January 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 1 16:53:56 CET 2009
Ending: Sat Jan 31 14:08:04 CET 2009
Messages: 273
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Till Adam
- iTunes database importer patch
Martin Aumueller
- Fwd: Objective C++ support
Orville Bennett
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Orville Bennett
- GitHub
Magnus Bergmark
- GitHub
Magnus Bergmark
- GitHub
Magnus Bergmark
- Report from incorporation research committee
Bart Cerneels
- Proposal: generalize playlist concept
Bart Cerneels
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Bart Cerneels
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Bart Cerneels
- Very strange crash related to plasma
Bart Cerneels
- Very strange crash related to plasma
Bart Cerneels
- Discussion on voting systems
Bart Cerneels
- Switching to kde 4.2 libplasma
Bart Cerneels
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Bart Cerneels
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Bart Cerneels
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Bart Cerneels
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Bart Cerneels
- Ampach async loading crash
Bart Cerneels
- Ampach async loading crash
Bart Cerneels
- Testing
Leo Franchi
- GitHub
Leo Franchi
- GitHub
Leo Franchi
- GitHub
Leo Franchi
- GitHub
Leo Franchi
- Report from incorporation research committee
Leo Franchi
- Report from incorporation research committee
Leo Franchi
- Report from incorporation research committee
Leo Franchi
- Report from incorporation research committee
Leo Franchi
- Report from incorporation research committee
Leo Franchi
- Patch to fix autocompletion in tag dialog
Leo Franchi
- Patch to fix autocompletion in tag dialog
Leo Franchi
- Discussion on voting systems
Leo Franchi
- Discussion on voting systems
Leo Franchi
- Discussion on voting systems
Leo Franchi
- Discussion on voting systems
Leo Franchi
- Switching to kde 4.2 libplasma
Leo Franchi
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Leo Franchi
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Leo Franchi
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Leo Franchi
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Leo Franchi
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Leo Franchi
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Leo Franchi
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Leo Franchi
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Leo Franchi
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Leo Franchi
- Endorsement
Leo Franchi
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Leo Franchi
- Endorsement
Leo Franchi
- Summary of KDE 4.2 Release Party in Zurich
Leo Franchi
- Summary of KDE 4.2 Release Party in Zurich
Leo Franchi
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Adriaan de Groot
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Adriaan de Groot
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Adriaan de Groot
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Edward Hades
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Edward Hades
- Discussion on voting systems
Edward Hades
- Tarball needed
Edward Hades
- Tarball needed
Edward Hades
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Soren Harward
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Soren Harward
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Soren Harward
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Soren Harward
- iTunes database importer patch
Jonny Heggheim
- iTunes database importer patch
Jonny Heggheim
- GitHub
Erik Hovland
- GitHub
Erik Hovland
- Report from incorporation research committee
Erik Hovland
- Report from incorporation research committee
Erik Hovland
- Amarok vulnerabilities #1-4 (2nd try)
Erik Hovland
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Erik Hovland
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen
- [Kde-scm-interest] On Amarok Switching to Git
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
- [OT] Nomitive (was: Re: [Kde-scm-interest] IRC Meeting Summary + Log)
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Maximilian Kossick
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Maximilian Kossick
- Ipod slowness
Maximilian Kossick
- Ipod slowness
Maximilian Kossick
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Mark Kretschmann
- GitHub
Mark Kretschmann
- GitHub
Mark Kretschmann
- GitHub
Mark Kretschmann
- Crash on exit involving TagDialog
Mark Kretschmann
- GitHub
Mark Kretschmann
- GitHub
Mark Kretschmann
- Report from incorporation research committee
Mark Kretschmann
- GitHub
Mark Kretschmann
- [Fwd: Re: Support "album artist" and "artist sort" in TagLib::Tag interface?]
Mark Kretschmann
- Ipod slowness
Mark Kretschmann
- KDE-Nightly (NEON) and self-built Amarok
Mark Kretschmann
- Very strange crash related to plasma
Mark Kretschmann
- Travelling next week
Mark Kretschmann
- Discussion on voting systems
Mark Kretschmann
- Insanity bot offline
Mark Kretschmann
- Insanity bot offline
Mark Kretschmann
- Crash with Context View toolbar
Mark Kretschmann
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Mark Kretschmann
- Endorsement
Mark Kretschmann
- Away to KDE 4.2 Release Party
Mark Kretschmann
- Summary of KDE 4.2 Release Party in Zurich
Mark Kretschmann
- Summary of KDE 4.2 Release Party in Zurich
Mark Kretschmann
- Summary of KDE 4.2 Release Party in Zurich
Mark Kretschmann
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Sven Krohlas
- Patch to fix autocompletion in tag dialog
Casey Link
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/services
Casey Link
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/services
Casey Link
- On Amarok Switching to Git
Casey Link
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Casey Link
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Casey Link
- On Amarok Switching to Git
Casey Link
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Casey Link
- [Kde-scm-interest] Amarok Switching to Git: IRC Meeting (the getting stuff done thread)
Casey Link
- IRC Meeting Summary + Log
Casey Link
- Fwd: Re: git.kde.org
Casey Link
- Ampach async loading crash
Casey Link
- Fwd: Amarok vulnerabilities #1-4 (2nd try)
Lubos Lunak
- GitHub
Dan Meltzer
- Statistics calculation
Dan Meltzer
- GitHub
Dan Meltzer
- GitHub
Dan Meltzer
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Dan Meltzer
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Dan Meltzer
- iTunes database importer patch
Dan Meltzer
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Dan Meltzer
- Amarok Switching to Git: IRC Meeting (the getting stuff done thread)
Dan Meltzer
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Dan Meltzer
- Endorsement
Dan Meltzer
- Endorsement
Dan Meltzer
- Songbird also creating url-navigationy things..
Dan Meltzer
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Alex Merry
- [Fwd: Re: Support "album artist" and "artist sort" in TagLib::Tag interface?]
Alex Merry
- Discussion on voting systems
Alex Merry
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Gregory Meyer
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Gregory Meyer
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Gregory Meyer
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Gregory Meyer
- Tarball needed
Gregory Meyer
- Discussion on voting systems
Gregory Meyer
- Discussion on voting systems
Gregory Meyer
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Gregory Meyer
- Endorsement
Gregory Meyer
- Endorsement
Gregory Meyer
- Endorsement
Gregory Meyer
- Fwd: Summary of KDE 4.2 Release Party in Zurich
Gregory Meyer
- Testing
Jeff Mitchell
- Testing
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Jeff Mitchell
- Report from incorporation research committee
Jeff Mitchell
- [Fwd: Re: Support "album artist" and "artist sort" in TagLib::Tag interface?]
Jeff Mitchell
- [Fwd: Re: Support "album artist" and "artist sort" in TagLib::Tag interface?]
Jeff Mitchell
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Jeff Mitchell
- [Kde-scm-interest] On Amarok Switching to Git
Jeff Mitchell
- Tarball needed
Jeff Mitchell
- Switching to kde 4.2 libplasma
Jeff Mitchell
- Fwd: [Fwd: Re: Switching to kde 4.2 libplasma]
Jeff Mitchell
- Insanity bot offline
Jeff Mitchell
- Insanity bot offline
Jeff Mitchell
- Amarok Switching to Git: IRC Meeting (the getting stuff done thread)
Jeff Mitchell
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Jeff Mitchell
- Endorsement
Jeff Mitchell
- Summary of KDE 4.2 Release Party in Zurich
Jeff Mitchell
- GitHub
Ian Monroe
- GitHub
Ian Monroe
- GitHub
Ian Monroe
- GitHub
Ian Monroe
- Report from incorporation research committee
Ian Monroe
- Very strange crash related to plasma
Ian Monroe
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Ian Monroe
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Ian Monroe
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Ian Monroe
- On Amarok Switching to Git
Ian Monroe
- Discussion on voting systems
Ian Monroe
- [Kde-scm-interest] On Amarok Switching to Git
Ian Monroe
- Amarok Switching to Git: IRC Meeting (the getting stuff done thread)
Ian Monroe
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Ian Monroe
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Ian Monroe
- On Amarok Switching to Git
Ian Monroe
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Ian Monroe
- Switching to kde 4.2 libplasma
Ian Monroe
- Amarok Switching to Git: IRC Meeting (the getting stuff done thread)
Ian Monroe
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Ian Monroe
- Amarok Switching to Git: IRC Meeting (the getting stuff done thread)
Ian Monroe
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Ian Monroe
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Ian Monroe
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Ian Monroe
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Ian Monroe
- Endorsement
Ian Monroe
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Ian Monroe
- Endorsement
Ian Monroe
- Songbird also creating url-navigationy things..
Ian Monroe
- Summary of KDE 4.2 Release Party in Zurich
Ian Monroe
- Summary of KDE 4.2 Release Party in Zurich
Ian Monroe
- GitHub
Teo Mrnjavac
- GitHub
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Discussion on voting systems
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Tarball needed
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Songbird also creating url-navigationy things..
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
- Endorsement
- GitHub
Lydia Pintscher
- GitHub
Lydia Pintscher
- branching for 2.1
Lydia Pintscher
- Report from incorporation research committee
Lydia Pintscher
- Report from incorporation research committee
Lydia Pintscher
- go wild on trunk again ;-)
Lydia Pintscher
- Amarok vulnerabilities #1-4 (2nd try)
Lydia Pintscher
- Amarok vulnerabilities #1-4 (2nd try)
Lydia Pintscher
- backports and changelog
Lydia Pintscher
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Lydia Pintscher
- Switching to kde 4.2 libplasma
Lydia Pintscher
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Lydia Pintscher
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Lydia Pintscher
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Lydia Pintscher
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Lydia Pintscher
- Endorsement
Lydia Pintscher
- Endorsement
Lydia Pintscher
- Report from incorporation research committee
Seb Ruiz
- Amarok vulnerabilities #1-4 (2nd try)
Seb Ruiz
- Attn Teo: Refactoring of Token.{cpp,h}
Seb Ruiz
- Crash adding Last.fm applet
Seb Ruiz
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Seb Ruiz
- Ipod slowness
Seb Ruiz
- my git branches: acoustic fingerprinting and playlist generator
Seb Ruiz
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Seb Ruiz
- Discussion on voting systems
Seb Ruiz
- Discussion on voting systems
Seb Ruiz
- Tarball needed
Seb Ruiz
- Tarball needed
Seb Ruiz
- Patches for OpenSolaris
Seb Ruiz
- Switching to kde 4.2 libplasma
Seb Ruiz
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Seb Ruiz
- Summary of board- and voting-related discussions, and what comes next
Seb Ruiz
- Endorsement
Seb Ruiz
- Amarok Switching to Git: IRC Meeting (the getting stuff done thread)
Myriam Schweingruber
- Tarball needed
Myriam Schweingruber
- Tarball needed
Myriam Schweingruber
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Myriam Schweingruber
- Patch to fix autocompletion in tag dialog
Michael Seiwert
- 2.2 and an Amarok Sprint
Gary Steinert
- [PATCH] ReplayGain tags
Andrew Turner
- Ipod slowness
Alejandro Wainzinger
- Ipod slowness
Alejandro Wainzinger
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Alejandro Wainzinger
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Alejandro Wainzinger
- extragear/multimedia/amarok/src
Alejandro Daniel Wainzinger
- extragear/multimedia/amarok
Alejandro Daniel Wainzinger
- Songbird also creating url-navigationy things..
Scott Wheeler
- Ipod slowness
Daniel Winter
- [Kde-scm-interest] On Amarok Switching to Git
Thomas Zander
- Ipod slowness
unnamedrambler at gmail.com
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 14:08:04 CET 2009
Archived on: Sat Jan 31 14:08:46 CET 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).