[Kde-pim] Fwd: kde-pim 4.0
Jos Poortvliet
jos at mijnkamer.nl
Mon Aug 13 10:22:06 BST 2007
Hi guys,
Anyone who (knows someone who) could help here?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Markus Feilner <mfeilner at linuxnewmedia.de>
Date: Aug 13, 2007 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: kde-pim 4.0
To: winter at kde.org, kde-ev-marketing at kde.org, jos at mijnkamer.nl, Daniel
Molkentin <molkentin at kde.org>
Hi Jos, Hi Allen, Hello Daniel, Hello Kde-ev-marketing team,
thank you so far for the preparation of the akonadi article.
I have one more article where I still am searching for an author. This could
be three pages short, but it's more urgent...
I have been looking for an author who wants to write on the groupware
of Kontact, from the admin point of view. (What works? What doesn't and
Which servers work good, bad, not at all? Where are the files, what can be
distributed automatically? ....)
Unfortunately, I have not found an author up to now. can you recommend me
somebody ? English or German does not matter, and I have quite some
of Kontact, thus I can be a helping hand if needed.
The article would be due on September 1st.
Please note: We have an article in the issue which covers exactly the same
matter based on evolution, thus I would love to have an article on KDE in
here..., I think we absouletly need this.
I am looking forward to your answer.
Am Donnerstag 02 August 2007 11:58:58 schrieb Markus Feilner:
> Am Mittwoch 06 Juni 2007 16:42:49 schrieb Allen Winter:
> > On Monday 04 June 2007 7:06:42 am you wrote:
> > > Hello Allen,
> > > I am an Editor at the German Linux Magazine and I think the
> > > announcement that kde-pim will be a part of KDE 4 is worth a news for
> > > us.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Best Regards,
Markus Feilner
Linux New Media AG, Sueskindstr. 4, 81929 Muenchen, Germany
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