Crash in KonqMostOftenURLSAction

Jonathan Brugge jonathan_brugge at
Thu Nov 13 12:21:53 GMT 2003

I've got a bug that shows up in the last CVS-builds I made - don't know the 
exact time it appeared, but probably a few weeks ago at most. Since then I 
rebuilt kdelibs and kdebase a few times, but the problem stayed. I get the 
following backtrace:

0x410d030e in waitpid () from /lib/tls/
#0  0x410d030e in waitpid () from /lib/tls/
#1  0x407a8734 in KCrash::defaultCrashHandler(int) (sig=11) at kcrash.cpp:246
#2  <signal handler called>
#3  0x414eff96 in KonqMostOftenURLSAction::slotFillMenu() (this=0xa6120a0)
    at qstring.h:886
#4  0x414ef9f9 in KonqMostOftenURLSAction (this=0xa6120a0, text=@0x780070, 
    parent=0x780070, name=0x780070 <Address 0x780070 out of bounds>)
#5  0x41516ece in KonqMainWindow::initActions() (this=0xa607360)
#6  0x414fd074 in KonqMainWindow (this=0xa607360, initialURL=@0xbfffe6f0, 
    openInitialURL=false, name=0x780070 <Address 0x780070 out of bounds>)
#7  0x414de754 in KonqMisc::createBrowserWindowFromProfile(QString const&, 
QString const&, KURL const&, KParts::URLArgs const&, bool) (path=@0xbfffe840, 
    filename=@0xbfffe860, url=@0xbfffec10, args=@0xbfffec38, 
    forbidUseHTML=false) at
#8  0x414de211 in KonqMisc::createNewWindow(KURL const&, KParts::URLArgs 
const&, bool) (url=@0xbfffec10, args=@0x780070, forbidUseHTML=false)
#9  0x41506b08 in KonqMainWindow::slotCreateNewWindow(KURL const&, 
KParts::URLArgs const&) (this=0x780070, url=@0xbfffec10, args=@0xbfffec38)
#10 0x41504ca9 in KonqMainWindow::slotOpenURLRequest(KURL const&, 
KParts::URLArgs const&) (this=0x81258c8, url=@0xbfffec10, args=@0xbfffec38)
#11 0x41525fae in KonqMainWindow::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) (this=0x81258c8, 
    _id=82, _o=0xbfffeb60) at qucom_p.h:312
#12 0x40b80c0c in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#13 0x4004ab17 in KParts::BrowserExtension::openURLRequestDelayed(KURL const&, 
KParts::URLArgs const&) (this=0xa5c3400, t0=@0x780070, t1=@0x780070)
    at browserextension.moc:289
#14 0x40049861 in KParts::BrowserExtension::slotEmitOpenURLRequestDelayed() (
    this=0xa5c3400) at browserextension.cpp:481
#15 0x4004bca2 in KParts::BrowserExtension::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) (
    this=0xa5c3400, _id=4, _o=0xbfffed40) at browserextension.moc:554
#16 0x41862d73 in KHTMLPartBrowserExtension::qt_invoke(int, QUObject*) (
    this=0xa5c3400, _id=4, _o=0xbfffed40) at khtml_ext.moc:130
#17 0x40b80c0c in QObject::activate_signal(QConnectionList*, QUObject*) ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#18 0x40e9838a in QSignal::signal(QVariant const&) ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#19 0x40b9a6d6 in QSignal::activate() ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#20 0x40ba1d63 in QSingleShotTimer::event(QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#21 0x40b2544f in QApplication::internalNotify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#22 0x40b24a5b in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#23 0x406fd25f in KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) (this=0xbffff5c0, 
    receiver=0x8164f08, event=0xbffff0e0) at kapplication.cpp:509
#24 0x40b14fb5 in QEventLoop::activateTimers() ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#25 0x40ad1b6d in QEventLoop::processEvents(unsigned) ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#26 0x40b38c28 in QEventLoop::enterLoop() ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#27 0x40b38ad8 in QEventLoop::exec() () 
from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#28 0x40b256a1 in QApplication::exec() ()
   from /usr/src/qt-copy/lib/
#29 0x414b7f7c in kdemain (argc=7864432, argv=0x780070) at
#30 0x408af906 in kdeinitmain (argc=7864432, argv=0x780070)
#31 0x0804cc66 in launch (argc=3, _name=0x806082c "konqueror", 
    args=0x8060877 "", cwd=0x0, envc=0, envs=0x806087b "", reset_env=false, 
    tty=0x0, avoid_loops=false, 
    startup_id_str=0x780070 <Address 0x780070 out of bounds>) at kinit.cpp:597
#32 0x0804e131 in handle_launcher_request (sock=7) at kinit.cpp:1094
#33 0x0804e629 in handle_requests (waitForPid=0) at kinit.cpp:1265
#34 0x0804f522 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbffffce4, envp=0x780070)
    at kinit.cpp:1686

Note the 'out of bounds'-message in #4, which probably causes slotFillMenu() 
to make problems. I can't reproduce the crash reliably, but it happens quite 
often - like once an hour or more. It always happens when I click a link and 
I do have the idea that it shows more often (only?) when the link points to 
another host ( =>, nog => I'm not sure about that last part, though. Looking 
at the backtrace, it's more likely that the problem shows up when a link 
opens in a new window. I could get it to crash once when I looked at Go -> 
Most Often Visited, but I just tried that again and this time, it just 
behaves like it should.

Version info:
- Debian GNU/Linux Sid (Linux 2.6.0-test9)
- GCC 3.3.2
- KDE-CVS (about two days old)

If I can do anything to help solve this problem, I'll gladly help. Since I 
haven't seen many reports out there about problems like this (Google doesn't 
return anything usable), the problem might as well be on my side.

Jonathan Brugge

P.S.: I believe that crashes like these in CVS-builds should be posted to the 
list instead of being placed in Bugzilla, isn't it? If not, I'll report it 

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