[Kde-pim] fuck you, akonadi
John Aldrich
jmaldrich at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 12 18:09:35 BST 2012
Quoting "Georg C. F. Greve" <greve at kolabsys.com>:
> On Thursday 12 April 2012 18.49:34 Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
>> Oddly enough I have all those things - Multiple accounts, calendars,address
>> book all on line. My Android Phone and Thunderbird interop with them just
>> fine. Funny how an ancient legacy app like thunderbird works so well with
>> that stuff.
> ....providing only a small subset of the functionality of KDE PIM or Outlook,
> however, which was precisely the point.
> Thunderbird/Lightning provides what could be called "groupware light".
> If that subset is enough for you, fine.
> But in many cases, especially where professional use cases are concerned, it
> is not. And yes, Thunderbird is going to have major difficulties matching the
> functional depth of KDE PIM with its current architecture. Not to mention it
> is unlikely to be able to adapt to multiple form factors in the same way that
> Kontact Touch can provide.
> So yes, you could also say that your little Falcon [1] has no problems
> bringing you from airport one to airport two and is therefore far superior to
> the A380 [2] which is totally overdesigned. But then, while much
> more complex,
> and technologically challenging and with setbacks and problems along
> the path,
> the A380 is somewhat in a different league.
I would KILL for a version of KMail that 1) Handles multiple IMAP
accounts 2) Handles multiple POP/SMTP accounts, 3) doesn't suck. I,
for one, do not want/use an Outlook replacement app. I would like
something like KMail-Lite, along the lines of Thunderbird that does
NOT need a database back-end. Awhile back, I was using a different
Linux email client because KMail was undergoing growing pains (years
ago) and so I switched to an alternate email client. Then, the
developers of THAT email client decided to go to a database-driven
version, and I didn't want/need a huge freakin' database just for
email, so I switched back to KMail. Fortunately, KMail was stable
again at that point.
I like *some* of the new features of KMail2, but I really wish I
didn't have to have Akonadi or Nepomuk. :(
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