kdevelop under Winxx ?

Werner Modenbach modenbach at alc.de
Wed Sep 27 07:40:42 BST 2000

Does anybody know if there is a way to make kdevelop work on a Winxx machine?

We use kdevelop with great pleasure on Linux but we have to do a lot of
development under Winxx to. It would be great to get rid of VisualC++ because
it is to much related to the foundation classes. Also it would be nice to have
the same tool for all developers.

- Werner -

BTW: Does anyboby know if g++ is able to create DOS .exe files?  :-)) We still
need them for microcontroller applications.

Werner Modenbach		 modenbach at alc.de
ALC Computertechnik GmbH	 http://www.alc.de

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