Report from incorporation research committee

Leo Franchi lfranchi at
Thu Jan 8 00:56:03 CET 2009

On 7 Jan 2009, at 17:52, Seb Ruiz wrote:

> 2009/1/8 Leo Franchi <lfranchi at>:
>>    * Voters are contributors to the Amarok project who have shown
>> continued commitment to Amarok as a whole. This means very new
>> contributors do not have a vote until they have been around for a  
>> bit.
> We need a clearer definition than "a bit". eg, "at the discretion of
> the board" or "5 months"
>>    * People who have been active contributors for less than 1 year,
>> but have been continuously actively and engaged in the community  
>> since
>> then (e.g. some SoC students).
> Again, how do we define this.

Those two criteria were just to help us choose the initial list, we  
are not suggesting that there be a general set of criteria needed to  
be considered.

Once the initial list exists, each new contributor is voted in on a  
case-by-case basis like the KDE e.V. does it (so those points become  


Leo Franchi				(650) 704 3680
Tufts University 2010

lfranchi at
leonardo.franchi at

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