[florian at fpaetz.de: configure-error]
Falk Brettschneider
gigafalk at yahoo.com
Mon May 8 09:43:01 BST 2000
Florian Paetz wrote:
> Hello,
> someone mailed me the following error. I don't really know the reason, but I
> guessed that the problems are, that the configure script tries to link the
> qt2.x libaries with the kde 1.1.2 libraries.
> Has someone any other ideas?
Ladies and Gentlemen, the-lucky-winner-iiiiiiissss: Florian Paetz!
You are the 1000000st guy who asks that qt-2.x/kde-1.x-question! :-)
Your price is you can download the MSWindows version of KDevelop for
free! See the forum for the download address...
export QTDIR=/your_realized_qt_144_path
export KDEDIR=/your_realized_kde_1x_path
make install (as root)
"Dance with my shade / Like the leaves in that stormy night you've
passed away"
(Dreadful Shadows, "Beyond The Maze", 1998)
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