November 2001 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 01:03:59 GMT 2001
Ending: Fri Nov 30 22:33:22 GMT 2001
Messages: 187
- No subject
- Switch problem - Kdevelop 2.0.1
James Allen
- canvas and KDE MDI problem
Ulysses Almeida
- exceptions
Roberto H. Alsina
- Set a widget(by QtDesigner) as the mainwidget of QMainWindow?
Roberto H. Alsina
- little problem with qt libs...
Fabrizio Ammollo
- [Fwd: Ich kann 3 Millionen Geschlechtpics handeln]
- configure scripts
Martin Bammer
- Simple feature suggestion
Morten Bendix
- Set a widget(by QtDesigner) as the mainwidget of QMainWindow?
Sven Bergner
- Problem with KDevelop 2.0 and creating an own project
Alexander Bierbrauer
- Problem with KDevelop 2.0 and creating an own project
Alexander Bierbrauer
- to the keyboard freaks
F at lk Brettschneider
- KDevelop crach
F at lk Brettschneider
- Kdevelop 2.0 and QT 3.0 final works ?
F at lk Brettschneider
- Request for improvement.
F at lk Brettschneider
- QTDesigner doesn't start
F at lk Brettschneider
- Snapshot and configure problem
F at lk Brettschneider
- kdevelop : Problem to print the online documentation.
F at lk Brettschneider
- ANNOUNCE: KDevelop 2.0.2 out now!
F at lk Brettschneider
- 'global functions' disappeared in 2.0.2
F at lk Brettschneider
- C/C++ projects don't work for suse 7.2, suse7.3 and upcoming kdevelop 2.0.2
Eva Brucherseifer
- C/C++ projects don't work for suse 7.2, suse7.3 and upcoming kdevelop 2.0.2
Eva Brucherseifer
- another problem in build system of C++ projects
Eva Brucherseifer
- exceptions in new c++ project with admin dir?
Eva Brucherseifer
- Bug in KDevelop 2.2.2 with Designer files (ui)
Eva Brucherseifer
- configure scripts
Otto Bruggeman
- Switch problem - Kdevelop 2.0.1
Bryan, Bill
- newbie question: need urgent help on how to include an assembly code file within a kde-develop project using c++?
Ivica Bukvic
- problem with creating pixmap that can be toggled by an external event (and more)
Ivica Bukvic
- problems creating a custom widget (all code is done, but getting a weird compile error)
Ivica Bukvic
- Makefile woes in Kdevelop (was problems creating custom widget)
Ivica Bukvic
- question regarding enabling libpthread in the configure
Ivica Bukvic
- Big Qthread vs. pthread and usleep problem
Ivica Bukvic
- Antw: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Big Qthread vs. pthread and usleepproblem
Ivica Bukvic
- exceptions and kdev
Israel Fernandez Cabrera
- exceptions
Israel Fernandez Cabrera
- templates
Israel Fernandez Cabrera
- templates
Israel Fernandez Cabrera
- templates
Israel Fernandez Cabrera
- templates
Israel Fernandez Cabrera
Mathieu Chouinard
- exceptions and kdev
Tim Colgate
- installing KDevelop
- customize syntax-highlighting
Christian Couder
- QTDesigner doesn't start
Christian Couder
- Antw: Re: [linux-audio-dev] Big Qthread vs. pthread and usleep problem
Andreas DUNKE
- [linux-audio-dev] Big Qthread vs. pthread and usleep problem
Paul Davis
- Installing C/C++ reference pages
- installing KDevelop
- Stopping the spam
- Three tips to make a good presentation
- problem with libtool or Makefile ("no input files")
Karl Ehr
- Fwd: KDevelop2.0 cant find my QT2.3 install
Matthew Fletcher
- Fwd: Help on KIO::file_copy()
- KDevelop and subdir
Pascal Francq
- templates
Pascal Francq
- templates
Pascal Francq
- templates
Pascal Francq
Thomas Fromm
- build the rpm
- exceptions
Thorsten Gecks
- bug,KDevelope
Anno v. Heimburg
- Big Qthread vs. pthread and usleep problem
Anno v. Heimburg
- Upgrading
Girard Henri
- trouble with kdevelop 2.0 and qt3
David M. Hirst
- customize syntax-highlighting
Maximilian Hrabowski
- kicker template
August Hörandl
- kicker template
August Hörandl
- bug,KDevelope
August Hörandl
- templates
August Hörandl
- make dist problems (
Shaun Jackman
- make dist problems (
Shaun Jackman
- KDevelop crach
Vitali Kakuzin
- Problem with KDevelop 2.0 and creating an own project
Tarjei Knapstad
- QTDesigner doesn't start - external programs
Tarjei Knapstad
- templates
Tarjei Knapstad
- customize syntax-highlighting
Roland Krause
- Kdevelop_hungups_with_kde_2.2.2_on_Mandrake_8.1
Roland Krause
- 'global functions' disappeared in 2.0.2
Jan Krueger
- Pronle with KDevelop and antialiased / truetype fonts
Bernd Lachner
- Bug in KDevelop 2.2.2 with Designer files (ui)
Bernd Lachner
- How can I change the compiler??
- build the rpm
- build the rpm
- lex or flex
- CVS config.
Craig Maloney
- Bug: Editor corrupts DOS-format files
Steve McAndrewSmith
- Stopping the spam
Sandy Meier
- Missing makefile to generate configure script
Sandy Meier
- Missing makefile to generate configure script
Sandy Meier
- How to edit KDE code?
M. Michno
- How to edit KDE code?
M. Michno
- KDE 2.0 and QT 3.0 beta 4 works together ?
Werner Modenbach
- Fw: KDE 2.0 and QT 3.0 beta 4 works together ?
Werner Modenbach
- Request for improvement.
Werner Modenbach
- Request for improvement.
Werner Modenbach
- kdevelop : Problem to print the online documentation.
Werner Modenbach
- little problem with qt libs...
Dieter Mummenschanz
- little problem with qt libs...
Dieter Mummenschanz
- little problem with qt libs...
Dieter Mummenschanz
- little problem with qt libs...
Dieter Mummenschanz
- little problem with qt libs...
Dieter Mummenschanz
- little problem with qt libs...
Dieter Mummenschanz
- compiling with gcc 3.0.2
Dieter Mummenschanz
- autoconf/make doesn't work
Rene Märten
- autoconf
Rene Märten
- Bug with KDevelop Class Viewer
René Märten
- little problem with qt libs...
René Märten
- little problem with qt libs...
René Märten
- little problem with qt libs...
René Märten
- AW: Stopping the spam
René Märten
- KDevelop & Qt Embedded problem
Steven Nakhla
- Q: CVS problems?
Heiko Nardmann
- How to edit KDE code?
Ralf Nolden
- ALS and Comdex pictures updated
Ralf Nolden
- Bug in KDevelop 2.2.2 with Designer files (ui)
Ralf Nolden
- Error in expanding dollar signs the kdevelop projectfile - Bugfix provided in mail body
Martin Pahl
- Bug in cprjoptionsdlg.cpp - Bugfix provided in enclose diff file
Martin Pahl
- Set a widget(by QtDesigner) as the mainwidget of QMainWindow?
Dung Patrick
- QListView questions
Dung Patrick
- drag and drop with QListView
Dung Patrick
- Snapshot and configure problem
- Writing to the parallel port as a normal user
- kdevelop : Problem to print the online documentation.
- Chardonnay and Smoked Salmon?
- working in a generated project by KDevelop
- adding translations
- and making merge
- traslation problems again
- working on a project download with cvs
- compiler, linker options and compiler warnings not enabled
- bug,KDevelope
Lars Raffel
- Missing makefile to generate configure script
Christian Rössel
- Missing makefile to generate configure script
Christian Rössel
- Missing makefile to generate configure script
Christian Rössel
- C/C++ projects don't work for suse 7.2, suse7.3 and upcoming kdevelop 2.0.2
Thorsten Schnebeck
- build the rpm
Ken Schrock
- QTDesigner doesn't start
Fred Schroeder
- QTDesigner doesn't start
Fred Schroeder
- Big Qthread vs. pthread and usleep problem (UPDATE)
Danny Shumock
- compiling kdevelop
Jeffrey Stephens
- cannot open file with errors
Gleb Stiblo
Juergen Suessmaier
- kicker template
Steven Suson
- C/C++ projects don't work for suse 7.2, suse7.3 and upcoming kdevelop 2.0.2
W. Tasin
- kicker template
W. Tasin
- kicker template
W. Tasin
- C/C++ projects don't work for suse 7.2, suse7.3 and upcoming kdevelop 2.0.2
W. Tasin
- C/C++ projects don't work for suse 7.2, suse7.3 and upcoming kdevelop 2.0.2
W. Tasin
- another problem in build system of C++ projects
W. Tasin
- managing library projects
W. Tasin
- exceptions and kdev
W. Tasin
- exceptions
W. Tasin
- exceptions
W. Tasin
- exceptions
W. Tasin
- question regarding enabling libpthread in the configure
W. Tasin
George Umia
George Umia
- templates
Miguel Angel de Vega
- managing library projects
Markus Wagner
- Writing to the parallel port as a normal user
Jacek Wojdel
- Crash when undocking output tools window
Simon Woodward
- little problem with qt libs...
Jens Zurheide
- little problem with qt libs...
Jens Zurheide
- KDE 2.0 and QT 3.0 beta 4 works together ?
- KDE 2.0 and QT 3.0 beta 4 works together ?
- Fw: KDE 2.0 and QT 3.0 beta 4 works together ?
- Fw: KDE 2.0 and QT 3.0 beta 4 works together ?
- Kdevelop 2.0 and QT 3.0 final works ?
- Kdevelop 2.0 and QT 3.0 final works ?
- trouble with kdevelop 2.0 and qt3
- questions relating to graphics programming
- QT Designer documentation
- Three tips to make a good presentation
rabger at
- Conference calls are safe
s.Gonzalez at
- Versandbest�tigung: Automatically generated error message
kdevelop at
- Copy and paste problem
- Crash with KDevelop 2.0.1 and 2.0.2
- Bug with KDevelop Class Viewer
- Kdevelop hungups with kde 2.2.2 on Mandrake 8.1
stoppa at
- compiling with gcc 3.0.2
oliver.kowalke at
- Ich bin betriebsbereit - ich fand, da� Geschlechtsite, wie Sie fragten
j_p_d at
- Ich kann 3 Millionen Geschlechtpics handeln
hot4jocs at
- GeschlechtErscheinen-KennwortZugriff Jennifer Phasen
hydro21048 at
- Limited Opportunity For Smart Investors
safeinvestment2002 at
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 22:33:22 GMT 2001
Archived on: Fri Nov 29 17:06:39 GMT 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).