Kdevelop 1.2- corrupt files?

Hauke Hildebrandt Hauke.Hildebrandt at iup.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu May 4 13:57:45 BST 2000


For some reason I am unable to
decompress the kdk-1.2 and kdevelop-1.2
files from the tu-muenchen server (both
*.bz2 and *.gz). Maybe it is my
configuration, but all other zipped
files as well as the kdevelop-1.2 from
the uni-potsdam server are working well.

So long
Hauke Hildebrandt
Institut für Umweltphysik
Universität Heidelberg
INF 229
69120 Heidelberg

Tel.: 06221/546318
Fax: 06221/546405

hauke.hildebrandt at iup.uni-heidelberg.de

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