
Alejandro Daniel Wainzinger aikawarazuni at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 20:46:37 CET 2009

SVN commit 916188 by awainzinger:

libgpod 0.7.0?  Yes we can!  Notes:
- libgpod 0.6.0 will likely not compile with this, go upgrade to 0.7.0 final
- image size specified to libgpod generates strange gtk-related warnings at runtime, ignore them, showing artwork works
- setting artwork is still disabled, will get to this eventually
- CMake still not testing for version, since I still can't figure out how to make it do that and have it work right
CCMAIL: amarok-devel at kde.org

 M  +1 -1      CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +3 -60     src/collection/ipodcollection/handler/IpodHandler.cpp  

--- trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/CMakeLists.txt #916187:916188
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 macro_log_feature( GDK_FOUND "Gdk" "Support for artwork on iPod audio devices via GdkPixbuf" "http://developer.gnome.org/arch/imaging/gdkpixbuf.html" FALSE "2.0.x" "" )
-macro_log_feature( IPOD_FOUND "libgpod" "Support Apple iPod audio devices" "http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtkpod/" FALSE "0.6.0" "" )
+macro_log_feature( IPOD_FOUND "libgpod" "Support Apple iPod audio devices" "http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtkpod/" FALSE "0.7.0" "" )
 #macro_log_feature( MYSQL_FOUND "mysql" "Store Collection in a mysql database instead of a sqlite one" "http://www.mysql.com" FALSE "4.1.0" "" )
--- trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/src/collection/ipodcollection/handler/IpodHandler.cpp #916187:916188
@@ -1339,72 +1339,15 @@
     QFileInfo tempImageFileInfo( tempImageFile ); // get info for path
     QString tempImagePath = tempImageFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); // path
-    Itdb_Thumb *thumb = NULL;
     GdkPixbuf *gpixbuf = NULL;
-    QString thumbPath;
     // pull image out of ipod
+    // NOTE: 0x01 = has, 0x02 = has not
     if( ipodtrack->has_artwork == 0x01 )
-        // try small first
-        thumb = itdb_artwork_get_thumb_by_type ( ipodtrack->artwork, ITDB_THUMB_COVER_SMALL );
-        // then large if needed
-        if( thumb == NULL)
-        {
-            thumb = itdb_artwork_get_thumb_by_type ( ipodtrack->artwork, ITDB_THUMB_COVER_LARGE );
-        }
-        if( thumb != NULL)
-        {
-            gpixbuf = (GdkPixbuf*) itdb_thumb_get_gdk_pixbuf( m_device, thumb );
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            GList *thumbs = ipodtrack->artwork->thumbnails;
-            for(; thumbs; thumbs = thumbs->next)
-            {
-                Itdb_Thumb *curThumb = ( Itdb_Thumb * )thumbs->data;
-                if( curThumb == NULL)
-                    continue;
-                switch( curThumb->type )
-                {
-                    case ITDB_THUMB_PHOTO_SMALL:
-                        break;
-                    case ITDB_THUMB_PHOTO_LARGE:
-                        break;
-                    case ITDB_THUMB_PHOTO_FULL_SCREEN:
-                        break;
-                    case ITDB_THUMB_PHOTO_TV_SCREEN:
-                        break;
-                    case ITDB_THUMB_COVER_XLARGE:
-                        break;
-                    case ITDB_THUMB_COVER_MEDIUM:
-                        break;
-                    case ITDB_THUMB_COVER_SMEDIUM:
-                        break;
-                    case ITDB_THUMB_COVER_XSMALL:
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        break;
-                }
-                thumb = curThumb;
-                break;
-            }
-            if( thumb != NULL)
-            {
-                thumbPath = QString::fromUtf8( itdb_thumb_get_filename( m_device, thumb ) );
-                gpixbuf = (GdkPixbuf*) itdb_thumb_get_gdk_pixbuf( m_device, thumb );
-            }
-        }
+        gpixbuf = (GdkPixbuf*) itdb_artwork_get_pixbuf( m_device, ipodtrack->artwork, 50, 50 );
     if(gpixbuf != NULL)

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