May 2000 Archives by author
Starting: Mon May 1 10:40:10 BST 2000
Ending: Wed May 31 23:54:24 BST 2000
Messages: 236
- Importing Files...
Pedro Abelleira
- KDEvelop 1.2
Ray A. Akey
- KDEvelop 1.2
Ray A. Akey
- Kdevelop 1.2 and dialog editor bug?
Ray A. Akey
- KDevelop bug??
Ray A. Akey
- Kdevelop
- Problem (Bug?) with docu in kdk 1.2
Luzius Amb�hl
- Problem (Bug?) with docu in kdk 1.2
Luzius Amb�hl
- Solved: Re: Problem (Bug?) with docu in kdk 1.2
Luzius Amb�hl
- Resizing icons
Mike Andrew
- glimpse
Mike Andrew
- KDevelop on FreeBSD
Will Andrews
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - detailed problem
Will Andrews
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - building FreeBSD ports
Will Andrews
- FW: cvs commit: ports/devel/kdevelop Makefile ports/devel/kdevelop/files md5 ports/devel/kdevelop/pkg PLIST
Will Andrews
- FW: cvs commit: ports/devel/kdevelop Makefile ports/devel/kdevelop/files md5 ports/devel/kdevelop/pkg PLIST
Will Andrews
- Kdevelop
Joachim Ansorg
- Makeiles in kdevelop
- Compile other Libs with a Kdevelop-Project
Walid Bacha
- Internal debugger problem
Mark Barkan
- KDev bug: 'make dist' missing an .am file
Beal, Stephan
- Wish list
John Birch
- What would be the best approach..?
Charles Boivin
- Need help compiling a QT2.x SDI project...
Charles Boivin
- Need help compiling a QT2.x SDI project...
Ken Brakey
- Need help compiling a QT2.x SDI project...
Ken Brakey
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - building FreeBSD ports
Falk Brettschneider
- [florian at configure-error]
Falk Brettschneider
- Several questions about 1.2
Falk Brettschneider
- kdevelop 1.1 crashing X on an Ultra 1
William Bryan
- Quetions about KDevelop and QT 2
William Bryan
- Quetions about KDevelop and QT 2
José Francisco Chaves
- Window without title-bar
- Window without title-bar
- No subject
- Loading icons & crash program
- Loading icons & crash program (2)
- Loading icons & crash program (3 & last)
- Compiler options in V1.1
Daniel G. Clemmensen
- Problems compiling console C++ app
Christian Couder
- Development source access and patch
Christian Couder
- Enhancements
Christian Couder
- API documentation generation hangs
Arnaud Covez
- UK Govt's IR35 tax regulations stimulate open source development
Richard Dale
- UK Govt's IR35 tax regulations stimulate open source dev
Richard Dale
- i wish...
Banibrata Dutta
- STL with kdevelop
Tobias Erbsland
- DOxygen in KDevelop.
William Gacquer
William Gacquer
- Alter CVS-Path in Project
Bernd Gehrmann
- KAppWizard - Could not find a valid shell
Bernd Gehrmann
- CVS adding new c++ files in a new subdirectory
Bernd Gehrmann
- KDE2-Projects - missing qdom.h
Jens Gersdorf
- CVS adding new c++ files in a new subdirectory
Mario Goorden
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - detailed problem
Ilmar S. Habibulin
- KAppWizard - Could not find a valid shell
Ulli Hansen
- static libraries corrupt?
Ulli Hansen
- static libraries corrupt?
Ulli Hansen
- class parser seems not to recognize exception specifications
Olaf Hartig
- Kdevelop 1.2- corrupt files?
Hauke Hildebrandt
- Help for configuring Kdevelop
Muhammad Ali Imran
- Is down?
- Emacs? Was: Usable KDE2 version?
Anders Karlsson
- Kdeveop 1.x libtool problems with linux/ppc
Jeremy Knope
- libtool problem ppc, what it should do i think
Jeremy Knope
- Kdevelop 1.x configure/libtool patch for linux/ppc support
Jeremy Knope
- WG: ANNOUNCE: KDE2 Binaries available
Jerry Kreps
- KDevelop 1.2 can't find iostream.h
Bjoern Krombholz
- KDE Config file overwrite
Krzywicki, Alan
- WG: ANNOUNCE: KDE2 Binaries available
- Please, how can I change the compiler?
Heiko Leberer
- createing qt-examples from dalheimer with kdevelop
Christoph Lehmann
- STL with kdevelop
Christoph Lehmann
- Compiler options in V1.1
Haim Lisha
- Docs generation
Serge Lussier
- Is Qt2 necessary for KDevelop1.1?
Janne L�hteenm�ki
- KDevelop 1.2 can't find iostream.h
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- glimpse
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- KDevelop 1.2 can't find iostream.h
Ivan Martinez
- Display settings file
Ivan Martinez
- STL with kdevelop
Ivan Martinez
- ANNOUNCE: KDevelop 1.2 released
Sandy Meier
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - building FreeBSD ports
Sandy Meier
- DOxygen in KDevelop.
Sandy Meier
Benjamin Meyer
- Creating a shared library
Benjamin Meyer
- Would you include KDE reuse patterns in kdevelop?
Amir Michail
- Enhancement
Miller, John JE
- Alter CVS-Path in Project
Werner Modenbach
- Probs with doc browser
Werner Modenbach
- additional libs
Werner Modenbach
- additional libs
Werner Modenbach
- ANNOUNCE: KDE Alpha Binaries available 2000-04-30
Christopher Molnar
Christopher Molnar
- ANNOUNCE: KDE2 Binaries available
Christopher Molnar
- ANNOUNCE: KDE Alpha Binaries available 2000-05-05
Christopher Molnar
- ANNOUNCE: KDE Beta Binaries available 2000-05-10
Christopher Molnar
- ANNOUNCE: KDE Snapshot Binaries available 2000-05-12
Christopher Molnar
- ANNOUNCE: KDE Snapshot Binaries available 2000-05-18
Christopher Molnar
- ANNOUNCE: KDE Snapshot Binaries available 2000-05-31
Christopher Molnar
Richard Moore
- Where do I get kde-headers ?
Richard Moore
- KDevelop 1.2 and Qt
Richard Moore
- Alter CVS-Path in Project
Richard Moore
- Please, how can I change the compiler?
Richard Moore
Richard Moore
- [Fwd: glade]
Massimo Morin
- Can't read STDIN in the debugger
Michael Mueller
- Problems with codepages
Gerd Müller
- c_c++_reference
Gerd Müller
- Where do I get kde-headers ?
Rejin NS
- KDevelop 1.2 and Qt
Rejin NS
- KDevelop 1.2
Steve Nakhla
- linking g++ and f77
Danny Nedelko
- htdig config problems
Danny Nedelko
- compiling a qt app
Danny Nedelko
- Linking Fortran Objects into MDI project
Danny Nedelko
- additional info
Danny Nedelko
- linking .o files ion Kdevelop
Danny Nedelko
- linking .o files in Kdevelop
Danny Nedelko
- c_c++_reference
Vadim Nikolayev
- OT: Pictures in SGML
Ralf Nolden
- KDevelop 1.2
Ralf Nolden
- kdevelop 1.1 crashing X on an Ultra 1
Ralf Nolden
- Problem (Bug?) with docu in kdk 1.2
Ralf Nolden
- kdk: kdoc installation
Ralf Nolden
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - building FreeBSD ports
Ralf Nolden
Ralf Nolden
Ralf Nolden
- [Fwd: Poll on]
Ralf Nolden
- KAppWizard - Could not find a valid shell
Ralf Nolden
- Problem generation kdelib documentation....
Ralf Nolden
- KDevelop Documentation assistant needed
Ralf Nolden
- Building static libs with KDevelop
Ralf Nolden
- DOxygen in KDevelop.
Ralf Nolden
- FW: cvs commit: ports/devel/kdevelop Makefile ports/devel/kdevelop/files md5 ports/devel/kdevelop/pkg PLIST
Ralf Nolden
- tutorial
Ralf Nolden
- static libraries corrupt?
Ralf Nolden
Ralf Nolden
- static libraries corrupt?
Ralf Nolden
- KDE2-Projects - missing qdom.h
Ralf Nolden
- kmdlineargs
Ralf Nolden
Ralf Nolden
- Enhancements
Ralf Nolden
- Need help compiling a QT2.x SDI project...
Ralf Nolden
- Where do I get kde-headers ?
- Where do I get kde-headers ? Got them, but now ........
- static libraries corrupt?
- [florian at configure-error]
Florian Paetz
- STL with kdevelop
Martin Piskernig
- sorry, i have to test new account :(
Zdenek Pizl
- STL with kdevelop
Nick Pleis
- Please, how can I change the compiler?
Leon Pollak
- Please, how can I change the compiler?
Leon Pollak
- Please, how can I change the compiler?
Leon Pollak
- Several questions about 1.2
Leon Pollak
- Several questions about 1.2
Leon Pollak
- External debugger, how to use?
Leon Pollak
- Several questions about 1.2
Leon Pollak
- Problems with codepages
Jörg Preiß
- AW: Problems with codepages
Jörg Preiß
- Enhancements
Todd Reedy
- Wish list
Chris Rerucha
- announce: lincvs-0.3alpha1
Tilo Riemer
- Is down?
Tim Rohrer
- Hilfe...
Ralf Ryback
- Kdevelop: bug report - class member becomes method in CV tree view
John Schavemaker
- OT: Pictures in SGML
Andreas Schlapbach
- Kdevelop 1.2- corrupt files?
Simon Schoar
- Please Advise with compiler
Felix Shedrinsky
- tutorial
Jose Barros Soares
Jose Barros Soares
- glimpse
Jose Barros Soares
- kmdlineargs
Jose Barros Soares
- kdevelop 1.1 crashing X on an Ultra 1
Steven Suson
- Bug #2862
Steven Suson
- Bug #2862
Steven Suson
- Resizing icons
Steven Suson
- KDevelop on FreeBSD
Trisnadi Sutrisno
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - detailed problem
Trisnadi Sutrisno
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - building FreeBSD ports
Trisnadi Sutrisno
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - building FreeBSD ports
Trisnadi Sutrisno
- Problems compiling console C++ app
Tim Sutton
- #kdevelop-pragma
W. Tasin
- crash on template struct
W. Tasin
- Problem (Bug?) with docu in kdk 1.2
W. Tasin
- ANNOUNCE: KDK 1.2 released and binaries already available
W. Tasin
- static libraries corrupt?
W. Tasin
- static libraries corrupt?
W. Tasin
- OT: Pictures in SGML
Peter Thorstenson
- How to place a kdelnk.....
Peter Thorstenson
- Problem (Bug?) with docu in kdk 1.2
Peter Thorstenson
- Problem (Bug?) with docu in kdk 1.2
Peter Thorstenson
- How do I change install location of myapp.kdelnk???
Peter Thorstenson
- Problem generation kdelib documentation....
Peter Thorstenson
- Problem generation kdelib documentation....
Peter Thorstenson
- Problems compiling console C++ app
- general project support?
Jean-Marc Valin
- STL with kdevelop
David G. Watson
- Usable KDE2 version?
David G. Watson
- STL with kdevelop
Stephen Webb
- linking .o files ion Kdevelop
Robert Wheat
- Development source access and patch
Stefan Wille
- c_c++_reference
Henrik Witt-Hansen
- Several questions about 1.2
Jacek Wojdel
- kdk: kdoc installation
Berndt Josef Wulf
- KDevelop on FreeBSD
Berndt Josef Wulf
- Segementation fault on star
Vladimir Yelistratov
- Question about setting up document within Kdevelop's MDI project
JJoopy at
- Problems compiling KDK under RedHat 6.0
Milan.Marinov at
- including additional makefiles
oliverko at
- Kdevelop : undefined refrence ... ?
oliverko at
- KDevelop on FreeBSD - detailed problem
oliverko at
- Building static libs with KDevelop
ian reinhart geiser
- DOxygen in KDevelop.
ian reinhart geiser
- Bug report: CTRL-arrow movement in non-C/C++ files
mogul at
- Bug Report: Lockup if debugger run with separate window for I/O
mogul at
- Bug report: CTRL-arrow movement in non-C/C++ file plus PS2 debugging
mogul-kdevelop at
- Bug report: CTRL-arrow movement in non-C/C++ file - backtrace
mogul-kdevelop at
- Can't read STDIN in the debugger
- Bug #2862
- Bug report: CTRL-arrow movement in non-C/C++ files
- Bug report: CTRL-arrow movement in non-C/C++ file - backtrace
- STL with kdevelop
- Bug Report: Lockup if debugger run with separate window for I/O
- UK Govt's IR35 tax regulations stimulate open source dev
Derek_Mason at
llornkcor at
- KDevelop bug??
jeremy.c.hull at
- Is down?
damarugendra m
- Please help me back on the track!
- make error
- compiling a qt app
- compiling a qt app
- compiling a qt app
- Wonderful Offer 4 U...
papirandre at
- list
Last message date:
Wed May 31 23:54:24 BST 2000
Archived on: Fri Nov 29 17:06:31 GMT 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).