[Kde-pim] KMail and "encrypt to self" issue - SOLVED
Markus Feilner
lists at feilner-it.net
Thu Aug 23 12:24:33 BST 2007
Am Donnerstag 23 August 2007 11:51:50 schrieb Alexis Papadopoulos:
> On Thursday 23 August 2007, Markus Feilner wrote:
> > the only difference I can see in the two mails are the headers on
> > Content-type:
> >
> > In the mail where a password dialog pops up:
> > ################
> > Content-Type: text/plain;
> > charset="us-ascii"
> > ###############
> >
> > In the other mail:
> > ###############
> > Content-Type: multipart/encrypted;
> > boundary="nextPart3421750.vzvBD63jRv";
> > protocol="application/pgp-encrypted
> > ###############
> >
> > This seems to be close to Alexis' Patch, isn't it?
> Quite close, although having a running gpg-agent should have fixed the
> issue :S.
> You could try maybe this. Save the both messages you referred to above
> (resulting in to two .mbox files). Then copy the GPG block (starting at
> ---- BEGIN PGP MESSAGE ----, until ---- END PGP MESSAGE ----) from the
> non-working one and replace the block within the mail with the text/plain
> Content-Type. Try to open the resulting mbox file with kmail, you should
> get a dialog.
> Ideally, you could compile kmail and apply the patch I sent :). Do a backup
> of your mails directory though (or use a temporary user account), just in
> case, although there shouldn't be any issue given the modifications I've
> made...
> acp
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Thank you Alexis!
To make gpg-agent permanent in my KDE-session, I followed this link:
How to set up gpg-agent for use with KDE and KMail
from the gentoo wiki, especially this part:
[edit] Setting up gpg-agent with KDE
In order to use the gpg-agent with KDE, you'll want it to start up and have
its environment variables added to KDE's environment before KDE starts.
Thankfully, KDE allows us to do this quite easily.
Create the directory ~/.kde/env
Create a file in the directory called gpg-agent.sh (the actual filename is
irrelevant, so long as it ends in .sh) like so:
File: ~/.kde/env/gpg-agent.sh
eval `gpg-agent --daemon`
Make the file executable (doubt this is necessary as it's probably sourced
rather than executed)
Log out of KDE if you're in KDE and log back in.
Create the directory ~/.kde/shutdown
Create a file in the directory called gpg-agent.sh (again the filename is
irrelevant) like so:
File: ~/.kde/shutdown/gpg-agent.sh
# the second field of the GPG_AGENT_INFO variable is the
# process ID of the gpg-agent active in the current session
# so we'll just kill that, rather than all of them :)
[[ -n ${GPG_AGENT_INFO} ]] && kill `echo ${GPG_AGENT_INFO} | cut -d ':' -f 2`
Make the file executable, as KDE executes this file when you shut down.
I believe the files are being sourced, so no need to make them executable.
I know that's sort of a hack, but I have no time for patching and compiling,
Thanks to all the KDE Developers, you are doing a great job!
Best Regards - Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Markus Feilner
Feilner IT Linux & GIS
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