Several questions about 1.2

Falk Brettschneider gigafalk at
Tue May 16 19:51:01 BST 2000


Leon Pollak wrote:
What type of KDevelop project do you use?
What is your KDevelop version?

> 1. After project creation and filling, the build process failed on final
> executable module creation. Searching in make files showed that there is
> the following definition (ftdr is my target):
> ftdr: $(ftdr_OBJECTS) $(ftdr_DEPENDENCIES)
>         @rm -f ftdr
>         $(LINK) $(ftdr_LDFLAGS) $(ftdr_OBJECTS) $(ftdr_LDADD) $(LIBS)
> while this is the only place in all make files where the "LINK" is
> mentioned. The problem was solved when I added LINK=ld into the
./configure should find what LINK is. I bet you got problems during
./configure (at the line where it tries to detect the linker)

> 2. I wanted to add some more "sophisticated" division of my 70 files n
> the LFV view, then by their extensions and tried to use such expressions
> for filters as abc*.c and others. The kdevelop didn't pay any attention
> to this - simply ignored.
Got no volunteer for that real nice feature. :-(

> 3. As I was able to understand, each additional parameter, which was
> added in the (Project Options->Compiler Options) or (Project
> Options->Linker Options->Additional options or additional libraries) is
> immediately added to the autoconf...configure... story. This leads to
> the very strange and undesirable effects in the configure process,
> which, for example, tries to run test program to test compiler
> functionality with all this stuff. This is especially harmful for the
> link options, because ld options are not understood by gcc.
That's too few information to help you.

> 6. There are several classes in the application, all of them are
> processed by class browser O'K, except one. All my attempts to
> understand the difference failed - the class looks very similar to
> another one which is well understood by the IDE. The problem is that in
> CV view this class is totally absent under the Classes header, but exist
> and compiles. Its methods appear under the Global->Functins header. What
> can be done to insert this class inside?
Play around with that class, remove parts temporarily to find out which
lines causes trouble. Then report again here but more detailed.

F at lk

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