Idea for new Sidebar in Konqueror

Fabrice Mous fabricemous at
Mon Nov 3 12:36:45 GMT 2003

On Monday 03 November 2003 09:11, Richard Spindler wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry, I forgot to add a subject line to my Message
> Here is it again
> Richard Spindler


this is my first message to both kfm-devel and kde-usability so
please excuse if my comments und ideas are stupid, I startet
reading these lists today :)

this is a mockup-screenshot, of an enhanced Konquerer Sidepanel.
The Sidebar Tabs are labeled, because I think the Icons alone are
often misleading.
The 'Computer'-Tab is opened, because it's Design is very different to
the Konqueror as it exists today.
it features serveral big entries, one for the Home-Folder, one for
every removable Media, the same for mounted DOS/Windows Harddrives,
and one for the Root-Folder.
I admit that I do not like tree-widgets, but I know some persons
who do like them, therefore I proposed a feature that I think makes
everyone happy :)
Every big entry has a small [+] Button, that opens a tree of the
chosen folder.

Some Words about a possible implementation of this sidepanel. I think
it's neccessary to provide some 'magic'-code that scans fstab and
creates the initial entries. But I think it should be configurable too,
because some People (like me) use kernelpatches like supermount(automatic
mounting and unmounting of removable media) and every sort of magic-code
will most likely fail to detect such mount-points in a proper way.
There should also be an easy way to configure the sidepanel systemwide,
because non-root users are probably not familiar with UNIX-style mount-
points and stuff.

I hope you like this ideas

Richard Spindler

Fabrice Mous
Jabber ID: fab at ~~ fabricemous at ~~ fabrice at ~~ fabricemous at

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