Report from incorporation research committee

Erik Hovland erik at
Thu Jan 8 00:59:01 CET 2009

> ============
> Recommendation
> ============
> As both Tradebit and Magnatune (to take two examples) are incorporated
> in the United States, and given the relative size of the United States
> to Germany, if all other things are equal it would make more sense to
> allow tax-deductible donations from individuals or corporations from
> the United States. This would open us up to more potential funding. It
> seems that if we go with the SFC we basically have a very easy way to
> get these donations, while at the same time not impinging on our
> rights to decide what to do with our funds. Furthermore, this fits
> well with our plans to create a board as outlined above --- the board
> would simply be required to decide how to allocate funding, then the
> predetermined SFC contact (on the board) would request a reimbursement
> for the necessary amount.
> It is our preliminary recommendation that the Amarok project choose
> the SFC for managing its funds, while considering an additional
> second, German-based entity.

I see no problem w/ this plan. I have watched a few projects (some
not related to software) go non-profit in the US. And doing it yourself can
usually be a pain.

I am curious if SFC has any statement associated to if you want to
leave SFC. Especially on how your money goes w/ you if you do leave.

> That said, here is a preliminary list of voters that we feel confident
> about immediately including:
> Bart Cerneels
> Casey Link
> Dan Meltzer
> Greg Meyer
> Ian Monroe
> Jeff Mitchell
> Leinir Jensen
> Leo Franchi
> Lydia Pintscher
> Mark Kretschmann
> Maximilian Kossick
> Nikolaj Hald Nielsen
> Seb Ruiz
> Sven Krohlas

See what I get for taking a break from Amarok. I didn't make the initial
list. I guess I better get back to submitting more code! Just kidding, my
involvement has always been around the fringes.


Erik Hovland
erik at

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