css problem (with reduction) / how to report crashes

Michael Jahn michael.linux at web.de
Tue Nov 18 15:39:39 GMT 2003

The attached html is a reduction of a problem which misrenders at least [1] 
and [2]. If you go to [1] there is a menu on the left with the items "Mein 
Konto", "Meine Sparkasse" and so on. Hovering over them gives you a sub-menu.  
However the sub-menu and the main link "Mein Konto" disappear immediately.
I reduced this to position:absolute and a little css. If you open the attached 
file and hover over the link, it disappears, whereas it is still visible in 
Mozilla 1.4 and IE 5.5.
By either removing the position:absolute or the css, the site works as 

I have another question, completely unrelated to this bug.What is the policy 
about reporting crashes? Should I report every single crash with a backtrace 
to bugs.kde.org? Since konqueror seems to crash pretty often, this would 
result in a lot of bug reports. Or is it better to mail these to kfm-devel? 
Or just forget about them and hope they will be fixed?

Thanks in advance
Michael Jahn

[1]: www.berliner-sparkasse.de
[2]: www.s-bahn-berlin.de - you have to search for a connection

CVS 20031116 compiled from sources
gcc 3.3.2
glibc 2.2.5
linux kernel 2.4.22-ck2
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