0.7.0
Tobias Hunger
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Reinhold Kainhofer
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Reinhold Kainhofer
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Reinhold Kainhofer
- [Kde-pim] Timezone, all day events
Reinhold Kainhofer
- [Kde-pim] Slovak holiday region
Reinhold Kainhofer
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Addressbook conduit crashing kpilot on second synchronization
Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper
- [Kde-pim] Sync'ing Treo 700 w. KPilot
Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper
- [Kde-pim] Sync'ing Treo 700 w. KPilot
Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as a PIM infrastructure
- [Kde-pim] Sync'ing Treo 700 w. KPilot
Kevin Kempter
- [Kde-pim] KMAIL and IMAP - reply to address
Kevin Kempter
- [Kde-pim] handling different timezones in Kontact
Kevin Kempter
- [Kde-pim] how to spoof/change my from email addr in Kmail
Kevin Kempter
- [Kde-pim] kmail
Ingo Klöcker
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Change two methods in KPimIdentities
Ingo Klöcker
- [Kde-pim] KMail: discussion on mechanism of Identity selection when composing
Ingo Klöcker
- [Kde-pim] how to spoof/change my from email addr in Kmail
Ingo Klöcker
- [Kde-pim] K-Mail with a QT-Messenger: RS.
Ingo Klöcker
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Change two methods in KPimIdentities
Ingo Klöcker
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Change two methods in KPimIdentities
Ingo Klöcker
- [Kde-pim] Kmail and egroupware
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] Support for Scalix groupware
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] Where is ldapkio addressbook?
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] kontact - ubuntu - PGP
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] Kontact and Groupware - features
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] kdepimlibs/kabc/addressbook: Question on cleanup, possible bug
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] kabc/addressbook: public dpointer in iterators
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] kabc/distributionlist: Entry class returns references
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] kabc/distributionlist: Entry class returns references
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] kabc/distributionlist: Entry class returns references
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] KDE/kdepim/akonadi/server
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] KDE/kdepim/akonadi/server
Tobias Koenig
- [Kde-pim] Question on Akonadi data connection
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] akonadi/server/interfaces: typo and annotation fix
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] akonadi/resources: missing localization
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] KDE-PIM info for LiMag
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] akonadi/server/tests/unittest re-enabling handlertest
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi data connection
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as a PIM infrastructure
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as a PIM infrastructure
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi data connection
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi directories based on XDG base directory spec
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi directories based on XDG base directory spec
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi Control .desktop lookup based on XDG Base Dirs
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi Control .desktop lookup based on XDG Base Dirs
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Get rid of "/apps" in data paths for Akonadi components
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi Control .desktop lookup based on XDG Base Dirs
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Get rid of "/apps" in data paths for Akonadi components
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi Control .desktop lookup based on XDG Base Dirs
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] K-Mail with a QT-Messenger: RS.
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Kontact and Groupware - features
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] kdepimlibs/kabc/addressbook: Question on cleanup, possible bug
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] kdepimlibs/kabc/addressbook: Question on cleanup, possible bug
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Linker Error while compliling kdepimlibs... Unable to find "-lpth"
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] kabc/addressbook: public dpointer in iterators
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] kabc/addressbook: public dpointer in iterators
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] kabc/distributionlist: Entry class returns references
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] kabc/distributionlist: Entry class returns references
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] kabc/distributionlist: Entry class returns references
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] kabc/distributionlist: Entry class returns references
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Question on Akonadi data connection
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as a PIM infrastructure
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi data connection
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi directories based on XDG base directory spec
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi Control .desktop lookup based on XDG Base Dirs
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Get rid of "/apps" in data paths for Akonadi components
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi Control .desktop lookup based on XDG Base Dirs
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] [patch] Akonadi Control .desktop lookup based on XDG Base Dirs
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] kioslaves/sieve: fix small managesieve protocol violations
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] Kmail and egroupware
Adrián Ribao Martínez
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Change two methods in KPimIdentities
Thomas McGuire
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Change two methods in KPimIdentities
Thomas McGuire
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Change two methods in KPimIdentities
Thomas McGuire
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Change two methods in KPimIdentities
Thomas McGuire
- [Kde-pim] Slovak holiday region
- [Kde-pim] kmail 1.9.6 scans all IMAP folders on folder change
Michael Monnerie
- [Kde-pim] kmail 1.9.6 scans all IMAP folders on folder change
Michael Monnerie
- [Kde-pim] KResourceWCAP doesn't work anymore
Andrea Mueller
- [Kde-pim] KResourceWCAP doesn't work anymore
Andrea Mueller
- [Kde-pim] KResourceWCAP doesn't work anymore
Andrea Mueller
- [Kde-pim] problems with Strigi to compile
René Mérou
- [Kde-pim] unistall kOrganizer
Ryan Novosielski
- [Kde-pim] Sync'ing Treo 700 w. KPilot
Ryan Novosielski
- [Kde-pim] Sync'ing Treo 700 w. KPilot
Ryan Novosielski
- [Kde-pim] Timezone, all day events
Ryan Novosielski
- [Kde-pim] kdepimlibs Syndication::Loader feature wanted
Frank Osterfeld
- [Kde-pim] kdepimlibs Syndication
Frank Osterfeld
- [Kde-pim] problems with Strigi to compile
Frank Osterfeld
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMAIL and IMAP - reply to address
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] Small problem with compilation of svn sources
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] Disabling signing after saving a draft
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail: discussion on mechanism of Identity selection when composing
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] KMail: discussion on mechanism of Identity selection when composing
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] how to spoof/change my from email addr in Kmail
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Kde-pim] Query regarding MDN's
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Eugeniu Plamadeala
- [Kde-pim] Slovak holiday region
Eugeniu Plamadeala
- [Kde-pim] Linker Error while compliling kdepimlibs... Unable to find "-lpth"
Eugeniu Plamadeala
- [Kde-pim] KDE-PIM info for LiMag
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] KDE-PIM info for LiMag
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] unistall kOrganizer
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] Fwd: kde-pim 4.0
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] Fwd: kde-pim 4.0
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as a PIM infrastructure
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as a PIM infrastructure
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] K-Mail with a QT-Messenger: RS.
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] RS IM in Kopete -> Interacting with KMail -> Offer both to OOo and/or Koffice
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] RS IM in Kopete -> Interacting with KMail -> Offer both to OOo and/or Koffice
Jos Poortvliet
- [Kde-pim] kmail
- [Kde-pim] kmail
- [Kde-pim] kmail
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] kioslaves/sieve: fix small managesieve protocol violations
Hamish Rodda
- [Kde-pim] Query regarding MDN's
Christian Schaarschmidt
- [Kde-pim] K-Mail with a QT-Messenger: RS.
Michael Schmidt
- [Kde-pim] RS IM in Kopete -> Interacting with KMail -> Offer both to OOo and/or Koffice
Michael Schmidt
- [Kde-pim] RS IM in Kopete -> Interacting with KMail -> Offer both to OOo and/or Koffice
Michael Schmidt
- [Kde-pim] Idea, KOrganizer Combined Search/Create bar
Cornelius Schumacher
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] Addressbook conduit crashing kpilot on second synchronization
Oleg Sidorkin
- [Kde-pim] The Future of Kontact (Was: kpinterfaces)
Mathias Soeken
- [Kde-pim] KDE-PIM info for LiMag
Martin Steigerwald
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] korganizer
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] Support for Scalix groupware
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] The Future of Kontact (Was: kpinterfaces)
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as a PIM infrastructure
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] kde pim 1.9.7 of suse won't go online
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] KResourceWCAP doesn't work anymore
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] handling different timezones in Kontact
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] KResourceWCAP doesn't work anymore
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] Fwd: Patch for pasting in KMail
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] Slovak holiday region
Michal Vančo
- [Kde-pim] KOrganizer timezones
Bruno Virlet
- [Kde-pim] KDE-PIM info for LiMag
Bruno Virlet
- [Kde-pim] Timezone, all day events
Bruno Virlet
- [Kde-pim] kdepimlibs Syndication
Christian Weilbach
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] Idea, KOrganizer Combined Search/Create bar
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] KNotes issues
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] KDE/kdepimlibs/kcal
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] The Future of Kontact (Was: kpinterfaces)
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] kioslaves/sieve: fix small managesieve protocol violations
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] kioslaves/sieve: fix small managesieve protocol violations
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] [PATCH] kioslaves/sieve: fix small managesieve protocol violations
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] Slovak holiday region
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] Slovak holiday region
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] Slovak holiday region
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] kioslaves/thumbnail patch
Matthew Woehlke
- [Kde-pim] Kontact and Groupware - features
Roland Wolters
- [Kde-pim] Kontact and Groupware - features
Roland Wolters
- [Kde-pim] [kde-ev-marketing] kde-pim 4.0
jos at
- [Kde-pim] KDE-PIM info for LiMag
jos at
- [Kde-pim] unistall kOrganizer
galette at
- [Kde-pim] kdepimlibs Syndication::Loader feature wanted
joel vennin
Last message date:
Fri Aug 31 16:05:45 BST 2007
Archived on: Fri Jun 7 21:01:44 BST 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).