November 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Nov 1 02:14:50 GMT 2003
Ending: Sun Nov 30 17:30:09 GMT 2003
Messages: 240
- Patch for review: mimetype detection and gzip encoded content
Dawit A.
- konq_history format
Peter Baker
- KMail&MozillaFirebird
Waldo Bastian
- [kde] KMail&MozillaFirebird
Waldo Bastian
- Patch for review: trailing bytes on gzip encoded http connections
Waldo Bastian
- Patch for review: mimetype detection and gzip encoded content
Waldo Bastian
- Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction
Waldo Bastian
- [PATCH] fullscreen mode support for konqueror
Waldo Bastian
- a return char in HREF shown as a space char
Waldo Bastian
- kdebase/kcontrol/konqhtml
Waldo Bastian
- [PATCH] Fix bug #64200 - form button
Sashmit Bhaduri
- KFileReplacePart? (was: Re: Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction)
Stephan Binner
- [patch] Bug 67956: opening a file in a background tab causes konqueror to become confused
Stephan Binner
- [patch] Bug 67956: opening a file in a background tab causes konqueror to become confused
Stephan Binner
- [patch] #58038: web-pages open in wrong tabs
Stephan Binner
- [patch] #57360 URLs with anchor - sometimes the position is not moved to the anchor
Stephan Binner
- Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction
Jonathan Brugge
- Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction
Jonathan Brugge
- Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction
Jonathan Brugge
- Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction
Jonathan Brugge
- a return char in HREF shown as a space char
- Icons Layout and Previews
Luís Pedro Coelho
- Icons Layout and Previews
Luís Pedro Coelho
- Icons Layout and Previews
Luís Pedro Coelho
- Icons Layout and Previews
Luís Pedro Coelho
- [patch + test-case] problems with stylesheets + ecma
Luís Pedro Coelho
- [patch + test-case] problems with stylesheets + ecma
Luís Pedro Coelho
- indigo ?
Luís Pedro Coelho
- [kde] KMail&MozillaFirebird
David Corbin
- KMail&MozillaFirebird
David Corbin
- Debugging classes with DOM::Node
David Faure
- [kde] KMail&MozillaFirebird
David Faure
- [kde] KMail&MozillaFirebird
David Faure
- konq_history format
David Faure
- Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction
David Faure
- popup for about:konqueror
David Faure
- Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction
David Faure
- Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction
David Faure
- KFileReplacePart? (was: Re: Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction)
David Faure
- KFileReplacePart? (was: Re: Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction)
David Faure
- Fwd: Features for futur Konqueror web browser
David Faure
- [patch] Bug 67956: opening a file in a background tab causes konqueror to become confused
David Faure
- Konqueror Context Specific Popup Menu
David Faure
- still hardly broken
David Faure
- Patch let applets/objects/embeds behave alike
David Faure
- Patch let applets/objects/embeds behave alike
David Faure
- khtmltests/regression/tests/ecma
David Faure
- konqueror sessions are not killed...
David Faure
- Patch let applets/objects/embeds behave alike
David Faure
- Fix for infinite loop in bidi.cpp
David Faure
- [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
David Faure
- [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
David Faure
- [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
David Faure
- Fwd: Re: [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
David Faure
- test_regression won't compile
David Faure
- test_regression won't compile
David Faure
- [patch] Bug 67956: opening a file in a background tab causes konqueror to become confused
David Faure
- [patch] #58038: web-pages open in wrong tabs
David Faure
- Fwd: Re: [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
David Faure
- unable to use PageDown
David Faure
- unable to use PageDown
David Faure
- unable to use PageDown
David Faure
- [patch] fix for "overflow: scroll" rendering errors
Germain Garand
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Germain Garand
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Germain Garand
- [new patch]
Germain Garand
- [patch] #65903: The   breaks align "justify"
Germain Garand
- [patch] unimplemented DOM method
Germain Garand
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Germain Garand
- [new patch]
Germain Garand
- [new patch]
Germain Garand
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Germain Garand
- [patch] Re: Crash into khtml::RenderBox::calcWidth()
Germain Garand
- [new patch]
Germain Garand
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Germain Garand
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Germain Garand
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Germain Garand
- test_regression won't compile
Germain Garand
- [patch] #67453/#68504 js induced crashes on disabling/enabling <link> elements
Germain Garand
- [patch] #55065: background image is limited to window-size
Germain Garand
- [despammed] Re: Future of khtml widgets
Esben Mose Hansen
- a return char in HREF shown as a space char
CP Hennessy
- unable to use PageDown
- css problem (with reduction) / how to report crashes
Michael Jahn
- Hope this is the right list.
Todd Jordan
- Disabling loader_jpeg
Martijn Klingens
- Patch proxy widget rendering and plugins
Lars Knoll
- [patch] fixing 64604
Stephan Kulow
- CSS problem
Stephan Kulow
- Fixing shorthand background:
Stephan Kulow
- Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction
Stephan Kulow
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Stephan Kulow
- css problem (with reduction) / how to report crashes
Stephan Kulow
- indigo ?
Stephan Kulow
- 4 bugs in Konqueror, with testcases
Stephan Kulow
- [new patch]
Stephan Kulow
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Stephan Kulow
- Weird output when "ms sans serif" font is used
Stephan Kulow
- Weird output when "ms sans serif" font is used
Stephan Kulow
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Stephan Kulow
- [patch] fixing #67348
Stephan Kulow
- Problem with Konqueror and iframes
Stephan Kulow
- css bug
Stephan Kulow
- patch to fix
Stephan Kulow
- [patch] fixing DLs in P
Stephan Kulow
- kde-devel Digest, Vol 8, Issue 99
Stephan Kulow
- kde-devel Digest, Vol 8, Issue 99
Stephan Kulow
- test_regression won't compile
Stephan Kulow
- test_regression won't compile
Stephan Kulow
- how to identify the konqueror main-window?
Robert Linden
- Disabling loader_jpeg
Lubos Lunak
- how to identify the konqueror main-window?
Lubos Lunak
- [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
Lubos Lunak
- [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
Lubos Lunak
- [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
Lubos Lunak
- Fwd: Re: [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
Lubos Lunak
- Accept header in image requests
Niek van der Maas
- Frames in KHTML
Andras Mantia
- Debugging classes with DOM::Node
Andras Mantia
- Debugging classes with DOM::Node
Andras Mantia
- Debugging classes with DOM::Node
Andras Mantia
- KFileReplacePart? (was: Re: Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction)
Andras Mantia
- Quanta crash in KHTML
Andras Mantia
- 4 bugs in Konqueror, with testcases
Andras Mantia
- 4 bugs in Konqueror, with testcases
Andras Mantia
- Keyboard navigation error in today's Konqueror
Andras Mantia
- Konqueror & application/x-php
Andras Mantia
- setMediaType
Luciano Montanaro
- Konqueror Context Specific Popup Menu
Laurent Montel
- Crash into khtml::RenderBox::calcWidth()
Laurent Montel
- Crash into khtml::RenderBox::calcWidth()
Laurent Montel
- [patch] Re: Crash into khtml::RenderBox::calcWidth()
Laurent Montel
- Patch to allow access to KHTMLPart's KJS::Interpreter
Richard Moore
- help embedding KDE application inside java application
Richard Moore
- help embedding KDE application inside java application
Richard Moore
- Idea for new Sidebar in Konqueror
Fabrice Mous
- unable to use PageDown
Christian Mueller
- Disabling loader_jpeg
Dirk Mueller
- Disabling loader_jpeg
Dirk Mueller
- Debugging classes with DOM::Node
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] fix for "overflow: scroll" rendering errors
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Dirk Mueller
- [patch + test-case] problems with stylesheets + ecma
Dirk Mueller
- [PATCH for Review] Fix signed-unsigned compilation warning in cssstyleselector.cpp
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] removing side-effects
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] real fix for positioning caret
Dirk Mueller
- [new patch]
Dirk Mueller
- Crash into khtml::RenderBox::calcWidth()
Dirk Mueller
- Patch proxy widget rendering and plugins
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] #65903: The   breaks align "justify"
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] unimplemented DOM method
Dirk Mueller
- [new patch]
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] Re: Crash into khtml::RenderBox::calcWidth()
Dirk Mueller
- Future of khtml widgets
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] #63348 Konqueror looses style sheets on and
Dirk Mueller
- [PATCH] 'sending unencrypted data' warning dialog regressions
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] fixing DLs in P
Dirk Mueller
- [patch] #67453/#68504 js induced crashes on disabling/enabling <link> elements
Dirk Mueller
- Patch for borders and padding in a span
James Ots
- Bug 68213 thoughts...
James Ots
- kde-devel Digest, Vol 8, Issue 99
James Ots
- test_regression won't compile
James Ots
- test_regression won't compile
James Ots
- test_regression won't compile
James Ots
- [patch] Cannot display embedded svg images if 'type' is specified
Adrian Page
- [patch] Cannot display embedded svg images if 'type' is specified
Adrian Page
- Qt compilation problems
Samuel Penn
- konq_history format
Carsten Pfeiffer
- test_regression won't compile
Harri Porten
- test_regression won't compile
Harri Porten
- test_regression won't compile
Harri Porten
- help embedding KDE application inside java application
S.Thanga Prakash
- help on kanossa
S.Thanga Prakash
- problem with J2SE_PREEMPTCLSOE setting for KDE application
S.Thanga Prakash
- kfmclient --caption problem
S.Thanga Prakash
- Disabling loader_jpeg
Zack Rusin
- Disabling loader_jpeg
Zack Rusin
- Disabling loader_jpeg
Zack Rusin
- Small kjs value reference patch
Zack Rusin
- Debugging classes with DOM::Node
Zack Rusin
- popup for about:konqueror
Leo Savernik
- Quanta crash in KHTML
Leo Savernik
- [patch] removing side-effects
Leo Savernik
- [patch] real fix for positioning caret
Leo Savernik
- 4 bugs in Konqueror, with testcases
Leo Savernik
- JS problem on real world website
Thorsten Schnebeck
- Problem with Konqueror and iframes
Dave Seff
- Problem with Konqueror and iframes
Dave Seff
- Problem with Konqueror and iframes
Dave Seff
- CSS problem
- Important CSS bug
- Event filtering
- khtml printing. How to scale or print full size?
- KMail&MozillaFirebird
- [kde] KMail&MozillaFirebird
- Important CSS bug
- a return char in HREF shown as a space char
- Future of khtml widgets
- Future of khtml widgets
- (no subject)
Richard Spindler
- Idea for new Sidebar in Konqueror
Richard Spindler
- Diskussion on Konqueror on kde-usability
Richard Spindler
- Konqueror sidebar rendering problem.
Paul Sprakes
- Patch let applets/objects/embeds behave alike
George Staikos
- Fix for infinite loop in bidi.cpp
George Staikos
- konqueror sessions are not killed...
Whitehawk Stormchaser
- konqueror sessions are not killed...
Whitehawk Stormchaser
- css bug
Whitehawk Stormchaser
- still hardly broken
Pavel Troller
- indigo ?
Pavel Troller
- indigo ?
Pavel Troller
- help embedding KDE application inside java application
Koos Vriezen
- help embedding KDE application inside java application
Koos Vriezen
- help embedding KDE application inside java application
Koos Vriezen
- [patch] Cannot display embedded svg images if 'type' is specified
Koos Vriezen
- [patch] Cannot display embedded svg images if 'type' is specified
Koos Vriezen
- Patch proxy widget rendering and plugins
Koos Vriezen
- Javascript for nspluginviewer
Koos Vriezen
- Javascript for nspluginviewer
Koos Vriezen
- Patch let applets/objects/embeds behave alike
Koos Vriezen
- Patch let applets/objects/embeds behave alike
Koos Vriezen
- Patch let applets/objects/embeds behave alike
Koos Vriezen
- khtmltests/regression/tests/ecma
Koos Vriezen
- konqueror sessions are not killed...
Koos Vriezen
- [patch] Cannot display embedded svg images if 'type' is specified
Koos Vriezen
- Patch proxy widget rendering and plugins
Koos Vriezen
- Patch let applets/objects/embeds behave alike
Koos Vriezen
- unable to use PageDown
Koos Vriezen
- Icons Layout and Previews
Benoit Walter
- Icons Layout and Previews
Benoit Walter
- Icons Layout and Previews
Benoit Walter
- Icons Layout and Previews
Benoit Walter
- PATCH: Fix broken behavior of Konqueror's combobox
kdelists at
- Weird output when "ms sans serif" font is used
ismail (cartman) donmez
- [PATCH for Review] Fix signed-unsigned compilation warning in cssstyleselector.cpp
ismail 'cartman' dönmez
- Weird output when "ms sans serif" font is used
ismail 'cartman' dönmez
- Small kjs value reference patch
porten at
- wish report
benjamin papet
- (no subject)
Игор Ђурић
Last message date:
Sun Nov 30 17:30:09 GMT 2003
Archived on: Mon Sep 28 10:25:55 BST 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).