April 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Apr 1 23:08:08 BST 2012
Ending: Mon Apr 30 16:11:01 BST 2012
Messages: 183
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Martin (KDE)
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Martin (KDE)
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Martin (KDE)
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Martin (KDE)
- [Kde-pim] Thank you, akonadi, nepomuk, kolab and kde-pim
Till Adam
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
John Aldrich
- [Kde-pim] Unknown error. (Unable to fetch item from backend)
Tim Blechmann
- [Kde-pim] Filters in kmail2rc and akonadi_mailfilter_agentrc
Sven Burmeister
- [Kde-pim] Filters in kmail2rc and akonadi_mailfilter_agentrc
Sven Burmeister
- [Kde-pim] Filters in kmail2rc and akonadi_mailfilter_agentrc
Sven Burmeister
- [Kde-pim] Cannot read old local email (mixedmaildir resource) - "unable to list items"
Sven Burmeister
- [Kde-pim] Email Test
Sven Burmeister
- [Kde-pim] [SoK] Implementing the GSoC idea in Summer of KDE
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] Thank you, akonadi, nepomuk, kolab and kde-pim
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi Google resource
- [Kde-pim] SMTP password saving problem and Solution
Marc Deop
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Marc Deop
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Do not add an organizer to appointments without attendees
Stephan Diestelhorst
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Do not add an organizer to appointments without attendees
Stephan Diestelhorst
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Do not add an organizer to appointments without attendees
Stephan Diestelhorst
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Do not add an organizer to appointments without attendees
Stephan Diestelhorst
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Do not add an organizer to appointments without attendees
Stephan Diestelhorst
- [Kde-pim] akonai_imap_resource needs > 4.5 GB RAM
Stephan Diestelhorst
- [Kde-pim] akonai_imap_resource needs > 4.5 GB RAM
Stephan Diestelhorst
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Add sqlite support to akonadi kcm
Rex Dieter
- [Kde-pim] Cannot read old local email (mixedmaildir resource) - "unable to list items"
David Faure
- [Kde-pim] Cannot read old local email (mixedmaildir resource) - "unable to list items"
David Faure
- [Kde-pim] Thunderbird experiences
Markus Feilner
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "Broken" imap resource
Alex Fiestas
- [Kde-pim] akonai_imap_resource needs > 4.5 GB RAM
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Move akonadi-google resources to KDE PIM
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Georg C. F. Greve
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Georg C. F. Greve
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Georg C. F. Greve
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Georg C. F. Greve
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Georg C. F. Greve
- [Kde-pim] Problem with bulk fetching of items with 4.8
Shaheed Haque
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Marcus Harrison
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Do not add an organizer to appointments without attendees
Andre Heinecke
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Remove groupwizard from Kontacts Introduction Page
Commit Hook
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Ignore call to ImapResource::retrieveItems without rid
Commit Hook
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Respect NoInferiors, and disallow creating new collections accordingly.
Commit Hook
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Treat \N like \n when parsing vcard data
Commit Hook
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Treat \N like \n when parsing vcard data
Commit Hook
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Move akonadi-google resources to KDE PIM
Commit Hook
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
David Jarvie
- [Kde-pim] GSOC: Improve HTML composing
Michał Jaskurzyński
- [Kde-pim] Strange behaviour smtp - how to investigate further?
Thomas Kleindienst
- [Kde-pim] API change in patch release
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Do not add an organizer to appointments without attendees
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: KMail encountered a fatal error
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] \\N line break question
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Treat \N like \n when parsing vcard data
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] GSOC: PIM mentors internal ranking and "want to mentor"
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] GSOC: PIM mentors internal ranking and "want to mentor"
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Treat \N like \n when parsing vcard data
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] KCal with KABC and maintainers?
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Summary: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: contacts
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: birthdays
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: birthdays
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Summary: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: dav
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: birthdays
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Summary: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: dav
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Summary: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: contacts
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: KMail encountered a fatal error
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Kmail API: deleting emails from a kmail maildir folder.
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Kmail API: deleting emails from a kmail maildir folder.
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Problem with bulk fetching of items with 4.8
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] KMail and "Broken" imap resource
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Kevin Krammer
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Check resourceid to decide if a resource is the owner of the entity
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Volker Krause
- [Kde-pim] quick search can not see CC header (sorry for posting here, but bko does not work)
Anders Lund
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Anders Lund
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Anders Lund
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Anders Lund
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as metadata caching middleware
Anders Lund
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Anders Lund
- [Kde-pim] unable to build kde-pim from source
Shivam Makkar
- [Kde-pim] GSOC: PIM mentors internal ranking and "want to mentor"
Andras Mantia
- [Kde-pim] Cannot read old local email (mixedmaildir resource) - "unable to list items"
Andras Mantia
- [Kde-pim] Cannot read old local email (mixedmaildir resource) - "unable to list items"
Andras Mantia
- [Kde-pim] akonai_imap_resource needs > 4.5 GB RAM
Andras Mantia
- [Kde-pim] Email Test
Andras Mantia
- [Kde-pim] KCal with KABC and maintainers?
- [Kde-pim] KCal with KABC and maintainers?
- [Kde-pim] KCal with KABC and maintainers?
Sérgio Martins
- [Kde-pim] SMTP password saving problem and Solution
Lindsay Mathieson
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Lindsay Mathieson
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as metadata caching middleware
Lindsay Mathieson
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Lindsay Mathieson
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Lindsay Mathieson
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Lindsay Mathieson
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Lindsay Mathieson
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Lindsay Mathieson
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Lindsay Mathieson
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: KMail encountered a fatal error
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: KMail encountered a fatal error
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: birthdays
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Summary: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: contacts
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Summary: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: dav
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Summary: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, directory: contacts
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: KMail encountered a fatal error
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Cleanup coding style other the directory kdepim-runtime/accountwizard/
Guy Maurel
- [Kde-pim] Organizing calendaring items and notes
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] Strange behaviour smtp - how to investigate further?
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] Fetching of local items in the imap resource (no rid)
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as metadata caching middleware
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Check resourceid to decide if a resource is the owner of the entity
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Check resourceid to decide if a resource is the owner of the entity
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Ignore call to ImapResource::retrieveItems without rid
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] IMAP Resource out of sync
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] akonai_imap_resource needs > 4.5 GB RAM
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Respect NoInferiors, and disallow creating new collections accordingly.
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] New Kolab-Resource depending on libkolab
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] Mix of config and cache data
Christian Mollekopf
- [Kde-pim] Filters in kmail2rc and akonadi_mailfilter_agentrc
laurent Montel
- [Kde-pim] unable to build kde-pim from source
laurent Montel
- [Kde-pim] interested in doing your task for Season of KDE 2012
Mohammed Nafees
- [Kde-pim] GSOC: PIM mentors internal ranking and "want to mentor"
- [Kde-pim] Thank you, akonadi, nepomuk, kolab and kde-pim
Torgny Nyblom
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Ignore call to ImapResource::retrieveItems without rid
Kevin Ottens
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Respect NoInferiors, and disallow creating new collections accordingly.
Kevin Ottens
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Kevin Ottens
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Reduce the issues found by krazy2, all directories kdepim-runtime/resources, not ical, not maildir
Kevin Ottens
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi Google resource
Mario Santagiuliana
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi Google resource
Mario Santagiuliana
- [Kde-pim] \\N line break question
Divan Santana
- [Kde-pim] \\N line break question
Divan Santana
- [Kde-pim] question about EMAIL field in vcard RFC
Divan Santana
- [Kde-pim] akonai_imap_resource needs > 4.5 GB RAM
Jörg Schaible
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Raoul Snyman
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: KMail encountered a fatal error
Martin Steigerwald
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Martin Steigerwald
- [Kde-pim] Resource deleted which is kept in owncloud (was some other subject)
Martin Steigerwald
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as metadata caching middleware
Martin Steigerwald
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as metadata caching middleware
Martin Steigerwald
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Martin Steigerwald
- [Kde-pim] Akonadi as metadata caching middleware
Martin Steigerwald
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Will Stephenson
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
Thomas Tanghus
- [Kde-pim] akonadi
Thomas Tanghus
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Move akonadi-google resources to KDE PIM
Dan Vratil
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Move akonadi-google resources to KDE PIM
Dan Vratil
- [Kde-pim] Can't report bugs problem - solution
Anne Wilson
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Anne Wilson
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
Anne Wilson
- [Kde-pim] Thunderbird experiences
Anne Wilson
- [Kde-pim] New Kolab-Resource depending on libkolab
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] Review Request: Move akonadi-google resources to KDE PIM
Allen Winter
- [Kde-pim] Kmail API: deleting emails from a kmail maildir folder.
- [Kde-pim] [GSoC 2012] Improve KOrganizer templates
lavinia bobonete
- [Kde-pim] a very frustrating problem with Kmail conflicts
con.hennessy at gmail.com
- [Kde-pim] Can't report bugs problem - solution
gene heskett
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] *******, akonadi
- [Kde-pim] Email Test
- [Kde-pim] Email Test
- [Kde-pim] Email Test
Last message date:
Mon Apr 30 16:11:01 BST 2012
Archived on: Fri Jun 7 21:01:09 BST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).