September 2000 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Sep 1 07:01:08 BST 2000
Ending: Sat Sep 30 13:20:36 BST 2000
Messages: 131
- kdevelop 1.2 and Qt -2.2.0beta2 again resolved
Viktor Kovacevic
- Internationalization Problem (V1.2)
Sven Bauhan
- Internationalization Problem (V1.2)
Sven Bergner
- Internationalization Problem (V1.2)
Sven Bauhan
- Internationalization Problem (V1.2)
Richard Moore
- kdevelop project?
Dan Clemmensen
- kdevelop project?
Frank Nichols
- KDevelop 2
Matthias Belitz
- KDevelop 2
Christian Couder
- Compiling problems with KDE2-mini
Oliver Henning
- Compiling problems with KDE2-mini
Thomas Regner
- Compiling problems with KDE2-mini
Matthias Belitz
- Compiling problems with KDE2-mini
Andreas Schlapbach
- Compiling problems with KDE2-mini
Oliver Henning
- File Format for KDevelop 2.0
Sandy Meier
- KDevelop 2
Sandy Meier
- KDevelop 2
Matthias Belitz
- File Format for KDevelop 2.0
ian reinhart geiser
- ChangeLog on
Van Hecke, Philippe
- ChangeLog on
Christian Couder
- Request for help
Benjamin Meyer
- KDevelop 2
Matthias Belitz
- KDevelop 2
Van Hecke, Philippe
- KDevelop 2
Ralf Nolden
- ChangeLog on
Van Hecke, Philippe
- ChangeLog on
Martin Piskernig
- Request for help
Christian Couder
- KDevelop 2
John Birch
- K Develp 1.2 c program project "hello world" error with KDE 2
Trevor Hall
- KDE2normal template updated
Ralf Nolden
- KDevelop 2
Sandy Meier
- File Format for KDevelop 2.0
Sandy Meier
- Latest KDE beta RPM's (OT)
Steven Suson
- KDevelop can't find Qt library
Andreas Schlapbach
- Request for help
August Hörandl
- C/C++ reference manual as PS/PDF file?
Heiko Nardmann
- compiling snapshots - how?
Heiko Nardmann
- compiling snapshots - how?
Martin Kavec
- compiling snapshots - how?
Ralf Nolden
- compiling snapshots - how?
Christian Couder
- C/C++ reference manual as PS/PDF file?
Ralf Nolden
- compiling snapshots - how?
Ralf Nolden
- linking inserted files instead of copying?
Heiko Nardmann
- completion of structure members?
Heiko Nardmann
- missing files appwizardbase.* in snapshot 0905
Marko Mikulicic
- C/C++ reference manual as PS/PDF file?
- RES: linking inserted files instead of copying?
- kde2 & kdevelop
Dirk Engelmann
- -fno-rtti?
Pau Estalella
- SuSE 7.0 and KDE2
- SuSE 7.0 and KDE2
Ken Brakey
- A newbie question, looking for a starting point
festus at
- A newbie question, looking for a starting point
Ray A. Akey
- A newbie question, looking for a starting point
Christian Couder
- kde2 templates
August Hörandl
- A newbie question, looking for a starting point
Trisnadi Sutrisno
- kde2 templates
Ralf Nolden
- KDE2 -> creating class documentation
Matthias Belitz
- SuSE 7.0 and KDE2
Gunnar Stahl
- Porting to KDE2
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- Porting to KDE2
Bernd Gehrmann
- XML Probs (Off Topic)
Richard Moore
- Porting to KDE2
Richard Moore
- Porting to KDE2
Andreas Schlapbach
- Bug ??? found with internal debugger and OpenGL ...
czgda at
- Bug ??? found with internal debugger (2 ) and OpenGL more specifi c ...
czgda at
- Bug ??? found with internal debugger and OpenGL ...
John Birch
- Commiting build fixes for KDevelop?
Yves Arrouye
- Commiting build fixes for KDevelop?
Bernd Gehrmann
- I´m on vacation
Ralf Nolden
- I´m on vacation
- I´m on vacation
Ivan Martinez
- I´m on vacation
Ralf Nolden
- I´m on vacation
Ralf Nolden
- [Fwd: Majordomo results: (no subject)]
Nick Hudson
- I´m on vacation
Bernd Gehrmann
- KDevelop on kmLinux distribution for schools
Ralf Nolden
- I´m on vacation
Ralf Nolden
- Messed up problem with ./configure
Geiser, Ian
- Suggestion
- Messed up problem with ./configure
Matthias Belitz
- Suggestion
Matthias Belitz
- Fw: Suggestion
Matthias Belitz
- Fw: Messed up problem with ./configure
Matthias Belitz
- Fw: Messed up problem with ./configure
Geiser, Ian
- Fw: Messed up problem with ./configure
Matthias Belitz
- Fw: Erro in Building
Graham Haggar
- Fw: Erro in Building
Graham Haggar
- Bug report
Ron Liu
- [Fwd: Majordomo results: (no subject)]
Leendert Meyer
- need of src and example directories for library project
Achim Spangler
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
Gordon Tyler
- kdk-1.21?
Steven Suson
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
Geiser, Ian
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
Geiser, Ian
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
Geiser, Ian
- kdevelop doesn't do anything
Dick Balaska
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
Falk Brettschneider
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
Falk Brettschneider
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
Gordon Tyler
- kdk-1.21?
Gordon Tyler
- kdk-1.21?
Christian Couder
- kdk-1.21?
Gordon Tyler
- kdk-1.21?
Sandy Meier
- KVim integration?
Heiko Nardmann
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
John Birch
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
John Birch
- kdk-1.21?
Steven Suson
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
John Birch
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
John Birch
Randy Eckenrode
- kdevelop under Winxx ?
Werner Modenbach
- kdevelop under Winxx ?
Falk Brettschneider
- kdevelop under Winxx ?
Werner Modenbach
- KVim integration?
John Birch
- compile error
Erik Hjelmås
- compile error
William DeVore
- Problem with setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
William DeVore
- Back home again
Ralf Nolden
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
Frank Nichols
- Back home again
Steven Suson
- Back home again
Ralf Nolden
- Back home again
Ralf Nolden
- Back home again
John Birch
- Back home again
Falk Brettschneider
- Back home again
Ralf Nolden
- KDevelop 1 build (and building KDE1 apps under KDE2)
Gordon Tyler
- how to tell configure to use old libqt? WORKAROUND
- compile error
Erik Hjelmås
- kdevelop doesn't do anything
Dick Balaska
- kdevelop doesn't do anything
Sandy Meier
Last message date:
Sat Sep 30 13:20:36 BST 2000
Archived on: Fri Nov 29 17:06:33 GMT 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).