kdevelop 1.1 crashing X on an Ultra 1

William Bryan bill.bryan at eds.com
Tue May 2 17:48:08 BST 2000

New info.  The problem only occurs when frame buffering is enabled.  This is
on the
Ultra 1 with the Creator 3D vid card.  If I turn off the frame buffering
with the
noFFB option, kdevelop works great.  Of course, moving windows around the
screen is a little slow.

Is there any possibility of getting this fixed?  Is there any other info
that I could give that
would help with this situation?

William Bryan wrote:

> I have a copy of kdevelop 1.1.  It was compiled and running on a Sparc
> Ultra 1 running Redhat 6.0
> I upgraded to Redhat 6.1.  Before and after I recompiled kdevelop 1.1,
> the product is crashing the
> X server.  Currently, it is crashing the server when I start it.
> Sequence is:
> 1) start kdevelop
> 2) answer yes to kdevelop asking me if I want to open the last project -
> since it crashed the last
>     time it was run.  Sorry, I do not have the exact syntax of the
> question.
> 3) The main windows opens up and the tip of the day window is opened.
> 4) X crashes and I am sitting at the login panel again.
> I run kdevelop using strace.  It says (near the end ) that it has opened
> and read the tip of the
> day file.  It then starts writing to the X server.  It gets to on
> message going to the X server and
> says that the write is never completed.
> I have compiled the program on a totally new install of Redhat 6.1 on an
> Ultra 1 and see the
> same symptoms.
> Can anyone help?
> I am sorry it this has already been discussed, but I am fairly new to
> the newgroup.

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