Porting to KDE2

Richard Moore rich at ipso-facto.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Sep 12 00:20:39 BST 2000

It is generally pretty simple, I have ported several apps
over the course of the last few weeks. We are planning to
offer an official help line for apps developers after the
release, but in the mean time feel free to ask me anything
about this. In fact, if you tell me about the app (eg. where
I can get the code) I am happy to talk you through the process.

Step one is generally to take the source directory of the app
and drop it into the KDE 2 configure script template. Then
re-run Makefile.cvs, configure etc. Finally type make, you
will get a bunch of errors. Most of these are fixable in seconds
(when you know the corresponding function) and a very basic
port can be done in minutes. Doing a full port that uses the
new facilities takes a bit longer, but with well designed apps
it is still something that can be done in a few hours.



Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there somewhere a tutorial on HowTo port applications from KDE1 to 2?
> I know there are notes on the trolls site for porting to Qt2. But I don't
> know where to start with my (modest) app.
> Thanks for any hint!
> Anne-Marie
> a-m.mahfouf at lineone.net

     Richard Moore		rich at ipso-facto.freeserve.co.uk
http://www.robocast.com/	richard at robocast.com
http://developer.kde.org/	rich at kde.org

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